[10/8/13] : Random Stuff to Talk About || Random Blog

Hi guys!

O u O

School starts next Thursday. OTL Someone hep me. Q-Q

I dun like school, especially since I haven't finished my homework yet. ^^;

So anyways, besides school. I wanted to ask you all - how're you all doing? I'm doing well, despite the fact that those certain times still hit me like a train. Bleh.

So, um, yeah. The social networks.

Tumblr: http://desiredsecretsrevealed.tumblr.com/

Twitter (for story updates, though): https://twitter.com/_oneuniqueyou

...I think that's all I'll give you. I ain't gonna give you guys me facebook. Unless you look for it and find me. o_o

I also wanted to say that I made another account on here~ I won't be giving you the name for one reason; I want you to find me. Whoever does, I'll write a one-shot for 'em, just because I feel like it. There won't be a limit on how many people. c:

So yerp...have fun with life.

Until the next blog!


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yayy! Another tumblr user :)) will follow you once i get back to my computer ehehe