
USERNAME: KoreanGal5


ACTIVITY: 10점 만점에 10점






Umma (by underclassmates who know her because of personality)
Yeonnie (by her bestfriends because they're all guys and it's shorter)

DATE OF BIRTH: 17/05/1990

AGE: 23


HOMETOWN: Suwan, Korea


LANGUAGES: fluent - Japanese, Korean ; conversational - Mandarin, English





ULZZANG: Park Sooyeon

PHOTOS: Click!




HEIGHT: 150 cm

WEIGHT: 45 kg

APPEARANCE: dimple only on left side when smiling ; eyes turn gold when using her powers but are brown (fluctuates a lot because her power is out of control)

EXTRAS: one pair of ear piercings ; star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on lower left stomach ; silver ring on right index finger (ø)

STYLE: Sooyeon is a person who cares about fashion as much as a normal person cares about the dirt they step on - basically not all that much. She isn't a fashion terrorist, but her fashion definitely is the least eye-catching and she likes simple outfits. Her jewelry is all silver by her preference and she definitely has comfort over fashion in mind when dressing up. Although she is short, she dislikes heels or revealing clothes but will wear them only if the situation is appropriate for doing so. She doesn't really care about insults directed toward her fashion sense and although she isn't all that interested, her clothes never clash and look decent.


BACKROUND: Sooyeon was born in Suzu, Japan during her parents' honeymoon - yes, her mother was pregnant during the wedding - and surprisingly, though oddly, she was a quiet child. Her parents brought her back to their home in Suwan, Korea soon thereafter and rather than bringing her up as strict parents, they brought her up as though they were best friends instead. When she was younger, a new kid at her parents' dojo was swinging around a real, decoration sword to show off and in the attempt to stop him, she was scratched. Although nothing majoy, though the kid did quit kendo soon after, she ended up living with the crescent-shaped scar. On her next birthday, her parents got her a silver ring referring to her scar and birthmark as an inside joke and she wears it everyday and everywhere.
She was unbelievably smart and skipped grades easily, top of her class and the favorite of all the teachers. She dated someone briefly during her high school years, a male by the name of Moon Jinjung (OC) two years older than her. However, after three months, the two decided they weren't romantically all that into each other and broke up mutually, but still remain good friends. She continued working part-time at her parents' dojo and tutored a few kids as well, deciding to inherit her parents' dojo. Although she was younger than most of her peers, perhaps because of her personality and mature perspective, she got along surprisingly well with them.
She discovered her powers quite early on actually. Her father was a mood reader and her mother was a lie detector, but the two hadn't expected their daughter to be a telepath of all things. However, when she could hear their thoughts and answer them inside their head as well, they accepted it easily and taught her well on how to hide it before she even began school. Her teleporting power came later in life - when she was in middle school - after nearly getting run over and teleporting a few feet forward, just enough not to get hurt. However, she picked up on how to control that herself easily and though she had her telepathy power longer, she can control her teleporting power better.

MAJOR: Business & Economics ; MINOR: Education

TRAITS: quiet, calm, observant, mature, patient

PERSONALITY: Sooyeon rarely speaks, whether it's compliments, comments, or just words in general, she just doesn't say much at all. Before speaking, she's known much more for listening to people. She first listens, observes, assesses, then reacts accordingly depending on the situation. She rarely speaks at all and usually only speaks in answer to other things or other questions/words. However, when she feels need to speak, she speaks succinctly and honestly. At times she can hurt a person's feelings, but she's just saying things as how she sees it and though it may hurt the other person, she's a firm believer that it's better to be hurt by the truth than to be content in lies.
She remains calm in all situations, even at the most random and devastating of times, and will rarely be taken off-guard. In the cases she's taken by surprise, she quickly assesses what's going on and reacts accordingly, whether it's giving orders or beating up the person who surprised her for fun by 'accident.' Whether she is or isn't, however, her observation skills are always there to help her understand the situation better. Whether it's her reading of lips or body language from years of practicing fighting styles (or even using her power at times), she's a genius at not only understanding people but also the situation around her and she never ignores even the smallest of facts she picks up.
Perhaps partially because she grew up with eccentric parents or because of her older-than-her-age personality, she's expressionless most of the time. Most of the time she's blank faced and though the light of her eyes change, most people try not to match eyes with her at all even though she always looks people in the eye herself. However, there are times, if one is close to her, when her face will light up in a way that could stop time or her brows will furrow in a way that just spells trouble. She might be expressionless, but she does have expression; she's just rare in giving them. Regardless, those who get to know her learn to read her expresionless face, but only once close to her can they be differentiated.
She's very mature and not in the erted kind of sense. (She doesn't really like to talk about things in that sense...at all.) She knows what to do in different situations and though she doesn't know how to tell a joke, she definitely knows how to take one and can tell when she should break up any incoming fights. She always has a word or two of advice when asked and will never spill a secret that wasn't meant to be said, leading her to be the motherly one of her friends who keeps them in line (and doing their homework). She can tell when people are uncomfortable and upset from her observation skills and she isn't afraid to play the bad guy at those times to help them relieve stress. 
Perhaps from years with her childish, complaining parents and perhaps simply because she was mature about it, she's very patient. Whether it's waiting for an answer, a letter, an honest opinion, or anything, she can wait for hours, days on end if she has to. She rarely holds grudges but can wait years if she has to for revenge - though she does put it off in extreme situations as well. Because of her maturity, silence, and patience, she rarely acts with violence even when she's angry or even when others think she should. However, at times when she's truly angry, well, there is that saying that h3ll hath no fury like a woman's rage and it exemplifies itself perfectly at those times.
Her good points aside, Sooyeon has bad points too of course. For one, she freaks people out. Period. She doesn't talk much, she can understand what people are saying, she can read minds, she can teleport, etc. etc., basically leading up to not much of a social person. She comes off as cold at first because she looks anti-social. She's simply listening to music, reading, and ignoring the world half the time and especially since she doesn't have much expression, it tends to keep people away. She can be a little OCD at times and especially for people who tend to be awkward with silences, they usually don't get along with her all that well unless they have a friend who gets along with her or something of the like.
Regarding her powers of telepathy and teleportation, she's very careful about her powers, especially invading others' mental spaces. However, she has trouble stopping her telepathy at times and listens to her iPod at all times as a result, depending on reading people's lips. Her teleportation, on the other hand, is much more in control and she can teleport just about anywhere if she has a good idea of where, which direction, and how far. Of course it isn't perfect and for the moments she teleports she needs a certain amount of concentration or else she (and anyone with her) drop mid-flight/teleportation. However, overall, it doesn't go out of control like her telepathy.

LIKES: books, puzzles, music, nature, honesty, animals/children, challenges

DISLIKES: lies, fights, flirts, erts, misconceptions, confusion, boredom

HOBBY: reading, exercising, solving puzzles, listening to music (to avoid reading minds), challenging self to learn something new

HABITS: tucks hair behind ear all the time, touches ear when lying, exercises/practices fighting when upset, laces fingers together when listening or observing, lips when focusing

FEARS: death, becoming dependent on people, losing control of powers completely


no aegyo


allergic to coconut

has an internal clock

has a big sweet tooth

gets sleepy when drunk

hates being in pictures

hums when without her ipod

always loses rock, paper, scissors

early bird ; night owl ; light sleeper

goes out on a morning jog before anyone is awake

always has her ipod and a book to listen to/read

becomes really clingy and childish when she's sick

can clearly remember anything heard, read, or seen once

calls people by real name ; not nickname (x-man name only on job)





X-MAN NAME: (Golden) Knight
(Golden) from her eyes turning gold when she uses her power and Knight because the knight protects the king/queen and follows chivalry, but she also believes it should not have to be limited to males only.

PERSONA: Mysterious Guardian

SUPERPOWER: Telepathy & Teleportation

SPECIAL SKILLS: 4 Fighting Styles (judo, kendo, taekwondo, boxing)

PREFERRED WEAPON: Bare fists ; Katana (kendo)

WEAK POINT(S): Can't stop her telepathy (can be used against her) ; Nose-bleeds and headaches common after using her power on purpose ; No long-range fighting methods

YOUR FAVORITE ORIGINAL X-MEN: Storm, Wolverine, and Colossus






FATHER / Choi Yongsoo / 50 / alive / crude, adventurous, childish / mutant - mood reader / close - The two look like parent and child, honest. Just switched. Sooyeon usually reprimands Yongsoo a lot for cursing and Yongsoo finds a lot of fun in teasing Sooyeon about her lack of a love life (not that he wants her to have a boyfriend anyways). He's very affectionate to her and his wife all the time.
(Job: boxing and taekwondo instructor)
MOTHER / Choi Soojin / 47 / alive / laidback, risky, fashionable / mutant - lie detector / close - Soojin is much more like a sister than a parent to Sooyeon. She loves gossiping, fangirling, shopping, and all the things that people younger than her should do, but she does it anyways. She's very chill about things and though she doesn't say it aloud, she's waiting to hear about Sooyeon's love life.
(Job: kendo and judo instructor)



BESTFRIEND-EXBOYFRIEND / Moon Jinjung (OC) / 25 / Sooyeon's male version / mutant - telepath / close - Just imagine 2 Sooyeon's together except one's a boy and that's pretty much what you have for Jinjung. Jinjung has much better control over his telepathy and is the one who gave Sooyeon pointers. The two are still friends to this day and they understand each other without reading each other's minds because they're so alike.
BESTFRIEND / Huang Zitao / 20 / depends upon applicants / mutant - time control / close
BESTFIRNED / Zhang Yixing / 22 / depends upon applicants / mutant - healing / close








TRAITS: innocent, playful, honest, spacey, protective

PERSONALITY: Luhan is a person who's polite and humble around strangers but super playful with his friends, always teasing them and joking that he's better than they are, even if he isn't. He honestly answers questions without thinking of the consequences and there are times when he just can't keep the secrets from falling out of his mouth. He's innocent when not informed of stuff (which is a nice way of saying he's super dense) and he spaces out a lot during class, when his friends are talking, just about whenever. However, despite for all his daydreaming, he also has his serious side and is easily jealous and protective of his loved ones.

MAJOR: author's choice

HOW DID YOU MEET: author's choice

INTERACTIONS: Luhan and Sooyeon, honestly, are strangers. Ok, not quite strangers, but they don't know each other that well. They tend to greet each other when they pass by the halls, but that's about it. Of course they talk and the like when together with others, but when they're alone, are very awkward and silent. They will help each other out if asked (or if they see each other in trouble) and both enjoy solving puzzles. Every now and then, the two challenge each other and solve rubix cubes or something together but not very often. However, besides their common friend(s) - Yixing and Zitao, the two aren't all that close and rarely speak to each other.
Luhan's telekinesis is very different from Sooyeon's telepathy and teleportation, but they both share a tele- and occasionally, but not very often, the two talk about class or the like, especially if they share a teacher. Luhan, though he doesn't say it aloud, finds Sooyeon's changing eye color intriguing, but also finds her out-of-control telepathy a little intimidating, especially since he doesn't know if she'll discover one of his secrets or the like. On the other hand, Sooyeon finds Luhan's power interesting but honestly, other than their interactions as mutual friends, they don't talk often except when working on puzzles. 

RELATIONSHIP: Aquaintances


BACK-UP: Huang Zitao aka Tao

BACK-UP TRAITS: childish, innocent, competitve, prideful, protective

BACK-UP PERSONALITY: Zitao is a person that, despite his looks, acts like a child. He likes being taken care of, spoiled, and the like. He is very fond of skinship and tends to cling to people. He does aegyo a lot, though not everyone falls for it, and he's very innocent (aka super dense as shown above). He's very competitive and though he won't always, will cheat occasionally if something he really wants is on the line. He can be prideful and stubborn, rarely asking for help though he will sometimes accept it. For all his childish tendencies, however, Zitao is a loyal guy who'll forever protect and easily be jealous of his loved ones.

BACK-UP MAJOR: author's choice

BACK-UP - HOW DID YOU MEET: author's choice

BACK-UP - INTERACTIONS: Zitao and Sooyeon, for all their differences, are best friends, oddly enough. Zitao is childish while Sooyeon is quite motherly (according to her nickname anyways) and though they're several years apart with Sooyeon older, he calls her Yeonnie affectionately anyways, especially since she doesn't mind. Zitao always hangs out with her and is her practice buddy for hand-to-hand combat. The two get along a lot like siblings and while Sooyeon takes care of Zitao on a daily basis in little ways like an older sister (or mother), Zitao is always keeping suitors away from her because he doesn't want to 'spend less time with his Yeonnie.'
Regarding each other's powers, Zitao definitely likes looking at Sooyeon's eyes because they always change from brown to gold and back again, amazing him. Other than that, he likes that he can send her pictures and back and he doesn't really care if she can read his mind since he knows she can keep secrets and won't try to read his mind unless necessary. He thinks her teleporting power is pretty neat and when late, always asks her to teleport them to class on time. On the other hand, Sooyeon finds Zitao's power absolutely awe-worthy and though she doesn't approve of what he does with it all the time (like when cheating), she does think it's a gift.

BACK-UP RELATIONSHIP: Best friends ; one-sided crush (author's choice who)




Zitao vs. Sooyeon (practice fight)
jealous moments because of Jinjung
parents meeting her boyfriend (oh what fun)



ANYTHING YOU WANT TO TELL ME?: Hope you like my application. 




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