Confession #66


I know that I'm not always here.
I know I'm not always by your side
And I'm sorry for that.
If I was able to...
If I was able to turn back time,
I would and spend all those days that I missed to just be with you.
But in the end, you kissed a girl whom you loved;
Then you had with a different girl.
You did all those things behind my back while I was gone.
You knew I was busy!
And you knew that I'm your girlfriend!
But one thing that I can't answer though,
It hurts to have to find out.
It breaks my heart that the guy I love
Would cheat on me and do things behind my back.
But I won't judge you.
I won't judge on what you "want" or "need."
And in the end...I will forgive you,
Because I'm just the type of person who would forgive others easily.
I will forgive you and forget for what you done.
And I'll always love you.
But for our relationship,
It'll be over between us.
And I'll be gone so that I don't have to deal with your cheats and lies and all those en that you did.
And with that,
I'll be leaving.


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