KoreanGal5 | 5 | Umma Soul
BIRTH NAME / Choi Sooyeon
  • Shizuko (her Japanese name)
  • Shu (her Chinese name)
  • Umma (by members)
DOB & AGE / May 17, 1990 / 24 years old (international is 23)
ETHNICITY / Korean-Japanese
BIRTH PLACE / Suzu, Japan
HOME TOWN / Suwan, Korea
LANGUAGES / fluent - Korean, Japanese ; semi-fluent - Mandarin, English
ULZZANG / Park Sooyeon
STYLE / Off-stage, Sooyeon usually wears  comfortable clothes period. Nothing revealing, no heels even though she's short, etc. She will wear skirts and dresses, but most of the time she sticks to a pair of jeans and a shirt. She wears very simple outfits with silver jewelry, especially this ring on her right index finger from her mother.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT / 150 cm / 47 kg
  • one pair of ear piercings
  • dimple only on left when smiling
  • star-shaped birthmark on collarbone
  • crescent-shaped scar on her lower left stomach
SHORT BIO / She was born in Suzu, Japan and later her family moved to Suwan, Korea, leading to her fluency in both languages. She got her scar at a young age from a little accident at her parents' dojo and she skipped a few grades, graduating Seoul National University, majoring in business and economics and minoring in medicine. A little (one-sided) argument with her parents led to her taking a job at SM Entertainment as a manager and later on, she found herself being forced to be a trainee instead.
QUOTE / "But you shouldn't fret about what has yet to occur. The only way the future can harm us is by causing worry" (Angela in Eragon, page 205).
PERSONALITY / Of the group, she's definitely the quietest. It's not as if she never speaks. Her stage persona, however, is similar to L of Infinite, silent, calm, and aloof. However, a few seconds of talking to her (assuming you can get her to talk at all), you can immediately see that despite being calm and silent, unlike L, she's in no way aloof. She's actually very caring, almost to the point of a parent. Actually, she is so much like a mother, it's unbelievable. She's always worrying about people other than herself and she's always busy, keeping track of their schedules like a parent would their kids' soccer practices and piano recitals. She doesn't like to waste time, but is not impatient and is always making sure that no one is too overloaded with work either. In addition, as a night owl, early bird, and light sleeper, she's constantly up and ready whether she's had 9 hours of sleep or 3. 
She likes to carry around a book to read or a little puzzle to fix (some sudoku or even a rubix cube is plenty) as she enjoys using her brain. During her free time, she may also cook (another hobby of hers) or even give random surprise visits to her family, her sister/brother groups, and other groups even if they are not of the same company. She's very mature, keeping a level head in even the most crazy and random of situations, a fact that most leaders of other groups envy. She doesn't like teasing people nor pressuring people and knows how to break a fight up easily, but will not interfere on-screen as she knows it's just for fun and for the camera. She's the kind of person/parent that everyone comes to for advice and no matter what a person needs (an insult, a compliment, some advice, or just silence), she always knows how to help a person take the first step to moving on or finding a solution.
Adding onto the motherly aura, she adores little kids and little animals. If they have a baby face, they have her attention and her love. Regardless of a person's age, if they in any way act younger or have a childish streak, she'll most likely act like a parent. At times, even if they aren't childish and just are going through a hard time, she's more than likely to reach out a hand of help. She's good at reading body language, however from years of fighting, so if they feel she's too...strong, she's quick to back up, apologize, and explain. She doesn't mean to, but it's just part of her nature, caring for people. If they act, in any way, mature, she'll deem them 'all grown up.' The way she speaks is also very polite, but more importantly, she speaks with phrases that make her sound like a parent. She's not afraid to call people her 'little babies' nor is she afraid of a little skinship, and has a bad habit of embarrassing 'her children.' 
As she's mostly silent, when she speaks, she's very blunt and succinct. She never struggles with her words, but struggles with curbing her worries. She's always worrying. If her friend pretends to be sick, she'll show up with full-on first aid kit, soup, and medicine on the ready. Despite being serious, however, she's surprisingly very witty and on shows, MCs are wary of her unbelievable combacks. If they insult her, she'll throw another one back, one that often becomes a painful but regular joke on the show. She gets along best with childish or mature people, oddly enough, as childish people don't mind her awkward silences and mature people understand her well enough. Also weirdly enough, she's blood type AB, meaning yes, she's a little 4-D. She's quite normal for a 4-D person, but at times she'll think of something out of the box that reminds people that she is a blood type AB for a reason.
Her most notable rarity has to do with her short height. While most take being short as an insult, she often thanks them calmly and asks if they're aiming to grow as tall as buildings, often referencing famous buildings like the 63 Building, Eiffel Tower, Washington Monument, Osaka Temple, Hagia Sophia, etc. Another weird quirk about her is her love of exploring. For someone so quiet and calm, one would believe that she'd like to sit and relax. However, she's actually quite adventerous. On shows, she's always the first and most enthusiastic (even volunteering) about the most dangerous/scary of stunts like zip-lining, rock-climbing, etc. and even walking into a scary, abandoned school is no problem, perhaps even lingering an extra moment to see if she can spot any ghosts. A little odd, but true and as a result, she usually ends up sticking to the most scared of the participants to give them courage.
BACKGROUND / She was born in Suzu, Japan during her parents' honeymoon - yes, her mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, she was a rather quiet baby. Her parents brought her up as if they were friends or siblings rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. When she was younger, one of the newer kids at kendo was trying to show off while his parents were talking to the Sooyeon's and was swinging around a real sword that was used as a decoration. She tried to stop him and the kid scratched her. While the kid panicked (and ended up quitting kendo), she stayed calm. She didn't suffer anything serious, but has the scar to this day. As a joke, the birthday after the incident, her parents gave her a silver ring with a star and crescent moon. She was unbelievably smart, especially with her amazing memory, and skipped a few grades. She worked at his parents' dojo and graduated Seoul National University at the top of her year and hoped to inherit her parents' dojo, majoring in business and economics and minoring in medicine.
Not according to plan, her parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that she had to go "knock up a guy, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked her out. Without panicking, she then joined SM Entertainment, at first, as a manager when she saw the HELP WANTED sign. She found an affordable place with her pay and though it wasn't quite good, it was bearable, especially since she spent most of her time managing and with her internal schedule, great memory, and good persuasion, she was quick to be promoted, working first with trainees and even with a few groups. However, one day the executive director walked in one day while she was taking the place of a trainee so the others could practice a song and made her perform a few more. She was promptly added onto the list of growing trainees by force rather than choice. To this day, her biggest wonder is what would have happened if she stayed a manager.
  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • doesn't drink coffee
  • hums while cooking
  • has an internal clock
  • has a huge sweet tooth
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • is secretly a Pokémon fan
  • touches her ear when lying
  • her lips when focusing
  • covers when laughing
  • tucks her hair behind her ear all the time
  • calls people by real name ; not nickname or stage name
  • can easily remember anything heard, read, or seen once
  • knows judo, kendo, taekwondo, and boxing from her parents
Choi Youngjin (50) taekwondo and boxing instructor | father | laidback, adventurous, outgoing
Choi "Suzumi" Soojin (47) judo and kendo instructor | mother | fashionable, playful, teen-at-heart
Terada Takuya (21) Cross Gene member | cousin | outgoing, hard-worker, prideful
Moon Jinjung - OC (24) bookstore owner | childhood best friends | Sooyeon's male version 
Song "Victoria" Quian (26) f(x) member | SM mother circle | motherly, honest, determined
EXO members (various ages) EXO members | group members | personalities vary
Huang "Tao" Zitao (20) EXO member | fighting buddies | childish, spacey, rebellious (depends on other applicants + author) | It's not a serious I-hate-chu relationship but it's more playful, more about fighting, physically and verbally. Besides their physical training (aka wushu vs. something), Tao really hates taking orders and hearing the word 'no.' However, Sooyeon is very strict and is always forcing him to do things, leading him to sulk even if he knows it was for his own good. However, the two are still friends and get along. But if there is a loud crashing sound somewhere within their dorms, it's most likely Tao throwing a little fit and the little rain cloud that follows him after is because Sooyeon won the argument. On shows especially, the two somehow always end up on opposite teams and it's never the prettiest picture, never mind that she's a girl and he's a boy.



LOVE INTEREST / Kim "Suho" Joonmyun
HISTORY / EXO and Sooyeon have met plenty of times before, but not quite as fellow members (well, at least not before). The way they first met was when Sooyeon was working with the SM trainees. All she was doing was supervising for various classes and she, quite honestly, wasn't close to pretty much anyone there. She oversaw their training more than several times and they were all on a simple co-worker (teacher and trainee kind of) relationship. However, once she was forced to become a trainee also, well, they were fellow trainees. She still wasn't all that close to the other trainees, but got to know Joonmyun in the beginning as he, the senior trainee, helped her, the newbie, fit in a schedule. She also because close to the Chinese members when she used what Mandarin and English she learned in school to help them settle in with Joonmyun's help of course.
Suho - With Joonmyun, it's well-known that the two are linked at the hip. They're counterparts, parents, and the kind of people who love to spoil their group mates. A lot of times, MCs and even their fellow group members tend to believe that they're together, especially since they're together all the time. However, since they met as trainees and have a professional mindset, the two won't admit they like each other (if they do) nor will they pursue it (even if they really really want to). They're somewhat cowards when it comes to their relationship and as a result, if the two ever end up confessing their feelings (although what exactly is the author's choice), it'll definitely be due to pressure and their fellow group members' interference, rather than by choice.
Luhan - With Luhan, Sooyeon and him are like siblings. He tends to be a little spacey and she's always just keeping an eye on him. They aren't close enough (yet) to be put together as a couple but it's obvious that they're at least friends. Fans tend to refer to their relationship as parent and child and their members agree, especially since she acts like a mother often - telling him what to do, reminding him of things, always packing extras for him, etc. 
STAGE NAME / Choi Sooyeon
TRAINEE HISTORY / Before being a trainee, she was a manager for around a year and a half and even as a trainee and even after debut, she kept most of those time-keeping habits. She became a trainee then, for around two and a half years. While she was a manager, she spent most of her time supervising trainees for future groups and since she was fair, although strict, most of her fellow trainees (aka her previous supervise-ees) didn't bully her or the like, especially since she retained most of her strict-supervisor aura. She didn't make all that many friends during her trainee years, but definitely became close to Kim Joonmyun aka Suho who definitely kept a good eye out for his new hoobae. She mainly improved her singing and though she wasn't bad at dancing, especially with her natural talent at anything physical, but she improved it and the same with her rapping skills. Although she definitely became a better dancer, she decided to leave rapping for the other members. Overall, however, her trainee years, though tiring, weren't all that bad and she actually had a few days off where she visited her family and friends, surprisingly not that pressured and calm.
PERSONA / motherly guardian
COUNTERPART / Kim "Suho" Joonmyun
POWER & BADGE / telepathy
SPECIALTY / fighting (physically and verbally) ; anything physical ; acting
  • Hello Baby - watch the chaos
  • EXO -MIKH collaboration show/stage
  • Sooyeon vs. Zitao in a fight ; nothing serious (warm-up/stage?)
  • love interest tries to protect Sooyeon but she doesn't need it, literally
  • love interest gets jealous of  Sooyeon's relationship with her cousin without knowing they're related
SUGGESTIONS / I think it depends on how much work you're willing to put into the songs. Either you write them or search forever to find reply songs that fit (personally, I think that writing ones that fit into the concept will be much easier), but it also depends on if you have any plans with the songs - one giant MV with all of them together if they sing the same, for example, OR perhaps a back-and-forth reply-answer song line battle between the members for fun if separate. Things like that. It's all up to you. If you need a hand, I'm sure the applicants will definitely lend one so don't stress too much. ^^
  • Cute format.
  • Excuse any failures I have made. (Please.)
  • I don't really have anything else since I'm kind of brain-dead so uhh...good luck?
PASSWORD / (✿◠‿◠)



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