☆ H E R O ☆ ▹▹ Choi Sooyeon ▹▹ Umma











secret identity)

Username: KoreanGal5
Name: Umma/Soul (whichever you prefer)
Activeness: 10점 만점에 10점


the mask)

Character Name: Choi Sooyeon ( Shu in Chinese || Sumiko in Japanese || Soul in English )
Nickname: Umma || by members because of personality
Date of Birth: 23
Birthplace: Suzu, Japan
Hometown: Suwan, Korea
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
Languages Spoken: fluent - Korean, Japanese ; semi-fluent - Mandarin, English ; conversational - Tagalog


flashing lights)

Ulzzang: Park Sooyeon
Gallery 1 | Gallery 2

Height: 150 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Bloodtype: AB

Anything Else?: one pair of ear piercings ; star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on lower left stomach
Style: She likes conservative clothing that doesn't reveal much. She's much more of a pants person than skirts or dresses though she will wear one if the occasion is important enough and prefers comfortable sneakers over the latest trendy heels. She also prefers wearing simple clothing over crazily-decorated clothes. She usually keeps her hair up, keeping it out of the way more sensibly. She doesn't dress in the most fashionable manner, being honest, but she never lets the colors/patterns clash and to let the outfit look decent. She happens to like jewelry but usually wears the same ones with different oufits. She usually has a jacket or cardigan of some kind and her dorm, casual, and date clothes are all the same. Her practice clothes are a pair of sweatpants and a tanktop with a larger shirt over it. Her formal clothes are usually dresses - as appropriate as she can keep it. 
Casual | Formal | Dates | Dorm | On Stage | Practice | Other

Hair: She likes natural colors (browns, black, occasionally a blond color) and will dye it dark red or blue (like Park Bom or Dongwoo). She prefers to keep her hair long but will cut it short if she must.


the true hero)

Plotline: Umma

Personality: Unlike onstage, Sooyeon is awkward offstage. Not awkward as in erted, but awkward as in socially awkward. The silences that MCs help alleviate onstage suddenly become more prominent off and though she's still just as motherly, she doesn't talk nearly as much. As if she feels no need to talk, she's often silent and speaks only when spoken to and even then, speaks a succinctly as possible. She's kind and looks out for everyone, a motherly person who everyone is comfortable around and comes to for advice, but her silence is what makes her such an awkward person. Though people react in different ways, some speaking to fill the silence, others making excuses to leave, those that learn to be comfortable with the silence and those that aren't bothered at all by her silence are those that become closest to her.
Even without words, however, her motherly personality shines through. She's known for being unbelivably innocent, blunt (though that partially comes with her succinctness), and stubborn. While onstage she feels no guilt for her bluntness and stubbornness, offstage if she offends or hurts anyone, she immediately apologizes. No matter how stubborn she is, however, she's a complete pushover to aegyo (especially maknaes or people younger than her) and romantic gestures. She's known for scolding people on and off camera, scolding and worrying as she makes sure they've eaten, slept, had a decent day, etc. If there's a no somewhere within there, she's the kind of person who will for sure make it into a better day. She loves children and animals and shows a surprisingly amazing talent in connecting with them. Along with being stubborn, she's also known for being patient, making even the most difficult of children and animals eventually succumb to her.
Though motherly, however, she isn't perfect and it definitely shows in her fashion. It isn't as if she has bad fashion per se, but she definitely doesn't have good fashion and she easily admits it oncamera and off. Therefore, without shame (though with slight embarrassment), she asks her friends to help her pick out clothes. She's also bad with maps, preferring instead to explore and memorize her surroundings. She doesn't smile all that much, oncamera or off, but when she does, everyone stares, making her embarrassed and contrary to her onstage, she blushes easiliy offstage, especially when she's embarrassed, something she never seems to feel when onstage. She also blushes when she has no idea what to do, like when she's adamant on something and someone's using (good) aegyo to persuade her.
When she's sad, she usually hides in high places like the roof or in treetops and when she's upset, she's known for being able to ignore or avoid a person for as long as she wants, filming or not. When she's sick, though rare, she turns into an aegyo machine even though she never does aegyo outside of that. She also is a light sleeper, a night owl, and early bird, sleeping late and lightly and waking early. When she can't sleep, she likes to go out on a walk or run around the block or to the nearest park and back. During her free time, she likes to read, cook, make woven bracelets, or pick up on a few languages to make her translator's life a little easier. She dislikes liars, erts, or anyone of the like that makes her, her family, her friends, or others upset.

On Stage Personality: Onstage, her demeanor mutes yet sharpens. (If that makes any sense.) She, physically, speaks less, especially on shows, preferring instead to listen, but when she inputs her opinion, everyone listens and agrees. Especially as an actress, she easily gathers allies and with her honest, blunt motherly side, she's well-known to scold people even on-camera, but means well. As offstage, she's very stubborn and blunt and if she hurts someone's feelings, onstage she washes her hands of it, doing little to cover her little mistake. Onstage, she's easily putting her thoughts into words and uses her wit to make little jokes that last a long time. She often isn't that competitive, especially if she has no need for the prize. However, if it's something she wants, move out of the way or be run over - thoroughly. When she wins, she wins by a landslide and when she loses, she loses also by a landslide. If she's only in the middle, then she's blended in with the rest of the competitors, surprisingly calm. When punishments arrive, she's got an unbelivable tolerance for pain and a strong stomach while things to mess up her image only seem childish. In addition, when she's the one giving punishments, her flicks, like Onew from SHINee's, are known to crack walnuts with ease and because she's a good cook, she does not involve herself with the making of disgusting concoctions for losers to drink. She's also well-known for being patient and calm no matter how irritating or surprising the situation.

Likes: books, cooking, challenges/puzzles, honesty, exercise, nature, little children/animals 
Dislikes: lies, erts, flirts, fights, boredom, doing aegyo, misconceptions 
Hobbies: reading, exercising, cooking, learning, solving puzzles/trying challenges
Habits: touches ear when lying (off-stage only), practices fighting when upset, sticks lips out like kissing when focusing
Fears: death, depending on others [too much], group breaking up

  • no ideal type
  • never dated
  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • has a dimple on left side only when smiling
  • calls people by real name only ; never nickname/stage name
  • can remember and recall anything heard, said, or read once easily
  • young/new artists (especially in YG) adore her especially after working with her

Accounts: twitter (mireu_umma) ; instagram (mireu_umma)


  • ring from ex-boyfriend (false)
  • dating someone from Big Bang (completely false)


hidden life)

Background: She was born in Suzu, Japan during her parents' honeymoon - yes, her mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, she was a rather quiet baby. Her parents brought her up as if they were friends or siblings rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. When she was younger, one of the newer kids at kendo was trying to show off while his parents were talking to the Sooyeon's and was swinging around a real sword that was used as a decoration. She tried to stop him and the kid scratched her. While the kid panicked (and ended up quitting kendo), she stayed calm. She didn't suffer anything serious, but has the scar to this day. As a joke, the birthday after the incident, her parents gave her a silver ring with a star and crescent moon. She was unbelievably smart, especially with her amazing memory, and skipped a few grades. She worked at her parents' dojo and graduated Seoul National University at the top of her year and hoped to inherit her parents' dojo, majoring in business and economics and minoring in medicine.
Not according to plan, her parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that she had to go "knock up a guy, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked her out. Without panicking, she then joined YG Entertainment, at first, as a manager when she saw the HELP WANTED sign. She found an affordable place with her pay and though it wasn't quite good, it was bearable, especially since she spent most of her time managing and wiith her internal schedule, great memory, and good persuasion, she was quick to be promoted, even with working with Akdong Musician, Lee Hi, and even 2NE1 and Big Bang once when their managers fell sick. However, one day the executive director walked in one day while she was taking the place of a trainee so the others could practice a song and made her perform a few more. She was promptly added onto the list of growing trainees by force rather than choice. To this day, her biggest wonder is what would have happened if she stayed a manager.

father | Choi Yongjin (50) boxing & taekwondo instructor | adventurous, crude, childish | They look like parent and child, but reversed. He is usually getting scolded by Sooyeon for cursing. He usually greets her by attacking her. He likes collecting magnets from different places so she usually sends some over whenever the group travels.

mother | Choi Soojin - Maiden: Koizumi Mizuki (47) judo & kendo instructor | stylish, laidback, fashionable | More than parent and child, Soojin is much more like a sister. She loves talking and teasing and the like, knowing that Sooyeon is listening even if it doesn't look like it. Sooyeon usually sends her a pair of shoes or a necklace.




Best Friend: 
Best Friend | Kwon Jiyong aka G-Dragon (24) childish, genius, gentleman | Jiyong acts like a child mostly with Sooyeon and though he can be a gentleman at times, it's quite obvious who's the more responsible of the two.

Gal Pals | Park Sandara aka Dara (28) innocent, honest, determined | Sandara is very honest with her emotions and Sooyeon is always there doing damage control against whatever comes toward her and just having fun together like normal gal pals.
Sibling-ish Buds | Park Sanghyun aka Cheondung (22) Sandara's girl version | The interaction is pretty much the same as Sandara and Sooyeon except some obvious differences, like Sanghyun calling her noona and using a lot of aegyo. They're just friends that, at times, look like siblings.
YG's Freshies | Lee Hi, Lee Chanhyuk, Soohyun - Hi + Akdong (young) eager, bright, innocent | Voted as the 'most approaching sunbae' by YG's newest idols, even as a trainee, Sooyeon naturally had that motherly, a bit intimidating charisma, but perhaps because of her manager skills, she's always finding ways to take care of them and become closer little by little, always the first to take that first step to introduce the newbies to the business.

Ex boyfriends/girlfriends/crushes: -
Relationship | Name | Age | 3 words to describe their personality | why you broke up/stopped crushing on them | interaction with character (good or bad terms?)


your hero)

Love Interest: Bad Boy
Personality: He can decide.
Relationship: His choice
Meet Up: His choice


the past and not the future)

Past Company: -
Training Period: 2 years as manager ; 2 years as trainee
Training Life: Her trainee life was so-so. She was an ok singer and dancer. Not the best rapper, but that wasn't the position she was aiming for anyways. She did a few managing jobs on the side still, but mostly was just improving what she already could do. She can rap now, although not the best, and spent a lot of time, actually, helping the other trainees of her group, especially the other YG trainee.
Audition: She was dancing with trainees to this song and the executive director walked in and made her perform a few more, each one with a different atmosphere. - "Tonight" Big Bang (ø) back-up dancer - "Somebody to Love" Big Bang (ø) G-Dragon's part - "I Am The Best" 2NE1 (ø) CL's part
How was she accepted into the company?: Scouted by Yang Hyunsuk himself
Weakness: little reactions, does not speaking a lot, tends to make a lot of jokes that are too difficult to understand and reference really old shows in her jokes
Talents: anything physical, acting, defending against rumors/making evil MCs uncomfortable

Singing Twin: Ailee
Rapping Twin: -

Dancing Twin: Hyoyeon


for the whole world to see)

Stage Name: -
Persona: Motherly Guardian
Position: Face | Main Vocalist | Main Dancer
Personal Fanclub Name: Dears (like Honey~ and similar in Korean ; between married people usually)
Personal Fanclub Color: #DC143C (Crimson Red)
Fan message: How have my Dears been doing?

Your ideal type: No one
Who are you closest with inside the group?: Leader || They scold members and keep the group together.
Who are you most awkward with inside the group?: Bad Boy || He doesn't quite listen.
Who are you inspired by?: Everyone since they work so hard to follow their dreams.

i'll save you )

Comments?: -
Scene Requests: -
Anything Else?: -
?: -





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I love the TaoHan gif <3 <3 <3
you actually did all of it o_o