나비 소녀 ♧ BUTTERFLY GIRL ♧ Choi Sooyeon

 butterfly girl

application form

 It's Me

Username: KoreanGal5

Name: Umma Soul

Nivel of Activity: 10점 만점에 10점 


That One Person You:

Name: 최수연 Choi Sooyeon || 静子 ("quiet one") Shizuko || 淑 ("kind, gentle") Shu


  • 엄마 Umma (by those younger than her || all the time)
  • 연이 Yeonnie (by her guyfriends || often but not always)

Age: 21

Date of Birth: May 17, 1992

Nationality: Korean-Japanese

Place of Birth: Suzu, Japan

Hometown: Suwan, Korea

Languages: fluent - Korean, Japanese ; semi-fluent - Mandarin, English

Blood Type: AB


Angel/Into Your World

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 57 kg

Faceclaim: Park Sooyeon

Appearence links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

Backup faceclaim: Park Jihyun

Backup links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 

Style: Off-stage, Sooyeon usually wears comfortable clothes period. Nothing revealing, no heels even though she's short, etc. She will wear skirts and dresses, but most of the time she sticks to a pair of jeans and a shirt. She wears very simple outfits with silver jewelry, especially this ring on her right index finger from her parents. However, onstage, Sooyeon just wears whatever is given to her. Even if she hates it, she tends to simply stare at it a moment longer than she should and wear it since it was given to her. She doesn't have a specific 'style.'

  • one pair of ear piercings
  • dimple only on left when smiling
  • star-shaped birthmark on collarbone
  • crescent-shaped scar on lower left stomach


You are the Best

[Silence is golden.] Whether it is complaints, comments, or just common conversation, Sooyeon does not speak often. More than speaking, she is known for listening to people, no matter the topic and her own opinion. She first listens, observes, then reacts accordingly depending on the situation. She rarely speaks at all and usually only speaks in answer to other things. However, when she feels the need to speak, people listen since she never speaks without reason. She speaks succinctly and honestly and at times she can hurt a person's feelings, but she is simply saying things as how she sees it. Even though it may hurt the other person, she is a firm believer that it is better to be hurt by the truth than to be content in lies. She remains calm in all situations, even at the most random and devastating of times, and will rarely be taken off-guard. In the cases she is taken by surprise, she quickly assesses what is going on and reacts accordingly. More importantly, her serenity and silence add to her observation skills and optimize them for her benefit.
[It's not what you see but how you interpret it.] No matter what the circumstances, her observation skills are always there to help her understand the situation better. From years of practicing fighting, she has developed an uncanny ability to read body language, which she uses along with her logic, knowledge, experiences, and logic to formulate opinions and to deem what actions are appropriate and inappropriate. She is also a genius at not only understanding people but also the situation around her and she never ignores even the smallest of facts she picks up. However, she also does not take all words and actions at face-value and has learned to tell between fact, fiction, and only partially true rumors. She can tell when a person is simply joking or being serious, but also considers that it may also just be an opinion. Regardless, her observation skills are not to be doubted and though she may be dense to certain things, such as love for example, she is in no way an idiot about other matters and will not tolerate being treated like one.
[Don't be such a child.] Despite her looks that constantly have people mistaken her for a child, she is very mature even for her age. She knows what to do in different situations and though she does not know how to tell an atmosphere-lifting joke on purpose, she definitely knows how to take a joke or accept some teasing instead of taking it offensively. She can also tell when and how she should break up any incoming fights, always the voice of reason in such situations. She always has a word or two of advice when asked and will never spill a secret that was not meant to be said. With her observational skills, she can tell when people are upset or uncomfortable and she is not afraid to play the bad guy to get them out or to help them relieve stress, even if they may hate her more than be grateful to her later on. As a result, her friends and especially her groupmates call her Umma. Of course she isn't completely a mother - more objective than subjective and definitely a damper on a party mood, but she's the first with her hand out to help people and responsible.
[We are all equals here.] She is very respectful to people even if they are younger and/or newer than her and remains so even to people others do not care about. She addresses people politely and even though she's shorter, always matches people's eyes when speaking with them. She is very direct and even if she has something offensive to say, apologizes in advance before speaking in such cases. She is especially good at matching her eye level with children and people few others tolerate - the loud and/or annoying ones. She is very patient with people and will wait for hours, even days if she must. She never holds a grudge and is the kind of person who never acts violently or raises her voice even when upset and has a tendency to hold back any negative feelings she feels. However, when she is upset, most people who suffer her wrath tend to wish she would just physically attack them to make her point rather than live with the humiliating memory she leaves instead. Regardless, she is definitely one who can make others feel at ease.
[Haters to the left.] Perhaps partially because of her eccentric mother or because of her mature personality, she's quite expressionless most of the time. However, though she's blank-faced most of the time, there are times when her face will light up in such a way that make people breathless or her brows will furrow in such a way that trouble is sure to follow soon after. She is expressionless mostly, but not without them, just rare with them and those close to her can differentiate all of her expressions. However, as a result, she looks unapproachable and rumors circulate about her icy nature. Also, her silence and advanced fighting skills make her appear haughty. In accordance, several people believe her politeness with others is her way of mocking people. Her maturity and observation skills make other uncomfortable at times as does her habit of matching people in the eye while talking as it makes her come off as nosy and/or unnervingly bold. Regardless, not everyone see her personality as a bad thing or believes in the rumors.
[Why am I on the big screen?] Being a quiet person, Sooyeon is not exactly the first person you'd expect to see on TV, talking or the like. Quite honestly, besides music programs, she rarely appears without another one of her members to fill up the silence she leaves aka talk since she rarely does. The company and other people quickly found that just because she was on film did not mean she talked more. In fact, she seemed to talk even less since the people around her filled the atmosphere with conversation. As a result, most variety shows she goes on don't involve talking. They involve music (like Immortal Song 2) or involve something physical. (Master at four fighting styles did you know?) Dream Team? Sure. Running Man? Fun. Laws of the Jungle? Perfect. She is known not to have the craziest or most fans, but the most loyal and from both genders equally. Her image is of the unshakeable leader - honest and quiet, but always present and the one who keeps the girls in line when they step out. Besides musically and physically, she's also known for being a good actress.


  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • doesn't drink coffee
  • hums while cooking
  • has an internal clock
  • has a huge sweet tooth
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • touches her ear when lying
  • her lips when focusing
  • covers when laughing
  • won't take selca along ; will with others
  • calls people by real name ; not nickname/stage name
  • can easily remember anything heard, read, or seen once
  • knows kendo, judo, taekwondo, and boxing from parents
  • younger artists (Ex: Akdong Musician, Lee Hi, 15&) adore her 


Back in Time

Life Background
She was born in Suzu, Japan during her parents' honeymoon - yes, her mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, she was a rather quiet baby. Her parents brought her up as if they were friends or siblings rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. When she was younger, one of the newer kids at kendo was trying to show off while his parents were talking to the Sooyeon's and was swinging around a real sword that was used as a decoration. She tried to stop him and the kid scratched her. While the kid panicked (and ended up quitting kendo), she stayed calm. She didn't suffer anything serious, but has the scar to this day. As a joke, the birthday after the incident, her parents gave her a silver ring with a star and crescent moon. She was unbelievably smart, especially with her amazing memory, and skipped a few grades. She worked at his parents' dojo and graduated Seoul National University at the top of her year and hoped to inherit her parents' dojo, majoring in business and economics and minoring in medicine.
Not according to plan, her parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that she had to go "knock up a guy, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked her out. Without panicking, she then joined SM Entertainment, at first, as a manager when she saw the HELP WANTED sign. With her internal schedule, great memory, and good persuasion, she was quick to be promoted, working with trainees and even with a few groups as she picked up a few quick fashion tips, cooking recipes, and other things to make an idol's job easier. One day the CEO walked in one day while she was taking the place of a trainee so the others could practice a song and made her perform a few more. The CEO insisted she become a trainee and although she declined several times, she was promptly added onto the list of growing trainees by force rather than choice. She mentioned this to her parents and unexpectedly to most, they were ecstatic and encouraged her to be an idol instead of a "boring bookworm." To this day, her biggest wonder is what would have happened if she stayed a manager.

Choi Youngjin (50) father || taekwondo and boxing instructor || alive: An adventurous person, Youngjin loves doing what he wants, whenever he wants, and with who he wants, regardless if the other person has something to do. He loves having fun and has a (bad) habit of greeting people with a strong left hook...which explains why Sooyeon rarely introduces people to him. He loves a thrill and is very positive. He's very laidback except about boys. No boys. Other than that, just about anything is cool and he adores his family. Even at his job he's well-known for being very laidback about things and is known for being very playful with his students, acting more like an elementary school student more than an instructor. He loves traveling and has a hobby of collecting magnets from different places. He does have his serious side, but it's rare to show and for all of his playfulness, will do anything for his family. He and Takuya have a strong pact to keep guys away from Sooyeon and during his free time, besides anything physically active, he likes to learn new languages for fun for when he travels. 
Choi "Suzumi" Soojin (47) mother || judo and kendo instructor || alive: Soojin, somewhat like Youngjin, is very cool. She's a go-with-the-flow kind of girl and loves shopping, gossiping, watching dramas, and other things people -20 years of her age do. She's a big fan of Song Joongki and Lee Seunggi. She doesn't look quite 47 either and in all honesty, she acts just like a teenager. She whines, complains, and loves to tease, especially Sooyeon. Unlike Youngjin, she's just about ready to pass on random boys to Sooyeon (without Takuya and Youngjin knowing of course) for dating and even for marriage. Of all of her family, Soojin is the most enthusiastic about Sooyeon's love life and encourages her to fall in love. If she ever goes on a show, she's more than likely to talk most of the time and spill as many stories (some embarrassing and some just bragging) about Sooyeon as she can. She tends to be overwhelming and like a storm that few can tame - one being Sooyeon...who's simply used to and accustomed to stopping Soojin's wild adventures. Soojin wants grandchildren to spoil and never fails to remind everyone so. 
Terada Takuya (21) cousin || Cross Gene member || alive: A little full of himself but with reason and partly as a joke, Takuya is her cousin who's more like a brother. He understands the need to be on the stage more than anyone and loves the spotlight. He's protective of his 'sister' Sooyeon and refuses to let any person get close to her. Although not of the same company, the two meet up a lot and Takuya, also with a sweet tooth, is always taking her out to cafes and the like. He's very playful and childish but can be serious, especially on-stage. During his free time, he loves taking a few photographs and is always insisting that Sooyeon become his model. Of course, she also insists that she refuses to be a solo model and despite his protests, he rarely gets a photo of her alone but does have a few. He's outgoing and loves a good challenge. He does have his pride, especially his male pride, and is a gentleman...most of the time. He can be very stubborn and has a bit of a competitve streak. Even so, he's a good sport and works hard at whatever it is he's doing, whether singing, dancing, rapping, or even acting.

Trainee Background:
Before being a trainee, she was a manager and even as a trainee and even after debut, she kept most of those time-keeping habits. While she was a manager, she spent most of her time supervising trainees for future groups and since she was fair, although strict, most of her fellow trainees (aka her previous supervise-ees) didn't bully her or the like, especially since she retained most of her strict-supervisor aura and since she knew 4 fighting styles. She didn't make all that many friends during her trainee years, but definitely became close to Kim Joonmyun aka Suho who definitely kept a good eye out for his new hoobae/old manager-friend. She mainly improved her singing and though she wasn't bad at dancing, especially with her natural talent at anything physical, but she improved it and the same with her rapping skills. Although she definitely became a better dancer, she decided to leave rapping for the other members. Overall, however, her trainee years, though tiring, weren't all that bad and she actually had a few days off where she visited her family and friends, surprisingly not that pressured and calm.
However, her trainee years weren't all sunshine and butterflies. Although she had Joonmyun watching over her, four fighting styles under her belt, manager-like skills, and an expressionless reaction, that didn't mean none of the other trainee's words hurt less. When Takuya came once for their lunch appointment, immediately after, she began getting biased rumors spread about. She was sleeping with people. She seduced people. She was a two-faced b****. Things like that. They began saying that all her work wasn't what brought her as a trainee and although not all trainees spoke in this manner, most did avoid her to not be a part of the bullying she suffered. She said nothing to her family nor to Joonmyun who was a good friend, but busy with the new group EXO, and as part of her personality, pushed all the negative emotions down. Since she kept it all bottled up, it was a tough time for her and besides training, she spent a lot of time on the building's roof crying (though she won't admit it). When asked, she states that it was difficult but won't specify why or how since regardless, they are all of the same company.

Trainee Years: manager = 1 & 1/2 years ; trainee = 2 & 1/2 years

Pre-debut activites

  • EXO "Wolf" drama version MV main female character
  • TaeTiSeo "Twinkle" MV back-up dancer


You're a Star

Stage Name: Sooyeon

Position: Leader, Lead Vocal, Sub-Dancer

Back-Up Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocal

Persona: motherly guardian

Fanclub name: 자기야~ Dears (#DC143C - Crimson Red) - term used in Korean between married people mostly

Singing Voice Mix: Ailee + Amber

Dancing Machine Mix: Ailee + Hyoyeon 

Rapper Voice Mix: Ailee + Amber (if back-up position)


Introduction to Love

Love Interest: Kim "Suho" Joonmyun (22) EXO

Personality: Suho is the leader. He's responsible, mature, and always got his group members' backs. He encourages people and is always up to helping his friends out. He's good at organizing things, but isn't the most authoritative leader. Even so, s always depend on him as the 'mother' of the group and he always keeps an eye out on them. He's very positive and easily moved. He's good at reading the atmosphere and is also good at cleaning up s' messes. He tends to keep an eye out especially for the youngests and for Lay, who just seems to forget everything.

Describe your story: The two met several times when Sooyeon was a manager. Although the two weren't very close they had favorable impressions of each other and when Sooyeon became a trainee, Joonmyun took it upon himself to give her a hand, knowing how she hadn't wanted to even be a trainee in the first place. The two continue to be good friends and look out for each other. When she talks about her trainee life, she usually thanks Suho for watching out for her.

Back-up Love Interest: Huang "Tao" Zitao (20) EXO

Personality: For all of his scary looks and charisma, Tao is, above all, a maknae. He does aegyo, expects things to go his way, and clings to s a lot. Of course he has his own grown-up moments, especially when he does wushu, but most of the time, he's a little romantic panda who clings easily to his loved ones. He gets jealous easily and though he isn't always the most brave of people, he acts like he is. He isn't afraid to cheat a little to win and has his pride. He jokes around a lot and teases his 'Geges' a lot, especially about their love interests.

Describe your story: The two met through Joonmyun. When the Chinese trainees came, both Joonmyun and Sooyeon took it upon themselves - Joonmyun with the knowledge and Sooyeon with the translation - to help them out. At the moment, the two are just friends, somewhat close especially with Tao's clinging and Sooyeon's motherly nature. Other than that, the two are known for putting on fight performances on together.


Kim Joonmyun (22) EXO: above

Jung Yunho (26) DBSK: Although charismatic on stage, he's a definite child off of it and he enjoys playing around with his hoobaes and is a gentleman most of the time. He loves to hang out with his friends and helps Sooyeon out with other languages (He's DBSK after all). He teases people a lot and can seem more like 6 than 26, but he definitely will never betray his loved ones and will drop just about anything for them. He's a little 4-D but that's just part of his charm. He acts like a child to Sooyeon most of the time too and she enjoys watching him dance while he likes hearing her sing. A little idol exchange I suppose.

Seo "Seohyun" Joohyun (22) SNSD: Her health buddy, she's a gal who follows the rules 100%, is 100% innocent, and is strict upon herself and others. She is modest, kind, honest, a little scary at times, and definitely cheerful. She can come off as motherly especially to her group mates who tend to act younger than her even though she's the youngest. Regardless, Sooyeon and her spend a lot of time together and just have lots of fun together. Every now and then, Key will join their conversations because mothers stick together and the three of them are good friends. Seohyun and her always suggest books to each other and occasionally recipes.

Wang "Fei" Feifei (26) Miss A: Fei is a motherly person, somewhat like Sooyeon but also not quite. It's either her way or the highway and she wouldn't have it any other way. Although she can be stubborn, she can also go with the flow, especially when she needs to or simply doesn't care either way. She cooks a lot for her members and is always out to improve herself not only for herself but also for her group. She is currently teaching Sooyeon more Mandarin (besides the other SM artists) and teaching aside, the two are always exchanging cooking recipes and just talk together - regular friends that just happen to be famous.

Nam Jihyun (23) 4minute: Jihyun tends to be a bit spacey and is the kind of person who, despite being the leader, tends to need assistance a lot more than give assistance. Even so, she knows when and how to put her focus on something and is the leader regardless, knowing when and how to keep her group under control. Besides with 4minute, Jihyun has also had a few acting jobs and met Sooyeon at one of them. Sooyeon is always giving Jihyun-leader a hand at being the leader while Jihyun is the one who tends to make Sooyeon laugh a lot. The two are good friends and always help each other out when asked.

Kwon "G-Dragon" Jiyong (24) Big Bang: Jiyong, for all of his fame and success, is pretty modest. He dislikes talking about his success and although the leader, acknowledges that Seungri is more of a leader (maknae on top). He jokes around a lot and 24? He acts more like he's 4. He loves making jokes, 'annoying' his loved ones, and is always up for a night out whenever, wherever. One of her few guyfriends, Jiyong is always sure to be a gentleman...a childish gentleman, but a gentleman none the less. Most people remark that the two look more like siblings, the older sister with the annoying little brother, than friends despite their ages.

Moon Jinjung (25) OC - bookstore owner: Jinjung, very oddly or very amazingly, is a guy version of Sooyeon. Of course, he's a little more mature and a little less even-tempered, but mostly, the two are pretty much clones of each other. He likes the same things she does and vice versa. The two are always recommending books, cooking recipes, music, etc. to each other and seem to be able to read each other's minds without actually reading it. The two are neighborhood friends and despite the age difference, the two bonded since their parents are very similar as well - childish, adventurous, and do not act their age. He is a fan of Fei.

Kim "UEE" Yujin (25) Afterschool: Yujin isn't all that respectful. She's overconfident and has a (bad) habit of throwing fits whenever things don't go her way. She flirts a lot and causes many a fight between girls and their boyfriends for fun. She wasn't always like this, but developed this personality to survive in the entertainment world. Long story short, Yujin is the epitome of Sooyeon's least liked qualities. Sooyeon does understand that Yujin developed this personality due to her job, but hates her all the same especially since others of the same profession aren't as disrespectful. Luckily they don't encounter each other often.


Spread its Wings

Password: Don't be too late.~



  • shows (Running Man, Dream Team, Laws of the Jungle, Hello Baby, We Got Married, etc.)
  • Tao vs. Sooyeon (wushu vs. one fighting style)
  • jealous moments (Perhaps her friends trying to set her up on a blind date?)
  • Takuya pretending to be her boyfriend (oh the fun)
  • Suho/Tao going to save Sooyeon before realizing she doesn't need it (literally)

Suggestions: -

Any last word?: Sorry if I got anything wrong (even the password since I wasn't quite sure what it was...?). Let me know and I'll change it or you can. :)


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Hello! Your application was amazing but she shouldn't have a fanclub colour. And you should add three more bestfriends from SM. Thanks and that's all because your app is great <3
Your app is really awesome and it must've took SOOOOO much time to finish! But Rivals are not optional, the are obrigatory. Thanks!