AFF Friends Survey 2013

Tagged by Jewell 

Credits to Kim (kimxbb)

★ Name: Tiffany

★ Friends: 32 (I need to unfriend some of them as well..)

★ People on Your Wall? (recent posts)

-Jewell. She's owning

(People before her would be Emma (thecafewriter) and Kim (kimxbb)

★ How Close Are You to Them?

Well, how would or could one measure 'closeness', I mean it's such a loose and indefinite measure.. 

But, if I were to be boring an answer the question I'd say that I'm quite close to her. At least I feel like that. She's my Papa. She's always doting on me, and really spoils me. She's good fun to be around and to talk to. I reckon I'm still getting to know her (there are no limits to getting to know more in my opinion, unless they're the ones applying it so..) but I look forward to every time she talks with me, whether it be over Skype, or Wall spam. Spamming her with is also good fun. Kim has taught me well. xD.

★ Recent People You’ve Friended: (list 3)

I can't remember.. It's been way too long... Most likely either Angie or Kim I'd say.. Maybe Kazu bear.. ._. [Can not remember who added who.. OTL]

★ Why’d you friend them?

I'd heard alot about Kim from Jewell after they got back together ( I make it sound like they're in a romantic relationship o3o) and she was encouraging me to talk to her. That was around the time I was stalking down most of Jewell's close friends and talking to them so naturally Kim came into the picture. I can't remember who initiated I have a feeling she did... but yes. :) I'm glad Hika~chan is in my life now. She's the Mama, Jewell's the papa.. But I have to share my parents.. 

Angie came along with Kim in essence. Kim is really close with Angie so she came up in conversations quite a bit. My interest in her as a person grew all the more when I found out that she was 16, like me. Something about close age groups always seems to pull me in.. She's adorable. But she's been really busy as of late. Kid stay strong! You can do it! Praying for you <33. 

★ People you want to friend?

Uhm.. This is a hard one. I think I just want to get to know the people in my current friendship circle (on AFF) better in general, before I make some more friends. Also, because senior year starts next week (although officially in about a fortnight), things are about to get a lot more busy with extra tuition classes that need to be attended and the homework for school and for tuition. I don't want to make or start friendships that I can't sustain. That's unfair to both parties. And that's just not cool.

★ Why haven’t you friended them?

I think I kind of answered that.. ish.. 

★ Who has recently added you? (list 3)

er... like I said.. Bad memory ;~;  Possibly -CielPhatomhive- (btw, I've told you before right? that username!

★ Have you talked to them? 

We've talked a bit, but I think due to both of us being busy (or just me neglecting AFF) we haven't really talked in a while.

★ Out of all your friends, how many do you talk to?

About 6-7 of them probably? Some of them are irl friends though so .. :3 

★ Who are your closest friends?

Hmm. Jewell, Kim, Lina, Angie; Irl friends. 

★ Why?

I think I'm just going to be repeating quite a bit from here on out. 

Jewell; because she got me out of my awkward shell and really welcomed me and got to know me as a person. She could be bothered to skype me, to interact to me. It was just nice knowing that people aren't all just weird and shallow that they want to get to know you, whoever you are. Spamming with Zelo (Y). Fangirling over her dps because :'). Spamming her with mangas she needs to read LIKE USOTSUKI LILY. 

Kim; she makes me worry. I've listened to her troubles. Despite not being able to do much for her, she's still so sweet and so caring. I'm so glad you've gotten rid of the root of the previous problems. Now you can totally relax right? <3 I'm proud of you Hika chan. NOT TO MENTION I CAN SPEAK LE JAP TO HER LIKE YUSH. WINN. AND OF COURSE THE ANIME/MANGASSSSS. ;~~;. Her (shared) Dongwoo is just adorable. 

Lina; because she is like the sister from another mister.. in another country... halfway around the world. She understands what I mean, when I say it and.. It's just nice you know? We've had our deep and meaningful talks and society and what not. Although we don't get to talk to each other often now but in general she's a lovely girl and I just wish we could talk more T___T. 

ANGIE POOO; spamming this girl with Sehunnie and Yeol are just about the funnest thing I could do. At one stage I had spammed her so much she said someone should take my tumblr away from me, which she had reason to say. But hey. It's not my fault they were on my dash. Angie is a very kind and cute little kid which I just can't help but pour love on. I'm sorry about my bossiness when it comes to your health and your habits.. I get worried about your work to play to sleep/rest to eating ratio. 


★ Who would you like to be closer to?

★ Why?



★ Who’s one of the users that you’ve had the longest conversation with?

.-. I dunaaaaaaaahhhh. Jewell? Lina? Angie in terms of spam. Kim is normally too busy playing LOL or something .-. 

★ Any special messages to your friends?


Thanks for caring about me and checking up on me even when I go MIA. OTL. And about my health and everything. YOU GUYS ARE TOO SWEEET T__T. 

★ Tag your peeps! 

.-. Ceeeeeebs. All the people I want to tag have been tagged by Jewell and Kim already really. 


... Maybe... LINA! 



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