龍歌 ❂ choi sooyeon — cherry blossom

龍歌 dragon song
choi sooyeon  cherry blossom



KoreanGal5 - Umma Soul - 5/5




(character name) Choi Sooyeon

(nickname(s)) umma (by friends)

(age) 21

(birthdate) 05/17

(ethnicity) full korean


chinese: fluent
korean: fluent

(ulzzang name) Park Sooyeon

(gallery) click!

(back-up) Park Jihyun

(other) star-shaped birthmark on collarbone



(traits) mature, patient, observant, organized

(personality) Sooyeon is very mature. Whenever and wherever, she always keeps a clear head and gives as unbiased of an opinion as she can. She won't hesitate to put someone down if they're creating a ruckus, but also won't hesitate to compliment a good deed as long as it is a worthy one. She isn't all that tall or physically intimidating, standing near 150 cm and only 57 kg, but her presence itself is frightening. Whether it's a simple look or a hand gesture, it seems as though she can read a person's innermost thoughts and reveal them as she chooses. She's very loyal to her country, but won't cheat another country  in return otherwise it would damage relations. She knows when to speak and when not to, but more importantly, knows what to say and how.
Sooyeon is very patient. Whether it's waiting for a deal, waiting to observe, or just simply waiting, she can wait for days on end if she has to. She remains polite no matter what and stays calm even when others are ready to throw in the towel. She can be a bit stubborn but only for good reason and when she's stuck to one decision, she'll see it through to the end. She can tell when the perfect time to bring a topic up is and can hound to hear the answer she wants for as long as needed. She knows how to cause trouble and how to bring about peace, doing whichever is needed. She rarely holds grudges, but when she does, she can wait years to get even and brings revenge on a silver, evil platter. Besides waiting, she also knows when to pressure towards an answer to hear what she wants.
Sooyeon is very observant. From the not-so-secretive suggestions to the slightest twitches of a finger, she can see it all. Reading body language and hearing the words between the lines are just two of the many observations she can draw from. Even the most near-invisible of hints is clear to her and she won't hesitate to use it. She doesn't speak much, as a result, observing instead. She rarely comes to a wrong conclusion and always has a back-up plan just in case she does. She can manipulate words in an understandable 'mistake' and use it to her advantage. She's always careful with her words and knows just how to make things seem like an accident or not. Whether it's observing a person's personality or their deepest secret, she can definitely find it out.
Sooyeon is very organized. Whether it's her recollections, papers, words, or anything else, she knows exactly where everything is and can draw upon it if need be. As a result, she can remember anything she's heard, seen, or read once. She can keep whole profiles and history books in her head if need be and uses it to her advantage. She'll remember rumors to use against people but won't put her faith in them. She always has a back-up plan and in the case of an unforeseen event, she can react and create a plan to easily overcome it or even use it to her own advantage. She can be quite the actress when she wants and can use a little waterworks to get what she wants for her country. She can be sly yes, but it's all only according to plan - for her country.
Sooyeon is a mirror personality of whoever she's talking to. If they're honest, she'll speak more honestly, but if they're trying to sneak past her, she'll be just as sly back.

(background) Sooyeon grew up in a rather normal diplomatic family. However, it was recently on the down-low since her mother, the eldest daughter or a diplomatic family, had married her father, an elite guard but still a guard. Although nothing bad, it was sure to catch the attention of other diplomats and be used against them. As a result, her mother decided to retire early to raise Sooyeon. Sooyeon grew up smart, brilliant even, and had no problems at all in dealing with politics. She picked up some fighting skills from her father and even from her diplomatic debut, it was obvious she knew what she was doing and she even used the fact that her father was a guard to her advantage. Her younger sister, Seungyeon, was just as smart but more like her father and joined the local army.
+ mother / Choi Soojin / 47 / alive / strict, sly, brilliant, loyal / 5
+ father / Choi Yongjin / 50 / alive / tough, adventurous, courageous, bright / 5
+ sister / Choi Seungyeon / 19 / alive / sarcastic, stubborn, honest, negative / 5


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(dragon) male
  1. crystal
  2. white
  3. silver
  4. sapphire
  5. amethyst
(bonding) adante
(personality) Sooyeon's dragon, surprisingly, is much like herself. He's mature, patient, observant, brilliant, and will return whatever treatment he gets to the ones who dealt it. However, he's much more honest and unlike Sooyeon, has a playful streak that he saves for his loved ones, especially Sooyeon. He loves teasing people and is a bit of an attention hog. He gets jealous easily and is very straightforward in his actions. If he doesn't like a person, he's very obvious about it and likewise with a person he likes. He has his own fierce side hidden away like Sooyeon's secret fighting skills, but isn't likely to use it unless he or his loved ones are threatened. He's also a good actor of a dragon, but doesn't act all that often. He doesn't like children because he considers himself the child.
(relationship) Sooyeon and her dragon are quite close for an andante pair. She trusts him as she doesn't see much of a reason to not trust him. She tells him things that she wouldn't trust with others and always tells him that he's 'her favorite' though she doesn't specify what. She is always honest with him and his questions even if she'd rather lie. On the other hand, he trusts her just as much but also realizes that she never specifies exactly what of a favorite he is. He gets jealous of other people getting close to her, especially other males, and dislikes when other dragons come near. He calls her 'his favorite' in return but always means his favorite human. They know each other well enough to calm each other's temper and to trust each other especially following plans.





(love interest) Huang Zitao
(back-up) Lu Han
1) Seeing Zitao's bashful state, Sooyeon finds it amusing and tends to a little although nothing serious. She finds his sincerity endearing and tries not to lie to him since he's done nothing to deserve it. She treats him a lot like a younger sibling while he sees her not as a pest or anything, but an odd one.
2) Unlike Luhan's uncensored words, Sooyeon's always careful to say what to him, if only because he's royalty. She keeps her words polite but is very firm on her decisions to deny his playful romantic advances. He sees it somewhat as a challenge while she's simply trying to complete her job professionally.
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(scene requests)
  • fight scene where Sooyeon kicks
  • dragons meet each other
  • two have lunch together
(password) 하고 싶은 걸 다 해서 살아.
(Korean / Live while doing everything you want to do.)




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