[Updated] B.A.P unveils group images ahead of 'BADMAN' MV teaser release + Bang Yong Guk revealed to have written the lyrics


B.A.P has announced that an MV teaser on its way for you all later today! However, before that comes, we've been treated to the group teaser photo which returns back to the same theme we saw with Daehyun and Youngjae's photos. 


Although their individual teaser photos have all taken on different settings and feel, they all hinted at the group taking on a much rugged and powerful concept than their first two title tracks. 


The upcoming music video is a large-scale one that was shot in Detroit as well as the same filming location as the movie 'Transformers'. 100 extras were also brought in for the filming, and the MV is said to be directed by Hong Won Ki of ZanyBros who has produced countless hit MVs before, so expectations are high for this upcoming one!


Stay tuned for the MV teaser coming up!

Update - Although not official teaser photos, more photos have been dropped through interview articles released to the media. The interviews also contain a new piece of information that should spark your attention as their new song "BADMAN" has been revealed to be written by Bang Yong Guk.


Bang Yong Guk said, "I wrote 'BADMAN' after I saw the news. I thought it was unfortunate that you always hear about criminals every time you turn on the news making society feel scary and unsafe. I wanted to bring awareness. I feel that there are so many big issues that we should not forget about yet we forget them so easily. I felt that no one else would convey these messages about society if we didn't do it."








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