Confession #67

Not being bias or anything but just how I feel. And if you don't like this and just gonna talk about this, then do not, i repeat, DO NOT comment because I suggest you to go back or exit the premises. Thank you. 


I hate flirty guys when they already have girlfriends..


because it only results into dramas and pain.

also, it only makes a random girl, who's being flirt to, to like that guy 

and also, for that girl to only become, excuse my language, a desperate and steal him away from that guy's girlfriend 

Which results that guy's girlfriend to leave him because she thinks she's nothing towards him


if I was to be that guy, I would take care of my girl and stop from my flirtiness 

and show her how much she means to me

being those flirty guys only shows how a jerk they can become 

and in the end, hurt their love ones more than themselves 


And no, I am not just talking about guys

i am also talking towards those girls too.


so if you're a guy or a lady that is very flirtatious and has a boy/girlfriend AND is still flirting with other people


because they're only making themselves feel worthless and hurt.


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