'*METRIC Dance Crew's B-BOY Moon Jinjung*'

[ Moon Jinjung ] -


[ B-Boy ]


Bad Boy

Name: Moon Jinjung
Nicknames: Umma
Stage Name: -
Age: 23
Date of Birth: May 17, 1990
Place of Birth: Suzu, Japan
Hometown: Suwan, Korea
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Blood Type: AB
ual Orientation: Biual


Look At Me Now
Ulzzang: Park Jaehyun
Back-Up Ulzzang: Won Jongjin aka J

Fashion Style: His casual clothes are usually jeans and a form-fitting shirt. Occasionally he'll layer and add some accessories. Refer mostly to what ulzzang wears. His practice clothes are jeans, shirt/wife-beater, and sleeveless jacket. For formal clothes, he'll wear a suit and tie but if he can get away with it, he will not wear a tie. If he can, he'll wear formal pants and a collar shirt instead. He has a simple taste in clothing and will wear jewelry, usually wearing the same simple jewelry with different outfits, but rarely will wear hats or scarves. He doesn't like revealing clothes and won't even go swimming shirtless. He has a ring he wears all the time on his index finger from his parents as an inside joke about his birthmark and scar. Most of his jewelry is silver and very simple so he can wear it with any outfit but still not clash.

Casual: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 

Formal: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

Training: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

Other Noteable Features: one pair of ear piercings ; star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on left of his stomach ; glasses/contacts he's blind without ; dimple only on left when smiling ; silver ring on right index finger (ø)



Background: He was born in Suzu, Japan during his parents' honeymoon - yes, his mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, he was a rather quiet baby. His parents brought him up as if they were friends or siblings rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. When he was younger, one of the newer kids at kendo was trying to show off while his parents were talking to the new kid's and was swinging around a real sword that was used as a decoration. Jinjung tried to stop him and the kid scratched Jinjung and while the kid panicked (and ended up quitting kendo), Jinjung stayed calm. He didn't suffer anything serious, but has the scar to this day. As a joke, the birthday after the incident, his parents gave him a silver ring with a star and crescent moon.
He was unbelievably smart, especially with his amazing memory, and skipped a few grades. During his high school years, he joined a dance team by force. One of his friends had declared it'd be fun and signed them up together without asking. When he went to the class and was forced to dance he just did a few martial arts tumbles to the beat and was surprised when it was not only pretty fun, but also that it was apparently impressive. He continued attending the club for the rest of his high school years, picking up a few more risky dance moves, and working a bit for his uncle. He also continued to work at his parents' dojo and he graduated Seoul National University at the top of his year and hoped to inherit his parents' dojo, majoring in business and economics and minoring in medicine. Not according to plan, his parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that he had to go "knock up a girl/boy, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked him out.
Without panicking, he called up his uncle and stayed with him and his group mates for around a week. Although it took some time, he was able to get a job as a dance/martial arts instructor in a small studio/dojo and lived there for a while in the back room. He was doing both things he liked, making money, and although not in the best conditions, living in bearable ones. He even spent some time working with his uncle, Eric of SHINHWA, his fellow groupmates, and their newest groups, dancing for them like when he was in high school. However, things soon began looking even more up as he joined METRIC Dance Crew, the last to join and the one with the studio/dojo. During the weekends and after 5PM on weekdays, he spends most of his time with his crewmates, whether it's dancing, eating, etc. at his studio. As a result, he spends most of his time living with his job. Literally.

More Specifically...: Jinjung's parents are childish. Very very very childish. [Hard to show in three-word personalities I apologize.] Whether it's teasing him, greeting him, dragging him places, or anything really, they love to go at their own pace and just drag Jinjung along with them. However, regardless of how childish they are, they're still his parents. After college, seeing as how Jinjung's done nothing 'for himself,' relating all his activities' reasons to school or family - the dojo for them and even the dance crew for his uncle rather than for his own enjoyment - in their eyes, they decided they needed to make him find something for himself. [And they wanted future grandchildren or at least a daughter/son-in-law.] So they kicked him out. Literally. Only with the clothes he owned and the things in his pocket and bag - his basic necessities luckily, telling him the quote in Background.
It was really a spur of the moment thing for them, like always, and they let him back in a few hours later, but he had already arranged plans with his uncle and was gone. They didn't worry since Jinjung was responsible, fortunately or unfortunately, and he called a few days after he started up the studio/dojo to let them know he was doing fine. They told him he could at least sleep at home, but by then, Jinjung was strangely comfortable without them, perhaps because he didn't quite have to wake up in the mornings by dodging his father's "good-morning-punch" or shopping with his mother every other day as "mother-son-bonding," but regardless, mostly because he was following his passion - the things his parents thought he was doing for his family rather than for himself, when in reality, those were his favorite activities.

Personality: Whether it's complaints, compliments, or just comments, Jinjung doesn't talk often. Of the members, he speaks the least whether he's on-camera or not. However, when he does speak, he's very blunt and concise, sometimes too much so. He answers only exactly the question asked and can hurt a person's feelings, but rather than meaning to, is simply saying the truth as he views it. He chooses not to speak, mostly to observe and listen. He assesses the situation then acts upon it accordingly, whether it's fixing an issue or answering a question. He always looks people directly in the eye and with his lack of speaking, it can be a bit unnerving and makes him intimidating. However, strangely unlike his looks and outer personality, Jinjung isn't quite cold and has a warmer side - like a brother almost - a scary brother maybe, but a brother nonetheless.
Despite Jinjung's cold first impression, he's actually quite warm, especially when he threatens others for his 'family.' From years of experience fighting, he's developed an uncanny ability to read body language. As a result, he can tell when a person is uncomfortable, happy, or anything in between. He can also tell when someone is not feeling so well and will usually order them to rest, albeit with only a few words and explanations. When someone needs 'relieve' anger or something of the like, Jinjung isn't afraid to play the bad guy even if he's hated later for it. He's very mature and though he might find childish acts amusing, isn't the kind to join in all that much. He doesn't tease people all that often and doesn't react to teasing much either. He always uses his brain and body when it comes to challenges and isn't afraid to threaten to get his way.
He remains calm at all times and is rarely taken off-guard. When he is, he reacts immediately. He's expressionless most of the time, but it's somewhat a result of his parents' eccentric personalities. However, though he doesn't have much expression, there are times when his face will light up and take a person's breath away or his brows will furrow in such a way that spells trouble. He isn't without expression, just rare with them. He enjoys trying new things, no matter how scary, and usually ends up enjoying it. He rarely falls victim to any sort of trick and is quick to notice what's going on. He actually likes skinship though he rarely initiates it but is a living failure of aegyo. He's very patient and can tolerate just about anything whether it's pain, people, or anything in between. He has a soft spot for children, animals, and always is polite.


  • leaves when jealous
  • touches ear when lying
  • exercises/practices when upset


  • books
  • nature
  • honesty
  • exercise
  • skinship
  • challenges
  • children/animals


  • lies
  • flirts
  • fights
  • erts
  • boredom
  • confusion
  • misconceptions


  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • has a gigantic sweet tooth
  • always loses at rock, paper, scissors
  • never takes a selca alone ; will with others
  • uncle is Moon Junghwa aka Eric of SHINHWA
  • calls people by real name only ; not stage name/nickname
  • sleeptalks multilingually ; light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl
  • can remember anything after seeing, hearing, reading, experiencing once


Dirty Cash

Number of Years Dancing Experience: 8 years

Professional Experience:

  • back-up dancer for SHINHWA's last concert before army enlistment
  • back-up dancer for SHINHWA's first concert after army enlistment
  • back-up dancer for SHINHWA's "Venus" MV
  • back-up dancer for Teen Top's "Be Ma Girl" MV (one of the people in the crowd)
  • back-up dancer for Teen Top's European tour - TEEN TOP SHOW! Live Tour in Europe 2013



[ Family ]

Father - Moon Jungsoo | 45 | boxing and taekwondo instructor | crude, adventurous, childish | Together, the two do look like parent and child, just switched. Jinjung is always lecturing Jungsoo, especially when he curses around children. Jungsoo greets Jinjung with a bright happy smile and a strong left hook that usually surprises others. Jinjung and Jungsoo practice boxing and taekwondo together occasionally and overall just get along despite their differences. Jungsoo collects magnets from different places and loves traveling to foreign places. His goal is to visit every country in the world at least once and when he as the time (and money) he travels with Soojin. Jungsoo teases Jinjung endlessly, especially about his lack of a love life, but Jinjung hardly reacts and usually ends the conversation by telling him to go flirt with Soojin. Even so, the two always have each other's backs.

Mother - Moon Soojin aka Suzumi | 43 | judo and kendo instructor | laidback, risky, fashionable | More than parent and child, Soojin acts more like a sister to Jinjung. Whether it's stealing his stuff, teasing him, or just talking his ear off, she isn't exactly the adult figure most expect. However, like a sister, she also has her affectionate and responsible side too. She cares for him when he's injured or sick and loves showering her affection on him, whether it's hanging off his arm or a kiss on the cheek. She loves talking to Jinjung because she knows even if it doesn't seem like it, he's listening. He doesn't care about fashion, but she drags him on shopping trips for his opinion and to carry the bags anyways. Although he doesn't like it, he usually follows her along willingly without complaint anyway. Even so, Soojin is his mother and cares immensely about what happens to him.

Uncle - Moon Junghyuk aka Eric | 34 | SHINHWA member | playful, chill, adventurous | Similar to Jungsoo but different too, Junghyuk is the child and Jinjung is the parent. Junghyuk, unlike Jungsoo, greets Jinjung with a loud shout of 'BABY' and a big hug. Junghyuk likes teasing Jinjung too, usually calling him 'aual' for fun. He and his groupmates usually stop by the studio every now and then and when they can, like to make him a back-up dancer or something to dance with him professionally. When it comes down to it, Junghyuk understands Jinjung's seriousness on stage more than his parents and no matter how childish he is off-stage, changes when he steps on it to give a wonderful, somewhat mischievous stage. However, the two are family and despite their little teasings, will always watch out for each other and support each other.

[ Friends ]

Choi Sooyeon (OC) | 23 | bookstore owner | Jinjung's girl version | Although ex-girlfriend-and-boyfriend (mutual breakup in high school after three months), the two are still friends and get along immensely. They're always recommending books and cooking recipes to each other and act more like siblings than friends. The two both show their affections through action. The two understand each other without speaking and generally go to each other for advice. Sooyeon currently likes someone, but won't say who except that it is a female who visits the bookstore every now and then. Even so, Jinjung respects her privacy and encourages her to chase after the 'who.' The two tend to tease each other but never anything too serious.
[ Possible crushes: Seo Joohyun (SNSD), Victoria (f(x)), Amber (f(x)), Fei (Miss A), Jihyun (4minute) ]

Ahn Daniel | 18 | Teen Top member | spacey, sneaky, proud | Jinjung is closest to Daniel of all the Teen Top members, although not the closest in age, mainly because Jinjung finds him amusing and is always keeping an eye out for him after he almost fell down the stairs in front of him. Jinjung usually helps Daniel get down some of the harder moves and in return, Daniel's usually surprising him at the studio with lunch. Jinjung tends to scold Daniel for being spacey, which leads to Daniel worming out of it somehow. Jinjung is always giving him advice and vice versa. They talk a lot about guy things - things that Jinjung wouldn't talk to with his other friends or his family. Although the two don't always get to hang out or see each other, both busy with their own respective jobs and all, they still remain close and text each other during their free time.

Man in Love

[ Love Interest ]

Huang Zitao | 20 | EXO member | sly, playful, childish
How You Met: Author's choice
Description of Relationship: The two are friends, but they somewhat play-flirt with each other. Zitao always ends up getting teased by s for this while Jinjung gets teased by his too. However, Jinjung's flirting is much less obvious so Zitao isn't sure how Jinjung feels.


[ Back Up Love Interest ]

Ahn Daniel | 18 | Teen Top member | spacey, sneaky, proud
How You Met: The two met when Andy, the same group of Eric, asked Jinjung to star in his produced group's music video "Be Ma Girl". Right away, Andy took Jinjung to the filming (since the studio/dojo had just closed) and while climbing the stairs, Daniel who was coming down to greet Andy slipped. Jinjung caught him luckily and Andy introduced Jinjung to the entire group as one of their new back-up dancers. Although there were a lot of dancers, the two remembered each other especially because of this incident.
Description of Relationship: At the moment, they're just friends, but Jinjung finds that he's getting somewhat jealous when Daniel flirts with other people or compliments other people a little too much.


[ Previous Relationship(s) ]

Choi Sooyeon | 23 | bookstore owner | Jinjung's girl version
How You Met: The two attended the same high school and shared a lot of classes. They both were the youngest of their class, having skipped a few grades, and were partnered up for a project. They became good friends while working on the month-long project and after another month, agreed to go out with each other, but broke up after three months.
Why You Broke Up: They broke up because they both realized they didn't hold romantic feelings for each other. In addition, they wanted to put more attention to their own activities. It was mutual and they are still good friends.



Your Username/Name: KoreanGal5 ; Umma Soul

Scene Requests: 

  • Tao vs. Jinjung ; legit fight
  • love interest getting jealous
  • Jinjung getting jealous and leaving
  • love interest trying to 'seduce' Jinjung
  • Jinjung helping Sooyeon meet her crush

Artist Requests:

  • EXO
  • f(x)
  • Girl's Generation
  • Infinite
  • SHINee
  • Teen Top

Comments & Suggestions: Love the story idea and I hope you get lots of wonderful apps to choose from. (Except for the b-boy. Just me please. Jk.) And if another app requests another OC for a love interest, I'm fine with it being me. ^^


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