Elemental Guardians app - Yeon Joo

Let Me Tell You Something....


Who are you??

AFF Name: keykim

What should I call you?: kim

Activeness /10: 9


Look at mee!!

Ulzzang: Lee Geum Hee

Links: one two three four 

Backup Ulzzang: Jang Chom Mi 

Links: one two three four


You Need Protecting...It Would Be My Pleasure

Character Name: Jung Yeon Joo

Any Nicknames: Chu - it sounds like Joo, but only her close friends use it

Guardian Applying For: Water Guardian

Occupation: University student (pharmacology)/part-time pharmacist

Age: 22

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Languages: Korean - fluent, English - semi-fluent


Tell Me About Yourself

Personality: Yeon Joo is very emotional and sensitive, ready to laugh, cry, and get mad at any time. She takes people's words very seriously, and once you've said something, there's no taking it back for her. Everything you say she takes to her heart. Her emotions get swayed very easily, and is thus very easily pleased. That also means that she's a bit short tempered, but she's not hot tempered. Her anger is quite easily soothed. Just crack a joke or two, or make a compliment and she's back to being happy. She is a worry wart, and can't help but worry about others, whether it be a bird that she saw fell down, or her friends going out late at night. She naturally worries about other around her, whether they be her friends, or a random animal. She is not only emotional, but also sensitive. She gets hurt very easily, and it is because of this that she is also very considerate towards others, careful with her choice of words so that she does not offend and upset anyone. She is not one to think twice before she acts in dire situations, and her actions are usually always based on her feelings. Despite her age, she can be quite childish and naive. 

Because she is considerate towards others, she is very observant. She constantly watches for her friends' actions and feelings, and is usually the first to sense that something is wrong, even without them telling her. Even the slightest change in behaviour will be observed by her, but she is actually quite clueless when it comes to herself. As she observes changes in others' behaviour, she would caringly ask them if anything's wrong, but would not persist if they don't want to talk about it. 


History/Background: Yeon Joo first found out about her psychic ability when she was 18. She was alone in her room, watching Naruto and how they were walking on walls and thought that it was cool. She thought to herself that it would be fun to try it out, and she walked over to her wall, and put foot on the wall by first lying down on her bed. She then raised her other foot and placed it on the wall and when she tried walking, she found out that she was indeed walking on the wall. She freaked out and fell back down on her bed. Amazed, she decided to try it again, this time, standing up, and to her surprise, it worked, though she wasn't very stable. She kept it a secret, and started thinking that she might indeed be a ninja genius, and continued practicing her 'wall climbing' until she can freely move all over the wall. It wasn't until she was 20 that she found out about her water ability. She was on a training camp and alone, as she got lost while tracking. While waiting for a rescue team, she felt really thirsty, but had no water with her. She prayed for water, and to her surprise, a ball of water appeared in front of her eyes. Shocked, she screamed, but she quickly drank the water as she was thirsty. Since then, she kept practicing her water abilities, and is now able to freely manipulate water. Since then, she has been thinking that she is a ninja descendent. 


Family: [Name | Age | Relation | Occupation | Personality]

Jung Shin Ho | 58 | Father | Manager | Open-minded

Jung Min Joo | 50 | Mother | Housewife | Caring

Jung Min Seok | 18 | Brother | Student | Witty


Likes: Water, Climbing walls, Dramas/movies, Flowers (lilies are her favourite), Anime/manga, Ninjas


Dislikes: Heat, Dairy products, Spicy food


Trivia: Believes she is a ninja, Only her brother knows about her abilities, In her fourth and final year of pharmacy, Easily jealous when it comes to the guy she likes, Gets flustered easily around boys, Easily impressed but not an easy woman, Can be a klutz sometimes, Likes to dye her hair (fav are blonde, pink, red, and lavender)


It Must Be Love <3

Love Interest: Kim Himchan

Age: 23

How did you meet: Himchan was in the pharmacy she was part-timing at, looking around, and she caught his eye. Immediately, he distinguished her as a guardian, and approached her. Yeon Joo saw him and immediately thought he was attractive, but wasn't impressed when he lightly flirted with her. After work, Himchan waited for her behind the building, and when she came out, he pulled her to the side to talk to her. Mistaking him as a /kidnapper, she screamed and unintentionally climbed the wall like a spider on all fours and when she realised what she had done, she screamed again and fell down with Himchan breaking her fall. He then told her to calm down and revealed to her that she was a guardian, explaining to her what that meant. However, she was reluctant to accept it as she was always infatuated with the idea that she wa a ninja, but came to terms with it. 

How do you act around him: Himchan sometimes flirts with her, which always makes her flustered. She doesn't like seeing him with other girls, and when she sees him talking to other girls, she gets jealous and refuses to talk to him. However, he always manages to get her to forgive him by making her smile, whether it be a silly joke or by even more flirting. 


Backup Love Interest: Bang Yong Guk

Age: 23

How did you meet: Same as Himchan, but except Yongguk doesn't flirt with her. 

How do you act around him: Yeon Joo is constantly in awe of Yongguk, due to his strong leadership, and is always ready to follow him. 


Hope We'll Meet Again!

Comments/Suggestions: Hope you like her. Let me know if anything is wrong. 

Questions: None other than wondering how it'll go! The teaser was awesome btw. 

Requested Scenes: Maybe one where Himchan is flirting with other girls and she gets really jealous? xD


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