` love between [ thugs. ] 〈 yong sooyeon

  love between thugs.
                                         KoreanGal5 | Yong Sooyeon | don'tbother | hisrival -                                         


and who might this be Umma Soul

username ⋮ KoreanGal5

profile link Click!

level of activity ⋮ 10점 만점에 10점 



character name ⋮ Yong Sooyeon

character's alias Soul

nickname(s) ⋮ Umma (by sisters for normal side)

date of birth ⋮ May 17 : 25

height ⋮ 150 cm

weight ⋮ 50 kg

ulzzang name ⋮ Park Sooyeon

appearance 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

back up ulzzang ⋮ Park Jihyun

appearance01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

style ⋮ Perhaps because she is a gangster, she enjoys wearing comfortable clothes or at least clothes that don't limit her mobility. She's very simple in her fashion and honestly, only wears fashionable clothing at her sisters' insistence. She tends to wear a jacket or cardigan with her outfits usually to use as a distraction if necessary in unforseen fights, and though she'd much rather wear sneakers, will wear heels especially since they hurt more in kicking. She usually has her hair up, especially when fighting, but will let it down and use hairpins that can double as weapons. She actually prefers conservative clothing but will wear what she has to. She wears silver jewelry often, especially a ring from her family. Her mission clothes tend to be more boyish and black, but still depends upon the job. 

Casual: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05
Semicasual: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05
Missions: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

extra  ⋮ one pair of ear piercings ; star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on lower right back ; silver ring from family (ø) on right index finger ; dimple only on left when smiling



personality ⋮ Sooyeon has two sides - two faces if one will - one for dealing with the mafia side of her life and the other for her "normal" life, the one with her family and friends. The two sides are quite different but they're also quite similar in several ways as well. However, the way she carries herself and speaks differs drastically and somehow, even though the two sides are similar, there seems to be a clear line between the two - in her eyes, her poise, in everything she does and says there's something different about her when she switches. The most amazing thing between the two sides, no matter how similar or different, is that she never mixes them. She'll switch back and forth quickly, but never mix them, like flipping a switch and seeing the light against the dark.
Let's start with the mafia side. With the mafia side, she's very stoic. She's expressionless, a master deadpan, and only speaks with two tones - one of command and one of neutrality. She answers everything with a 'yes' or 'no' and her opinions here, don't matter. She doesn't mind seducing a target or two and always makes her kills quickly and cleanly. She's a genius actress who makes the whole stage full of mystery like off of a detective novel, framing people perfectly when needed and disposing of people in a manner without trace (or with trace) when needed. She uses everything in her surroundings to her advantage and follows orders to the letter. She doesn't mind bending rules when needed of course, but never let's her employer have a need to complain without viable reason.
Although she rarely speaks, when she does, everyone pays attention because what she says never is a suggestion or opinion - it's always a command. A strategizing genius, she thinks several steps ahead and never fails to think of a plan for every possible scenario, seen or unseen. Blood? It's nothing but a colored liquid. Every movement she does and every word that comes out of has a purpose and she doesn't waste a second to lay her trap. She tends to know when the Bangs or another mafia group is going after the same kill and is a genius - fortuantely or unfortunately - at wrapping her plans around theirs, using their chaos to perform her kill and steal the credit. She can lie, steal, and do just about anything without hesitation, but will not let something unforseen occur without a counter.
However, much unlike but also like her mafia side, she also has her "normal" side. Like her mafia side, she's silent most of the time and listened to when she speaks. She still remains alert and patient, calm in even the most unimaginable of situations and willing to wait, but for answers and words rather than the perfect timing to kill. However, the similarities end here. With this side, though she is expressionless most of the time, has times when her face will light up and just takes one's breath away or her brows furrow together in a way that spells trouble. She will always tell the truth perhaps because she saves all her acting and lies for her other side. She is still quite mature, whether it's listening to something quite innappropriate or just not joining in on teasing, but is less comfortable with it.
Also quite the opposite, she's actually quite motherly. Not in the nagging, but she worries about her family and will give up just about anything for them. She spends a lot of her free time helping them in various ways and is always willing to drop whatever she's doing to listen to their problems and give them advice. Partially because of her intellect and line of "business," she can read a person's body language and tell when they're upset or not feeling well. She isn't afraid to play the bad guy when someone needs to relieve their stress, even if she's hated for it later and never fails to break up fights between others. She's willing to take orders and has a tendency to accept things about people even when others would give up. Although unusual for her job, she's quite the go-with-the-flow girl.

traits ⋮ emotionless mafia member vs. mature calm mother

background ⋮ Rather than say she has an opinion on the mafia life-style, it's her life. It was what she was born into and a life she wouldn't want to trade for any other. Of course, there are times when she wishes they were ordinary - when one of her family members is near dying or when she goes out on the streets and sees people complaining about normal problems like about their outfit and boyfriend rather than their next target and mafia relations. However, she oddly believes that the life she has now is the one that suits her best. After all, without her mafia life, she wouldn't quite be with her family as it is or challenge herself in such adrenaline-rushing ways. Perhaps not the most fun for others, but definitely it suits her the best and though odd, she does have confidence in her role. Definitely.
Of her family, rather than say there is someone she gets along best with, there's a sister she is the least close to and that happens to be leprincess. Why? Partially it's because leprincess hates taking orders from Sooyeon and the other part because Sooyeon hates being defied, especially when leprincess decides to not follow the plan and throw in a twist that throws her plan off. In addition, both of them have that leadership part at times and they clash when their orders differ. However, when their orders overlap properly, they're each other's greatest allies and luckily, Sooyeon's gotten used to preparing for leprincess's unforeseen actions. In addition, outside of the mission field, the two get along like Sooyeon does with the other siblings - it is only on off-occasions when they clash on orders.
Sooyeon met don'tbother in what some consider an unusual way, but quite usual for mafias...at least for her. She ruined don'tbother's plan like how she greets most of her mafia counterparts/rivals/etc. She had heard information that one of the Bangs, one of the most bloodthirsty and talented assassins, was to go after her target. She planned it perfectly and was able to use don'tbother's chaos as her coverup. However, although she cleanly took the kill, don'tbother also impressed Sooyeon in another way - doing something completely unforeseen - injuring her. While Sooyeon was making her escape, don'tbother attacked her back and though Sooyeon escaped, the wound scarred and she still has it, but don'tbother doesn't know. Her family got her the ring as an inside joke her on next birthday.


  • books
  • nature
  • honesty
  • skinship
  • exercise
  • animals/children
  • challenges/puzzles


  • lies
  • erts
  • boredom
  • confusion
  • misinformation


  • lips when focusing (mafia)
  • takes a long shower + nap after kill (mafia)
  • bites tongue when upset about something (mafia)
  • practices fighting/exercises when angered (both)
  • looks out window when there is one nearby (both)
  • tucks hair behind ear all the time especially when listening/observing (both)
  • touches ear when lying (mother)
  • covers mouth when laughing (mother)
  • makes excuses to leave when jealous (mother)


  • reading
  • learning
  • exercising
  • solving puzzles
  • challenging self
  • cleaning her weapons
  • enjoying nature (walks/stargazing/watching sunrise or sunset)


  • death - Rather than fearing death itself, she fears someone she loves dying more than her own death. As she's seen and caused death with her own hands, she fears someone permanently leaving her life. Even more so, she fears going out of control one day without a plan and accidentally killing one of her family members by her own hands while in panic.
  • family broken apart - She likes her family now and hopes it will stay that way. Rather than fearing change itself, she fears that the family will all decide to walk their own path or somehow never talk to each other. (She doesn't really fear getting caught by the police or the like since eventually, the member will come back out.)
  • losing herself fully to mafia - She fears losing her second side (her motherly side) and becoming fully an expressionless, emotionless job-following robot. She also fears that her pride will not be in her family, but soon in her ability to do her job so well - assassination aka killing. She fears losing, in other words, her humane side - her humanity.


  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • starts day with jog and tea
  • light sleeper ; night owl ; early bird
  • always loses at rock, paper, scissors
  • calls people by real name ; not nickname
  • can remember anything heard, read, or seen once
  • becomes childish + clingy when sick ; sleeps it off in 12 hours



strengths ⋮ Sooyeon is definitely best at creating plans. Perhaps because she's good at reading people and observing situations or partly because she just loves a challenging puzzle, which is what she sees most of her assassinations as, she's always got a plan for every scenario, even for the unseen ones. However, just because she's mainly a strategist does not mean she isn't good at fighting. She's still good, though not the best, at hand-to-hand combat and she's decent in utilizing most weapons. However, she's definitely got the best aim and the best at creating poisons and antidotes for her assassinations. She's definitely a dictionary version of an assassin - an untraceable yet clear murder from elsewhere with a clean getaway. She's especially known for taking into account all possibilities.

weaknesses ⋮ Sooyeon, no matter how smart and talented, definitely has flaws, some she can't help more than others. For example, her height and weight put her at a disadvantage at any fight. However, her greatest weakness, her fatal flaw, is her panic mode. When her plans have completely fallen apart and she's backed into a corner, she fights by instinct. Although strong and fatal, however, she's also unable to differentiate between ally and enemy when in this mode and fears herself as a result. In response, she creates plans for everything and rarely goes into a fight without first knowing the background information and possible scenarios. Although she can adjust for small and a few big deviations, something completely throwing her entire plan out of whack might be fatal for all.

weapon ⋮ Her trademark is definitely her gun and poison. Whether it's for stunning, death, or anything in between, she's definitely the one to create such a concoction and use it for a clean assassination and getaway.

life quote ⋮ The meaning of life is that it ends. -Franz Kafka

the crime ⋮ violence/assassinations



love interest ⋮ Bang (Wang) Feifei

back up interest ⋮ Bang (Huang) Zitao

traits ⋮ bloodthirsty childish assassin vs. playful temperamental child

introduction ⋮ The two met on a mission. Sooyeon used Feifei's/Zitao's chaos to her advantage to kill her target, but she/he surprised her by injuring her while she was making her getaway. She still has the crescent-shaped scar.

feelings ⋮ About Feifei/Zitao, Sooyeon sees her/him as a puzzle and is interested, but rather than seeing her/him as a rival, sees her/him more as another...not pawn, but piece in her plans. She does find her/him attractive at times, but Sooyeon usually only meets her/him while in assassin mode and therefore her opinions are muted, ignored, and irrelevant. For the marriage plans, although Sooyeon feels somewhat mixed about it, she definitely feels that it will help the Yong and Bang status but also attract more attention and not in a good way either. She dislikes being forced to marry someone not out of love, but since it's an order and since it's for the better of her family, she's rather tolerant of it. However, that doesn't mean Sooyeon will forgive Feifei/Zitao for everything.

interactions ⋮ author's choice

the bangs ⋮ Oddly, or quite obviously, Sooyeon sees most families besides hers as pieces of a more elaborate plan. Will they help her? Will they not? Will they be allies or enemies? Will they be a bother? As long as they aren't a fatal mistake during missions, Sooyeon tolerates most peole and though she doesn't quite see them as rivals, she doesn't feel that they are a waste of space either. Rather, she sees the Bangs as the next step to get the Yongs to the top. However, she isn't an idiot to doubt their skills either - they were top dog for a reason; the Yongs were simply going to beat them. Hearing about the merge, however, her opinion slightly changed. The Bangs were at the top and now, the Yongs were simply climbing up to be next to them. Not quite enemies, but not easily allies either.

rival one ⋮ don'tbother

rival two ⋮ misschild



requests|questions ⋮ Our last names are supposed to be Yong, right? And our love interests shall have the last name Bang? I wasn't quite sure so I put their last names in parenthesis.  Anyways, feel free to change anything. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. 

  • love interest trying to seduce Sooyeon
  • Sooyeon surprising people with her two sides
  • love interest finding out about scar on Sooyeon (likes it?)
  • Sooyeon admitting her fear to her love interest (panic mode)
  • hand-to-hand combat and aiming practice between two families (contest?)

comments|suggestions ⋮ Nothing really except I'm probably really sleepy right now so please don't blame my...weird words and stuff. It's way too late to be up but I wanted to be the first to turn in the application. 





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