✖ ⋮ ソウルソサエティ ⋮ Amaya, Shizuko

✖ ⋮ ソウルソサエティ ⋮ Amaya, Shizuko
USERNAME: KoreanGal5 NICKNAME: Umma Soul  ACTIVITY LEVEL: 10점 만점에 10점
CHARACTER NAME: Amaya, Shizuko (雨夜, 静子) "Night Rain, Quiet One"
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 150 cm
ULZZANG: Park Sooyeon
  • one pair of ear piercings
  • dimple only on left when smiling
  • star-shaped birthmark on collarbone
  • crescent-shaped scar on her lower left stomach
  • has complete heterochromia iridium where her eyes are two different colors; her right eye is brown and her left is green
STYLE: Shizuko usually wears  comfortable clothes period. Nothing revealing, no heels even though she's short, etc. She will wear skirts and dresses, but most of the time she sticks to a pair of jeans and a shirt. She wears very simple outfits with silver jewelry, especially this ring on her right index finger from her mother.
TRAITS: quiet, observant, mature, respectful
[Silence is golden.] Whether it is complaints, comments, or just common conversation, Shizuko does not speak often. More than speaking, she is known for listening to people, no matter the topic and her own opinion. 
She first listens, observes, then reacts accordingly depending on the situation. She rarely speaks at all and usually only speaks in answer to other things. However, when she feels the need to speak, people listen since she never speaks without reason. She speaks succinctly and honestly and at times she can hurt a person's feelings, but she is simply saying things as how she sees it. Even though it may hurt the other person, she is a firm believer that it is better to be hurt by the truth than to be content in lies. She remains calm in all situations, even at the most random and devastating of times, and will rarely be taken off-guard. In the cases she is taken by surprise, she quickly assesses what is going on and reacts accordingly. More importantly, her serenity and silence add to her observation skills and optimize them for her benefit.
[It's not what you see but how you interpret it.] No matter what the circumstances, her observation skills are always there to help her understand the situation better. From years of practicing fighting, she has developed an uncanny ability to read body language, which she uses along with her logic, knowledge, experiences, and logic to formulate opinions and to deem what actions are appropriate and inappropriate. She is also a genius at not only understanding people but also the situation around her and she never ignores even the smallest of facts she picks up. However, she also does not take all words and actions at face-value and has learned to tell between fact, fiction, and only partially true rumors. She can tell when a person is simply joking or being serious, but also considers that it may also just be an opinion. Regardless, her observation skills are not to be doubted and though she may be dense to certain things, such as love for example, she is in no way an idiot about other matters and will not tolerate being treated like one.
[Don't be such a child.] Despite her looks that constantly have people mistaken her for a child, she is very mature even for her age. She knows what to do in different situations and though she does not know how to tell an atmosphere-lifting joke on purpose, she definitely knows how to take a joke or accept some teasing instead of taking it offensively. She can also tell when and how she should break up any incoming fights, always the voice of reason in such situations. She always has a word or two of advice when asked and will never spill a secret that was not meant to be said. With her observational skills, she can tell when people are upset or uncomfortable and she is not afraid to play the bad guy to get them out or to help them relieve stress, even if they may hate her more than be grateful to her later on. She tends to understand things that people at her age normally do not, with the exception of anything about love not that it really matters anyways, and can be counted on for an objective opinion or honest pros and cons if asked for it.
[We are all equals here.] She is very respectful to people even if they are younger and/or weaker than her and remains so even to people others do not care about. She addresses people politely and even though she's shorter, always matches people's eyes when speaking with them. She is very direct and even if she has something offensive to say, tends to apologize in advance before speaking in such cases. This tends to make her approachable to people and she rarely ever makes anyone feel inferior. She is especially good at matching her eye level with children and people few others tolerate - the loud and/or annoying ones. She is very patient with people and will wait for hours, even days if she must. She never holds a grudge and due to her maturity and silence, she is the kind of person who never acts violently or raises her voice even when upset and has a tendency to hold back any negative feelings she feels. However, when she is upset, though she still speaks politely and is not violent, most people who suffer her wrath tend to wish she would just physically attack them to make her point rather than live with the humiliating memory she leaves instead. Regardless, she is definitely one who can make others feel at ease.
[Haters to the left.] Perhaps partially because of her eccentric mother or because of her mature personality, she's quite expressionless most of the time. However, though she's blank-faced most of the time, there are times when her face will light up in such a way that make people breathless or her brows will furrow in such a way that trouble is sure to follow soon after. She is expressionless mostly, but not without them, just rare with them and those close to her can differentiate all of her expressions. However, as a result, she looks unapproachable and rumors circulate about her icy nature. Also, her silence and advanced fighting skills make her appear haughty. In accordance, several people believe her politeness with others is her way of mocking people. Her maturity and observation skills make other uncomfortable at times as does her habit of matching people in the eye while talking as it makes her come off as nosy and/or unnervingly bold. Regardless, not everyone see her personality as a bad thing or believes in the rumors.
white - It's her favorite color and if possible, she gets her things in this color except her clothes because it will be difficult to clean.
books - Her hobby is reading and in general, she usually has some kind of book in her hands - usually some type of fantasy or mystery book but not always.
music - She loves listening to music that matches her mood or that matches the atmosphere of the book she's reading. She tends to hum if she's not listening to music.
nature - She loves nature in general. Whether it is raining or the sun is shining she just loves everything from the trees to the dirt and even to bugs, she just likes natural things for some reason. Her favorite thing to do is read while listening to music under the shade of a tree or to watch raindrops fall and create ripples in a pond.
respect - She believes that everyone deserves respect and that the only way to earn respect is to first respect the other person. She always speaks respectfully and politely even to those younger and/or weaker. She is very ecstatic when someone of higher status/power also returns the favor but won't take it personally if they don't.
honesty - She thinks that 'honesty is the best policy' and that it's better to face reality even if it hurts. That way, people can improve or prepare better. She has a tendency to hurt people's feelings when she speaks honestly, but she thinks it's better that way than to lie and delude them or lead them to disappointment later.
• exercise - She loves being physically active and partially because of her mother's influence, she likes taking a jog in the early morning or just releasing any stress she's had through fighting (with practice dummies of course). She likes the feeling of accomplishing something through hard work afterwards and how it clears her head.
• high places - She loves high places, but rather than for the height, she loves the view that she can see from high places. When she's upset, she has a habit of either exercising (usually fighting and destroying a practice dummy) or climbing somewhere high and simmering down while staring at the sunset/sunrise/stars.
children/animals - She just loves little children and animals in general. Even if they don't like her, she automatically likes them. She has a strict no fighting or cursing in front of children policy, taking after her father in this aspect. She knows just how to match their eye level and is always patient and cautious with them.
challenges/puzzles - She loves challenging herself physically and mentally, especially with puzzles. She loves little mind games and little physical tests to improve herself to benefit her in the future. As a result she loves reading mystery novels and challenges herself to find out the mystery's answer and sees if she's right.
• lies - She really hates lies and since she always tells people the truth, usually expects them to do the same in return, but she knows not all words are ones of truth.
fights - She dislikes pointless fighting. She understands the whole fighting hollows and the bad guys thing. She also understands that guys have this whole male pride thing about being strong and the like, but she hates fights that could have been avoided and especially hates being caught up in fights to pick a side.
bullies - She dislikes bullies since she believes in respect to everyone, but also because she dislikes the idea of people taking advantage of others through fear/force.
cursing - She really hates cursing and doesn't curse at all. She tends to use words with the same first letter and the word poop a lot in the place of curse words, especially in front of children. When others curse in front of children, she gives them a warning several times then she acts once they've cursed continuously.
erts - She dislikes people liking others (and making others uncomfortable) because of their bodies and gender. She also believes being a ert means being disloyal to one's own companion (aka girlfriend/boyfriend) and really hates such displays of innappropriate behavior. She has gotten scarily angry in the past before.
pictures - She does not hate pictures themselves. More specifically, she hates being caught in pictures and unless required, she usually avoids them somehow.
boredom - She dislikes being bored since that means there is something else she could be doing but cannot. More than hating boredom, she hates wasting time.
confusion - She hates confusion because then there is no organization and the chaos that comes along with it just makes her head hurt when everyone else freaks out.
distractions - She dislikes being distracted from whatever she's doing unless it's for an important and understandable reason such as class starting or the like.
being underestimated - She really hates being underestimated and because of her gender and short and lean stature, she tends to be made fun of (and not in a playful teasing way). As a result, her anger usually spikes for a minute and she politely either ignores them or beats them in whatever she's being understimated in.
• ambidextrous
• allergic to coconut
• has an internal clock
• has a huge sweet tooth
• gets sleepy when drunk
• is secretly a Pokémon fan
• touches her ear when lying
• her lips when focusing
• covers while laughing
• light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl
• tucks her hair behind her ear all the time
• always calls people by real name not nickname
• can easily remember anything heard, seen, or read once
• knows judo, kendo, taekwondo, and boxing from mortal parents
• instagram & twitter: onequietsoul
BACKGROUND: Born and raised in Suzu, Japan, Shizuko was strangely, and perhaps luckily, a rather quiet baby like her name's meaning ("quiet child"). She grew up with Sachiko and was raised not with a parent, but with someone like a sibling or best friend instead. As a result, Shizuko became the more responsible one of the two and though she was not completely sure about it, she guessed she took after her unknown father more. Regardless, she grew up happily and rarely had any complaints. From a young age she helped her mother out at her dojo, not only learning judo and kendo but also instructing the beginner's class as well. She was smart in school, at the top of her class really, and during elementary school, she skipped a few grades, not that many honestly though. At first, some of her peers tried to bully her but eventually gave up when she stood firm and denied their requests, even going so far as to threaten to report them. Afterwards, she became treated like a peer even though she was younger and was teased often about her age.
When Shizuko was young, a new child had recently joined the dojo and was under her tutelage for kendo. Refusing to accept that 'a kid my age can't teach me and a girl at that!' the boy, while his parents had left and Shizuko's mother was taking a break, grabbed a real sword the dojo used as a decoration off the wall and attacked her with it. Shizuko blocked with the wooden sword in her hand easily, but the wood could not stand the constant hacking and broke through, scratching her on the side and startling not only the boy, but also the other students who were watching. Shizuko, though in pain, calmly called the ambulance and explained to the child how age had nothing to do with skill, that swinging around a real sword was dangerous, and girls could do things just as well as boys. Although not severe, the wound ended up scarring in the shape of a crescent moon and the boy became one of her devout kendo students. As an inside joke, her mother got her a silver ring on her next birthday, referring to both her star birthmark and crescent scar.
Around the same time Shizuko skipped a few grades, her mother got remarried to Sei, a man with the same surname, just as childish, and a taekwondo and boxing instructor at the same dojo Sachiko worked at. Shizuko understood, even at her young age, that Sei was not her birth father, but as long as Sachiko was happy Shizuko was fine with it. She soon found that Sei was similar to Sachiko and the two both had one habit in common - they greeted their students (including her) with an attack and if she so happened to get caught, it didn't quite matter to them. As a result, she's very good at dodging sneak attacks and simply instinctively counter-attacking, leading to several unpleasant situations and a few times where her 'parents' demanded a rematch. Regardless, the three became a 'happy family' and though not the most normal, not lacking in anything. Shizuko, while attending school, tutored several neighborhood children, became a dojo instructor - teaching all four styles her parents passed down onto her, and kept her parents out of trouble mostly.
YOUR PARENT: Ukitake, Jushiro (浮竹, 十四郎)
MORTAL PARENT: Amaya, Sachiko (雨夜, 幸子) :  42 : judo and kendo instructor : honest, fashionable, playful, adventurous : The two get along like family should, but rather than look like parent and child, Sachiko treats Shizuko more like a sister or even a good friend - telling secrets, spreading gossip, and shopping together. She loves teasing Shizuko about her lack of a love life and is always encouraging her to loosen up. Regardless, the two always have each other's backs and even if their personalities do not quite match, they always get along and will never fail to comfort each other and just have fun. "Night Rain, Child of Bliss/Happiness"
MORTAL PARENT: Sachiko remarried to another mortal : Amaya, Sei (雨夜, 翔太) : 45 : taekwondo and boxing instructor : childish, laidback, thrill-seeker, positive : The two aren't really parent and child, but get along like family anyways. Their relationship is similar to Shizuko's with Sachiko except Sei likes to take her out to do other things such as mountain biking or rock climbing, always the active person. He and Sachiko always joke that Shizuko is their buddy rather than their daughter, but even if the two aren't truly related, the get along like they are anyways and always hang out together. "Night Rain, Fly/Soar  Thick/Big"
RIVAL: Wang Feifei (王霏霏) - Miss A
REASON WHY: Feifei is not Shizuko's rival because they hate each other. Rather, they are rivals because they respect each other. They are similar as they are both quite mature and quiet. They are also both incredibly smart and enjoy exercising and challenging themselves. But it is because they are so similar they became rivals. Around the same level in various subjects, the two are always competing over who can get the better score in class. However, unlike most rivals, the two do not talk trash about each other nor do they allow others to make fun of each other. They are rivals, but in a way, it is a relationship of respect and playful teasing. No matter who wins or loses, the two always congratulate each other and always look forward to the next challenge to improve from. Shizuko usually has a book to recommend to Feifei and Feifei usually has some kind of recipe to recommend to Shizuko. The two may be rivals, but they are civil about it and do not plan to change it to fit the needs or wants of others.
Manga Example: Kei and Hikari from Special A 
"WHAT'S YOUR WEAPONS NAME?": "Asahi Oto (朝日 音)" - Asahi Oto is a normal katana that turns into two with a green cord between the two when activated (like Ukitake's) with the word "Kataru" (語る) meaning speak. She/He has a green hilt and an odd guard that is round but has many spikes coming out of it, almost like an imitation of a star or the sun. "Morning Sun Note"
"WHAT IS YOUR WEAPONS POWER?": "Barriers." - Although she can shorten everything to barriers, her power is not quite just 'barriers.' There are three main types of barriers she can create that may seem a bit obvious - one of attack, one of defense, and one of recovery - made through mental force (aka she focuses to create them). Her barrier of recovery is mostly self-explanatory - those inside heal. At the moment, its rate and effeciency of recovery is about the same as Squad 4 healing kido, but it can be extended to many at once and she does not have to be nearby. Her barrier of defense is also self-explanatory, and like it states, is a barrier that defends herself - and for now only herself - from attacks, acting much like a second skin like hierro for arrancar. Her barrier of attack is perhaps the most unusual of them all. She places the barrier around her opponent and from there, illusions take place. Whatever attacks the opponent uses gets thrown back at him/her faster and stronger, but it looks like Shizuko is using it like Ukitake uses his shikai.
"WHAT ARE YOU WEAKNESSES?": "That's a secret." - She is obviously not going to answer people about her weaknesses so easily. However, her weaknesses are quite simple. For one, her stature gives her an automatic disadvantage as she is much shorter and therefore physically weaker than others. She calls it the unfortunate luck of birth. Another weakness is she can only use one type of barrier per time she activates her zanpakuto, leaving her open for various attacks. In addition, besides her unfair stature and selective barriers, she also likes to plan things out in a battle. Therefore, in the beginning especially, she tends to be open to being attacked as a test for the waters, leading to several painful injuries before she is able to counterattack. She also, although very patient, has an end as well and that is for people who break under pressure. In serious situations especially, she believes that breakdowns are for after - after death does not loom over everyone and after the winner is decided - because breaking down at the moment will lead to sure defeat.
"HOW DID YOU REACT WHEN YOU FIRST FOUND OUT ABOUT EVERYTHING?": "...Not so well." - Though she says so shortly like that, it is quite the understatement. Although she did show her surprise outwardly, she shut down about her surroundings while processing this, hearing words and remembering them, but not quite understanding. Another world, shinigami, being the daughter of a shinigami, etc. was rather surreal. However, she had read weirder things before and after examining the speaker and finding no lies within his/her words, meaning either it was true or the person was mental, she decided to accept it though with a hint of suspicion. During her little shutdown moment, the person had continued to talk and realizing she wasn't listening, became worried, so she had to calm them down and then proceeded with her general analysis of the situation. In other words, she began asking the person many questions about the subject and tried to get as much information as possible to build a decent foundation of her circumstances.
"WHAT DID YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENT?": "He is my...father, but he is also still a stranger." - Shizuko, first, upon meeting her father, noticed first how she had gotten her green eye - from her father. After the quick, somewhat random thought, and after she got to know him better, she found that they were very similar to each other - mature, respectful, observant, etc. However, she also noticed things that though her father had, she did not - how people naturally approached him, his illness, etc. Similarities and differences aside, she decided that he was a kind person who was stubborn about his beliefs and yet the kind who had bite to back up his bark. She shortly decided that indeed he was her father and though he was a kind person, he was also not her father. He had not grown up with her and gotten to know her, been there when she had been scarred or been there at her mother's wedding. Even so, she believes it is better late than never.  Therefore, she has accepted that yes, this person was her father but is still a stranger in many ways.
"WHAT WERE YOUR THOUGHTS WHEN YOU LEARNED YOU WOULD HAVE TO KILL YOURSELF TO LIVE IN SOUL SOCIETY?": "It was suspicious." - Suspicious just about summarizes her thoughts on the whole scenario. Not only was she the daughter of a shinigami - beings who actually existed by the way - but she also was expected to be reunited with her father through her death and she was being told so after 19 years of life with no specific reason included. Not exactly the most trusting of circumstances. However, in the end, her curiosity won out and perhaps it was a stupid move, but her mother had already moved on from her father with Sei and she had grown up for years without her father. She could tell the person was not lying and though suspicious, she decided to place her trust in the person and if it turned out to be a lie, she would not live to know it. Her method of killing...her suicide was done by jumping off of a cliff since she liked high places so it would not be suspicious if she happened to 'slip' off unfortunately.


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