oh god, today was like one of the best days ever in school.
we had a fiesta.
they expected about 5,000++ people to come but
i honestly think the amount of people that came today was 
really, really a lot more than that.
but i guess what was the most heartwarming thing
that happened there (to a fangirl) was how all the exo stans
in my school were suddenly uncovered bc of the fiesta
like there was a face paint booth that had the exo logo as a template
and it was really cheap, like one for 1 SGD
and all the exo stans probably got that on their faces
everywhere you walked around in my school
bound to see girls with the exo logo on their cheeks or hands
and also when exo's wolf was blasted the first time at the dj booth
suddenly the entire place was swarmed with exo stans
and everyone was just screaming and yelling and hugging each other
almost as though exo was live there at my school
everyone just basically screamed out the entire song
jumped and grabbed each other (at least me and my friend did)
and when growl played i swear basically everyone took a 
few moments to realise it was growl then the exostans went mad again
and then me and my friend just stared at each other and screamed
and then my other friends were trying to call me on my phone bc
G R O W L was playing
i guess when growl played for the 3rd/4th time
and when wolf played for the 6th time that day everyone
was kind of bored out of those two songs but i was still
really high and hyper and i screamed out mama with my friends
and you know that when wolf played for the final time that day
when your classmates go "why is that song playing again"
you know
exo is known
but overall fiesta was the best thing ever that happened this year
all the screaming
all the running around
tired but
good experiences
only regret that i never really went around playing the games
only got the exo face paint and some gold hairspray u A u
i wanted to try the inflatables


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asdhjhjasg I'm glad you had a fun time <33

HAHAHAHAHAA YOUR SCHOOL SOUNDS SO FUN! ashdasgajhs and that exo meeting mann <333
I think I would die .

That seems A M A Z I N G.

Suddenly, you'd have so many new best friends.