Happy Eid Mubarak!

Any moslems? Kekeke~ im moslem so i celebrated eid mubarak! Too many delicious food i guess i will finally gain weight YEAAAH!!*im underweight by 5 kg*. So guys wassup. In indonesia theres a tradition called "mudik" or goin back to your hometown. And my family decided to go on a mudik trip on august 10 until 16... we will go to my hometown using train which is a 3 to 4 hours trip if it went smoothly. Sometimes it took 5 hours because train stations tend to get more crowded during this season. It took only 2 hours by plane but theres 20 of us (yes its my big family with all uncles and aunts and relatives) so wedecided to go by train. Im glad we dont travel by car. It took at least 10 hours by car!!! Omg. And i hate packing. Hate hate hate. And today my cousin accidentaly squeezed my left ring figer in between two chairs. It hurts yo. And it became bluish purplish eww. But idk i guess i gt Lay's healing power or somethig the color went back to normal in an hour._. Buuut my left ring figer went numb and it hurts when i have to use my left hand. Thank god im right handed. Anddd im usig my wacky phone which means theres gonna be a lot of typos and misspelling and weird spacing. I hate myself. AAND my maid and my servant (i might seemed rich but almost every people in indonesia have at leastone maid or servant) went for a mudik trip. No maids for a month. Huff. I have to bath my dogs, wash the dishes, dry the laundry, feed my pets, clean the house.. im tired as hellrite now and i cant update any of my story because my laptop is a complete flop. There are 2 laptops and 1 pc at home. My laptops a . My dad... i cant borrow it he will be angry. My pc is a snail it was so slow i could dance to the whole mama album and it hasnt shut down properly. Its that bad. Ok so now bye excuse me i have to practice growl"s dance before my mom asked me to do somehing and my friend is gettig angry because i havent memorized the whole dance sequence. Kbyyy


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happy eid mubarak to you then!!!^^