Hello? o.O

Hello... I want to play a game... This game involves whether you live or die... Just joking, I don't have that sort of power... So yeah, first blog ever in my whole entire life. At least I think this is my first blog... Don't know what I'm suppose to do, but for fun I decided to write a boring paragraph. How you got here I don't know... I advise you to leave though because what you are about to see may make you sleepy... To be honest I really wonder why I'm here. I'm a fanfic writer, not a blogger. Don't mind the beginning, I got that from Saw, scary movie. I didn't even watch half of it because I was covering my eyes with my hands.

Yes I'm going to write in the biggest font and in different colours. Why? Why not... It's the middle of the night right now and I'm writing this instead of my fanfic... It's cold here too. So you read up to this far huh? I'll tell you a secret than... I live in Canada where all the igloos and polar bears are!!! At least that's what some people think. I, however, do live in Canada and I know for a fact after living here my whole life those facts aren't true. We live in houses and have pets that aren't polar bears, that would be cool though, I pet polar bear.

I think I'm going to get a lot of hate for writing a blog like this because there are people out there who know how to write a blog and I respect those bloggers. Don't hate, this was just for fun because whenever I go to write my fanfic, I see the 'My Blogs' section. Which got me thinking, what are the odds of a person reading my blogs? So, as an experiment, I decided to write one and try it out.

This doesn't count as a blog does it... Well I guess I should give you something for sticking around. So here is a picture from me to thank you for sticking around, apologize for this fail 'blog' and reward you for making it through...... through this....... I don't even know what to call this anymore. Maybe I made you smile or laugh, all I know is prepare for the sixth member of SHINee.... Yes I'm a shawol, AKA SHINee fan....

Yup, all the SHINee members made this guy. Me like. So for the sake of this weird blog. This is the picture I decided to share, some may have seen it, others may not. I tagged this blog 'random' at first... Now that I think of it, I should tag it SHINee as well to share this picture with all shawols.

Anyway... Back to writing my fanfics... :) Bye Bye. <3


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heyyyyyyyyyyy :)