This one's activeness.

I figured I should probably properly address my current situation in terms of education and results. 

So far bad. I'm not even close to having 1/2 of my notes that I'll need for my yearlies done yet (btw are in 4 weeks time and I know I've got assignments + the usual crapload of homework) which means that I'm waaaayyy behind schedule. 


I don't exactly want to resort to typing up notes and printing them off a day before the exam.. It's so bad.  



So as a result of this I'll be on and off AFF with or without warning. I'll probably be on to go through and read my updates, but I'll probably be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. xD


So I'm sorry in advance If I lose anyone's wallpost/wallspam/messages from becoming inactive. I'll probably update my status and everything. 

If you really happen to care about me all that much (which I really doubt LOL) you can find me on Kakao and other texting apps. :3 



Also! If I'm online.. and you know i've got homework.. please kick me off the internet. 

I'm gonna try and get comfy with this "studying" thing. 



Talk to you guys soon! :3 


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Study hard~ But not too hard~ <3
I miss you but study hard :))