❝龍❞ Where the wind b l o w s ↷ Choi Sooyeon ⋮ earth d r a g o n

Can You Overcome the Wind,

✼ Choi, Sooyeon ?

✼ Choi, Sooyeon ?

✼ Choi, Sooyeon ?

KoreanGal5 〉 | 〈 10점 만점에 10점 〉 | 〈 Umma/Soul



care to explain yourself?

storyline :  earth dragon 

name :  Choi Sooyeon

*nickname(s) : 

  • Umma || by friends because of personality
  • Yeonnie || by parents for shortened name
  • Fledgling || by dragon for fun

age birthdate :  23 ⋮ January 27

star sign :  Aquarius

languages :  Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Mandarin (semi-fluent)

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who do you take after?

ulzzang :  Park Jihyun

pictures : 

back-up :  Park Sooyeon

pictures : 

appearance :  one pair of ear piercings ; dimple only on left side when smiling ; star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on lower left abdomen ; always wears this silver ring (ø) from parents on right index finger

height weight :  150 cm ⋮ 57 kg

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 what makes you different?

persona:mature, patient, observant, calm, honest, open-hearted, motherly 

personality : Sooyeon is very mature. Whenever and wherever, she always keeps a clear head and gives as unbiased of an opinion as she can. She won't hesitate to put someone down, but also won't hesitate to compliment them either. She isn't all that physically intimidating, but her presence is. Whether it's a quick glance or a hand gesture, it seems as if she knows something secret. She knows when to speak and when not to, but more importantly, knows what to say and how.
Sooyeon is very patient. She can wait for days on end if she has to. She remains polite no matter what and stays calm even when others are ready to throw in the towel. She can be a bit stubborn but only for good reason and when she's stuck to one decision, she'll see it through. She can tell when the perfect time to bring a topic up is and can hound for an answer as long as needed. She rarely holds grudges, but when she does, she can wait years to get even. 
Sooyeon is very observant. From the not-so-secretive suggestions to the slightest twitches of a finger, she can see it all. Even the most near-invisible of hints is clear to her and she won't hesitate to use it. She doesn't speak much, as a result, observing instead. She rarely comes to a wrong conclusion and always has a back-up plan just in case she does. Whether it's observing a person's personality or their deepest secret, she can definitely find it out if she wishes.
Sooyeon is very calm. Even in the most hectic of situations or random or events, Sooyeon always keeps a clear head and reacts just as quickly. She is rarely caught off-guard and on the off chance she is, she doesn't show it outwardly. No matter what emotion she's feeling - happy, sad, angry, etc. - she is always 100% in control of her actions and always thinks twice before doing something she might regret later on, never doing anything recklessly.
Sooyeon is very honest. Honestly, Sooyeon doesn't speak all that often. Usually, she's busy observing and assessing the situation. However, when she does speak, she's very blunt and concise. Even more so, she's honest and will never lie if she can help it. She has hurt more than one person's feelings by being too honest, but she believes that hurt with honesty has better consequences than lies and happiness. She dislikes deluding people and has and always will tell the truth, even if it hurts.
Sooyeon is very open-hearted. She's always willing to listen to a person's problems and give them advice. She will never tell a secret and will accept just about any flaw in anyone. She's strangely wise for her age and can tell accident from purpose. Even if someone is rude to her, she'll persistently treat them kindly and with respect, easily forgiving what others would not. She knows just what to say to get a person's courage up and never fails to say what they want to hear most.
Sooyeon is very motherly. She worries about those of her tribe and is always concerned about what's going on. She uses her clear head and observation skills to give people a hand, ear, or shoulder when needed. She never hesitates to give her loved ones help and even if she's busy, she'll make time for them. Her friends tend to joke that she's a mother in all but age and blood, and at times it seems true. She never fails to scold people or compliment them, acting much like a real parent.

blood type :  AB

likes : 

✼ books

✼ nature

✼ honesty

✼ exercise

✼ skinship

✼ animals/children

✼ challenges/puzzles/learning

dislikes : 

✼ lies

✼ flirts

✼ fights

✼ erts

✼ boredom

✼ confusion

✼ misconception

habits : 

✼ leaves when jealous

✼ touches ear when lying

✼ bites bottom lip when nervous

✼ laces fingers together when listening

✼ climbs high places/exercises when upset

✼ sticks lips out like kissing when focusing

✼ tucks hair behind ear all the time (especially when observing something)

hobbies : 

✼ reading

✼ cooking

✼ exercising

✼ challenging self/solving puzzles/learning

✼ enjoying nature (stargazing or watching sunset/sunrise, etc.) 

fear(s) : 

✼ death - She fears she won't accomplish what she wants before she dies. She also fears someone close to her dying and fading out of her life. ; refer to Background

✼ falling - She got over her fear of falling while flying, but still fears falling off a cliff or something similar. She also fears dying in that manner. ; refer to Background

trivia : 

✼ ambidextrous

✼ allergic to coconut

✼ has an internal clock

✼ has a big sweet tooth

✼ sleeptalks multilingually

✼ light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl

✼ has never dated before since no interest in love

✼ calls people by real name only ; never nickname

✼ always loses rock, paper, scissors for some reason

✼ can remember and recall anything heard, seen, or read once easily

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 why have you come this far?

idol :  Wang Feifei

background :  Sooyeon was born into a rather normal family. Well, as normal as the chief's family could be. She was born into expectations and since she wasn't a boy, her parents were somewhat disappointed. Regardless, they loved her all the same and raised her as best as they could. Her parents emphasized health, honesty, and loyalty above all and she grew up to be independent. She grew up also learning a large variety of topics as the chief's daughter, taking after both of her parents.
When Sooyeon was seven, she was learning some close combat in a class with other kids around her age. One girl decided to show off and began to swing around one of the real sword decorations when the teacher wasn't looking. Sooyeon tried to stop her and she accidentally hit her. She freaked out while Sooyeon calmly called the teacher and excused herself. Other than the scar, she was fine. As a joke, her parents got her a silver ring on her birthday in reference to her birthmark and scar.
A few years later when Sooyeon was ten, her mother was flying on her dragon while Sooyeon was watching, but while trying to do a trick and slipping, her mother fell off her dragon while her mother's dragon fell into a lake. Sooyeon feared her mother and her dragon had died, but pushing aside her tears, calmly was able to get help to look. Her mother had died instantly, they said, but her dragon lived on, though in mourning. Since then, Sooyeon has feared death and falling.

lifestyle :  Born into the chief's family, Sooyeon grew up alongside the best fighters and slyest politicians. She grew up, learning not only etiquette, politics, and housekeeping (expected to be married off), but also how to read lips, how to read body language, how to counter attacks, etc. She didn't grow up in the most normal of households, to be honest, but she grew up well. She picked up many things that led to her observation skills today and learned more about how the society worked.

occupation :  medic ; librarian

family : 

 father ⋮ Choi Hongjin ⋮ 50  not a rider ⋮ chief ⋮ persuasive, courageous, adventurous, stoic, wise ⋮ alive ⋮ Hongjin is very protective of Sooyeon, especially after Soojin's death. Although he's generally stoic, he loves Sooyeon more than anything and would give his life for her, but also fears she'll be a tamer like her mother. On the other hand, Sooyeon cares for Hongjin and generally listens to him, but is also independent and can make her own decisions. She dislikes making him upset, but will if she has to. [10]

 mother ⋮ Choi Soojin ⋮ 47  water dragon ⋮ medic ⋮ logical, motherly, polite, proud, sly ⋮ dead ⋮ Soojin was Sooyeon's role model. She was very logical and polite, but she also had a strong personality and her pride. She did what she wanted when she wanted and knew just how to twist a person's words against them, a born politician. She taught Sooyeon many things about dragons and even a bit about fighting. She never failed to encourage Sooyeon to follow her dreams - no matter what the quest or adventure. [10]

best friend(s) : 

Wang Feifei 26  fire dragon teacher ⋮ stubborn, motherly, blunt, strict, hot-tempered alive The two act like friends, sisters even, around each other. They tell each other just about everything and never fail to be the silent shoulder or ear or hand to lend. They never hesitate to take care of each other, both being motherly and all, and do just about everything together. Sooyeon usually calms Fei's temper down, especially around her young students, while Fei helps Sooyeon have a little more fun in her life instead of just working or reading or doing what she considers 'boring.'

 her name ⋮ her age  fire dragon ⋮ her job ⋮ her personality ⋮ alive ⋮ Oddly, Sooyen is good friends with the orphan. Most of the time, they listen to each other and give advice, but more importantly, they're trusting each other as fellow tamers and hoping for a day of acceptance, pride, and success. At times, of course, the two have their squabbles, especially since they are quite different, but at the same time, they're always there for each other and always encourage each other to continue on.

friend(s) : 

 Seo Joohyun 22  wood dragon healthy trainer ⋮ strict, honest, determined, innocent, curious alive Joohyun and Sooyeon usually exchange health tips or cooking recipes. The two enjoy exercising together to stay healthy and always recommend books to each other. They give each other advice, but aren't as close as Sooyeon is with Fei or the orphan.

 Lee Sungjong ⋮ 19  not a tamer ⋮ student ⋮ feminine, straightforward, two-faced, playful, positive ⋮ alive ⋮ Sooyeon treats Sungjong a lot like a younger brother and Sungjong treats her like an older sister in return. He teases her at times but means nothing harmful by it. She always listens to his problems and gives him advice, giving him the push he sometimes needs.

 her name ⋮ her age  metal dragon ⋮ her job ⋮ her personality ⋮ alive ⋮ Although somewhat of an odd relationship, the princess and Sooyeon go way back. The two had never been close, but get along generally well. The two talk politely and look simply like friends. They may not be very close, but still encourage each other to do their bests as tamers.

rival : 

Kim Hyuna 21  not a tamer boutique owner hard-headed, flirty, overly-confident, energetic, sly alive Remember that girl who gave Sooyeon that scar? Well, that was Hyuna. Although she was young then, she's hardly changed over the years and is somewhat fearful of Sooyeon, chief's daughter and all, but is also unafraid to go against her. On the other hand, although Sooyeon recalls Hyuna quite often, she doesn't really hold it against her or anything. When together, they simply clash in opinions all the time without even meaning to. As a result, they don't get along all that well.

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 where did you learn it all?

behavior :  mature, patient, observant, willing, strict 

tamer :  From a (sort of) regular girl to a tamer, her personality doesn't change all that much; in fact, it hardly changes at all.
Sooyeon is very mature. Regardless of what comes her way, she knows just how to overcome the problem regardless of what comes her way. She stays calm and reacts with a clear head in all circumstances. She never fails to somehow turn the guilt back onto the attackers and acts much older than her actual age - to the point that teachers often speak to her as if she's their equal. She never reacts childishly and is unbelievably wise for her age, but never looks down on others either.
Sooyeon is very patient. Whether waiting for her dragon's approval or to master a trick, she's willing to wait and practice as long as it takes to get it. She can wait as long as she needs and tends to be stubborn in getting an answer. She knows just what to say and when to say it, whether it's an hour later or a day later. She remains polite even when the other party is cursing and ready to give up. She can explain or listen to an explanation for as long as it takes to understand.
Sooyeon is very observant. Body language, way of speaking, small habits, whatever is available for Sooyeon to use, she will. She uses not only paper resources, but also direct resources as well. She's a near-genius at reading body language, from the slightest flicker of an eye to obvious tones and even unconscious actions, and uses it to learn not only more about a person/dragon, but also as an example at times of what she should do and what she should not do. It teaches her to be aware.
Sooyeon is very willing. Willing to forgive and willing to learn, she's always ready and willing to give someone a hand or do a favor. She willingly gives yesterday's enemies the benefit of the doubt and is always up to do just about anything with her dragon. She knows how to decline a person, of course, but rarely does so unless completely unreasonable. She's also willing to try new things even when others cringe at the suggestion and is always up for a challenge or puzzle.
Sooyeon is very strict. The main difference from her (somewhat) normal life and her tamer side, Sooyeon is an OCD perfectionist when it comes to her studies. Perhaps that's why she got her observations skills down perfectly from politicians. However, her strict side, oddly enough, is only for her. She pushes herself to her limits to improve herself and never settles for anything less than her idea of perfect even when others believe she's done enough already.

weaknesses :  However, Sooyeon isn't quite the pro-tamer yet. Although she's mature, at times, she's too mature. She may connect with elders but has a hard time connecting with those of her age most of the time. In addition, her patience tends to wear on other people's patience and her observation skills make people fear her and despise her for knowing their secrets. Sooyeon is willing, but she's too much so and her strictness drives those around her into exasperation.
Quite understandedly, Sooyeon also makes people uncomfortable without meaning to. As she doesn't speak much, it tends to make people uneasy and though helpful, her random inserts into the conversation startle people. In addition, though she knows others well through observation, most people don't get to know her well in return as she keeps to herself mostly, silent and patient. Most hindering, however, is that she doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself as a tamer.

status :  Although unusual, Sooyeon is definitely the brains of the group. Most would say the brains belongs to the water dragon's tamer, but oddly, Sooyeon is definitely the brains (and mother) of the group with her uncanny ability to read body language and hear the words underneath their words.

when did you start? :  Sooyeon became a tamer when she was thirteen, three years after her mother's death. In total, it's been ten years.

how did you feel? :  Sooyeon was somewhat torn about being a tamer. Although she was ecstatic about being a tamer, always having admired her mother, she also couldn't help but feel uneasy about it, especially with her father's overprotectiveness and her fear of falling.

what do you know about your preceeders? :  The most unnerving thing, Sooyeon soon found out, was that she knew little about her own dragon and more about others. She knew little about metal dragons other than their rarity and hate of humans, having heard from the princess. However, she knew much about water dragons, especially from her years hearing all about it from her mother, along with spending time with her mother's dragon occasionally, even after her death.
Sooyeon knew how water dragons were knowledgeable and prideful, along with their willingness to bond. She especially knew their loyalty and responsibility, as shown by her mother's dragon. Sooyeon knew quite a lot about fire dragons, hearing quite a bit from Fei and the orphan, especially about their hot temper and their possessive and jealous streak. Occassionally, they'd tell her about a kind moment but they were few, she knew but she thought it endearing. 
Sooyeon also heard from Joohyun a bit about wood dragons and even personally asked questions, but wood dragons were very different from earth dragons, she knew. She heard wood dragons were very gentle and willing, level-headed and too kind. She even knew about their secretly explosive temper when Joohyun recounted a tale to her, but importantly, Sooyeon knew so little about earth dragons except for from books - the first with a fifth awakening but also the most difficult to control.

who do you best get along with? :  Sooyeon gets along most with teachers and elders. She gets along best with her lecture teacher (Kim Hyunsoo aka K.Will) especially.

why? :  Always polite and mature, it's no wonder Sooyeon gets along best with teachers and older people. She understands their sense of humor and never fails to meet them eye-to-eye despite her age. She gets along especially well with her lecture teacher because she's one of his top students who never falls asleep in his class and is always ready to learn. The two also share similar opinions on various topics and always discuss them.

how do you treat others? :  Around teachers, Sooyeon doesn't try to, but naturally acts like their equal. She doesn't talk down to them or anything but the way she carries herself and acts around them makes it seem as if she is. On the other hand, while Sooyeon gets along well with teachers, she isn't the most popular of a student among students. She treats them respectfully and always looks at them with an open heart, but is too quiet for their tastes and brings about exasperation.

how do they treat you? : Sooyeon, quite honestly, isn't quite sure how the other students treat her. She can tell that at times they are uncomfortable and can see that she isn't treated quite like the other students, but she doesn't quite know why or what she can do to fix the fragmented relationships. However, it's because of her lack of words and because of her oddly welcoming aura - something unusual amongst competition.

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when did this all happen?

your dragon :  Ahn Daniel 

back-up :  Yoo Youngjae

*nickname(s) : 

  • Niel || by other dragons as shortened name

appearance age :  18 ; 19

human height :  180 cm ; 177 cm

star sign :  Leo ; Aquarius

personality :  stubborn, playful, prideful, tough, tsundere (a contradictory personality which is harsh on the outside but caring on the inside)

occupation :  carpenter 

who was his tamer before? :  Before Sooyeon, he's had five tamers. All their personalities are strangely similar although with slight differences, but as a result, he is the most confused now as to why Sooyeon is his tamer when she's the near opposite of all the tamers who came before her. Whereas Sooyeon is calm, quiet, patient, mature, and observant, his previous tamers were generally hot-headed, impatient, bold, passionate, and stubborn - generally more brawn than brain.
His first tamer went by the name Lee Sungmi, a young lord's daughter, and she definitely was stubborn, that one. He was the most open with her simply because she was the first - the experiment in a way. His second tamer was Kim Yoonji, a blacksmith's daughter, and was very hot-headed, getting angry at even the smallest of things. He knew a bit more about humans then and was wary, but Yoonji was forceful; he liked humans in general and didn't want to kill them.
His third tamer was a descendant of Yoonji, Kim Hanuel, but was one of the least impatient of his previous tamers. She certainly was bold, but surprisingly could wait and could calm her temper down better than Yoonji ever could. Even so, he was reluctant to be tamed but was in the end anyways. His fourth tamer was probably the most impatient and definitely the loudest, Jung Minji, orphan. He probably resisted the most with her simply because he wasn't eager to spend time with her.
His latest and most regretful of his previous tamers was Jung Minji's descendant, Kwon Eunjung. Eunjung was definitely the most stubborn and most bold of all his previous tamers, but also with the smallest temper. She simply would not take no for an answer, but rather than getting angry, she simply pushed harder until finally he agreed and yet, it was also the most regretful because she was the one with the fifth awakening and died. She was supposed to stay the last tamer he had.

his contract :  Lower left abdomen, inside the curve of her crescent-shaped scar

how did you met? :  During a heavy rain, a mudslide crashed into the side of the library and though none of the books were permanently damaged except for some dirt and dust. However, there was a ruined bookcase and one of the walls had a gaping hole in the side. As a result, Sooyeon called in for a carpenter who happened to be the earth dragon to not only build another bookcase, but also to fix the damage to the wall.

how do you act around each other? :  Daniel (or Youngjae) acts very tough and haughty around Sooyeon. It had put the previous tamers off and he was hoping it would do the same for Sooyeon, but she takes everything in stride. Even if he acts like a jerk, she's always back the next morning as though nothing had happened and she's always accepting of whatever it is he wants. He acted nice to her once, seeing what the opposite would do, but she acted as though it were normal too.
Sooyeon's always patiently requesting things. She never forces anything and though she may ask questions or requests, she never pushes him to answer anything or agree. She simply waits and accepts how he is regardless of how rude he can be. After some time, he understood that she just wasn't going away and although he still hasn't gotten rid of his gruff attitude, she's always patiently waiting beside him, heart and ears open while he tries to take things one step at a time.
Whenever Sooyeon is near, he tends to freak out a little and panic because he always remembers what happened to Eunjung. However, he always tells himself to get over it because Sooyeon is nothing at all like her. He talks to her very roughly and usually says things he won't mean and regret later. Although he acts brusque most of the time, he does care for her and worries more than he'd like to admit.
On the other hand, Sooyeon observes him all the time and oddly, she finds him endearing. She doesn't mind his tsundere attitude at all and though she knows he has some past, she keeps herself from prying and simply continues to wait because she trusts him. She accepts his excuses easily and although she wishes they'd be closer faster, won't force their relationship, especially since she feels that there's something he is hiding beneath his rough exterior.

how does he act if he is seperated from you? :  When separated, he acts as though he's relieved or as if nothing is wrong, but he's actually quite worried. He'll look around for her without seeming to, pretending to be calm, and visit her favorite spots. He may have been quite worried, but when he finally finds her, he will come up with an excuse as to why he was upset about her disappearance that has nothing to do with her being his tamer.

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how are you dealing?

, i can bring you strength forever, my chief  

your weapon :  a spear

his power :  Their strength directly relates to their tamer's passion about nature or their village, since the dragon of earth comes from the earth. The dragon of earth may be giving the chief's daughter power, but the chief's daughter, surprisingly, returns the favor by giving him something constant and comfortable.

the elders :  The elders said words of praise, but their body language showed fear of failure.

sacred :  He fears he won't be able to be with her once he's too powerful, but doesn't want to be a tamer's dragon anymore anyway, yet his resolve continues to waver. He believes the lore of the fifth awakening and tamer's death because it was him who did so.

the lore :  Yes.

humans :  He loves the human race so much because they accepted him and the other dragons quite readily and although they can be odd or annoying sometimes, he loves their uniqueness and their love for each other and the earth. Anyone can hate, he thinks, but few can love like humans can.

his chief :  Hongjin went silent for a moment and then asked if there was any way she could decline it. She stated that even if there was, she would not take it. The two stared at each other and though Hongjin was upset and disappointed, he couldn't do anything about it; he knew how stubborn she could be.

his eyes :  green-brown

his scale :  golden-brown

his height :  213 cm (around 7 feet)

his rival :  The water dragon is his rival mainly because the water dragon always teases him and laughs at his 'pitiful relationship with his tamer.' Daniel/Youngjae can't stand him but bears with it since Sooyeon gets along well with the water dragon's tamer in memory of her mother.

his ally :  The fire dragon, Jonghyun aka Changjo, is his ally. Although Jonghyun has an explosive temper and Daniel can set it off at times, the two both relate in the difficulty of letting their tamers come close and yet the ease in which their tamers do so anyways.

his status :  Total : 80/130

strength :  9/10 - He is strong, but most of it comes from his bond with his tamer and their passion for nature. As Sooyeon loves nature and spends half of her time outdoors, his power directly correlates to that.

evasiveness :  8/10 - A practiced fighter, his dodging skills are superb. He rarely gets hit and even then, is usually barely injured and will attack back just as quickly.

endurance :  8/10 - He can stay human for a generally long time. However, he needs to revert back to his dragon form at least once a day usually for an hour or so.

agility :  6/10 - He can move fast if he wants though he definitely isn't the fastest, but most of the time, he likes to take things slow and step by step to avoid mistakes. In battle, however, he'll definitely raise his tempo.

speed :  8/10 - Although his agility slower, his brain and body together move generally fast together. His speed isn't perfect, of course, but he definitely is one of the faster dragons.

stealth :  2/10 - Rather than say he's a total clutz, it's more accurate to say he's not stealthy. He doesn't trip or fall or smash his face against the floor, but he just generally doesn't know how to be light on his feet or the like.

intelligence :  7/10 - He's smart, but definitely not the smartest of all the dragons. He's the earth dragon, the brawn, while his tamer was usually just as much brawn, but oddly or nicely, Sooyeon this time is the brain.

mentality :  7/10 - He uses his mind well when he must although he can get easily tricked or confused at times as well. However, he's definitely more of a brawn dragon and is more likely to use his muscles first.

intuition :  9/10 - Alive for quite some time, his gut feelings are usually right and come in hand whether Sooyeon is in some trouble or he's fighting or anything of the like.

trust :  5/10 - He'll put his trust in people sometimes, but it takes him time to learn to trust people. He might even test their trust at times and can be a bit suspicious of them at times.

persuasion :  1/10 - He isn't all that persuasive mainly because he doesn't see why he should persuade people. Also, he tends to mess up his words and doesn't always come out with the right points, which isn't really convincing.

socially :  5/10 - Socially, he gets along with people generally well. Of course there are some dragons/humans he can't stand, but there are also the people he spend time with all the time.

teamwork :  5/10 - Teamwork wise, he's ok with working with people, working well with some and not so well with others. With Sooyeon, he works well with her but won't admit it.

bravery :  80/100 - He's brave most of the time whether it's with words or on the battlefield. However, there are times he tends to hesitate or is just lazy about it in general.

devotion :  75/100 - He's devoted to humans a good deal, but also has other priorities whether it's his fellow dragons or perhaps just one human in particular, humans aren't his only loyalty.

sacrifice :  90/100 - He's willing to give up as much as he loves and although his feelings aren't always obvious to others, Sooyeon can see it. In return, she says her feelings honestly even if he won't verbally reply.

his heart :  90/100 - He loves Sooyeon though he won't admit it aloud. He especially loves how she's constant - patient, open, and just present. However, he fears what happened to his previous tamer will happen again.

obedience :  He's very loyal to Sooyeon, but it doesn't seem like it to most people. He complains a lot about her and is always on edge, saying many mean things that would have made other tamers quit. However, Sooyeon can hear his underneath meanings and is always the first to take the step. He always says he shouldn't have to take orders 'from a fledgling' as an insult, but always ends up caving in the end, especially since Sooyeon knows just how to time and word her requests perfectly.
He isn't with her all the time, but by 'coincidence' he bumps into her a lot. When he runs into her, he always helps her somehow with some excuse about being a gentle-dragon or something else, never saying straight-forwardly that he wanted to help his tamer out. Although he's on edge around her, he'll relax without realizing it and tends to get lonely without her although he'll deny it if a person/dragon asks.

dragon pearl :  slave bracelet in silver to match her ring (ø) ; if unavailable, then a silver necklace (ø)


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want to add anything more?

 the dragon's pearl :  [is] [the] [heart

comments :  Feel free to change the meeting and I wasn't quite sure what you meant in the previous tamers section (about relationships and introductions). If you let me know, I'll happily add or change or whatever needed. Feel free to change anything at all. 

questions? :  Does my app even make sense? ; Am I supposed to give names for my friends' dragons?

ending :  author's choice

death :  Only for a good cause please.

scene requests :  

 ✼ Niel/Youngjae finding out about Sooyeon's scar and traces it

✼ Sooyeon falling asleep on Niel's lap and Changjo comes by and makes fun of him, both of them not realizing that Sooyeon woke up

✼ Niel/Youngjae meeting Fei who threatens to not break her best friend's heart

✼ Fei trying to get Niel/Youngjae jealous by setting Sooyeon up on a date with someone

✼ Niel/Youngjae getting shocked when Sooyeon gets upset at him for the first time for doing something idiotic

✼ Sooyeon finally getting to use not only the diplomatic skills she knows as the chief's daughter, but also the fighting skills she picked up

✼ Niel/Youngjae coming across some guy flirting with Sooyeon but before he can act, she bluntly tells the guy off

suggestions :  

✼ Nothing really.





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