→CSD.X →Moon Jinjung →Lead Vocalist, Main Rapper, Main Dancer






Username: KoreanGal5
Activeness: 5/5
What can we call you?: Umma Soul



Character's Full Name: Moon Jinjung
Nicknames: Knight || by fans because of on-stage personality
Date of Birth: May 17, 1990
Age: 23
Birth Place: Suzu, Japan
Home Town: Suwan, Korea
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Blood type: AB
Languages: fluent - Japanese, Korean ; semi-fluent - Mandarin, English ; basic - Tagalog


Face Claim: Park Jaehyun
Photos: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 
Back-up Face Claim: Won Jongjin
Photos: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05
Style: His casual clothes are usually jeans and a form-fitting shirt. Occasionally he'll layer and add some accessories. Refer mostly to what ulzzang wears. His practice clothes are jeans, shirt, and sleeveless jacket. On really hot days, no shirt, but most of the time, if he can bear it, yes shirt. For formal clothes, he'll wear a suit and tie but if he can get away with it, he will not wear a tie. If he can, he'll wear formal pants and a collar shirt instead. His dorm clothes is the same as his normal casual clothes. He has a simple taste in clothing and will wear jewelry, but rarely will wear hats or scarves. He doesn't like revealing clothes and won't even go swimming shirtless. He has a ring he wears all the time on his index finger from his parents as an inside joke about his birthmark and scar, but fans speculate it's from an ex-girlfriend.

Extra: small birthmark shaped like a star on his collarbone ; prescription contacts for stage but glasses when possible ; scar shaped like a crescent on left abdomen - from an accident at his parents' dojo ; one pair of ear piercings ; silver ring from parents (ø)



Background: He was born in Suzu, Japan during his parents' honeymoon - yes, his mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, he was a rather quiet baby. His parents brought him up as if they were friends or siblings rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. When he was younger, one of the newer kids at kendo was trying to show off while his parents were talking to the new kid's and was swinging around a real sword that was used as a decoration. Jinjung tried to stop him and the kid scratched Jinjung and while the kid panicked (and ended up quitting kendo), Jinjung stayed calm. He didn't suffer anything serious, but has the scar to this day. As a joke, the birthday after the incident, his parents gave him a silver ring with a star and crescent moon.
He was unbelievably smart, especially with his amazing memory, and skipped a few grades. During his high school years, he dated Choi Sooyeon (OC), a girl who was pretty much Jinjung's girl version, for a month, but the two broke up mutually because they weren't truly in love and were merely trying to keep their parents happy and keep erts away. The two remained friends and still keep in touch every now and then. He worked at his parents' dojo and graduated Seoul National University at the top of his year and hoped to inherit his parents' dojo, majoring in business and economics and minoring in medicine. Not according to plan, his parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that he had to go "knock up a girl, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked him out.
Without panicking, he then joined YG Entertainment, at first, as a manager when he saw the HELP WANTED sign. He found an affordable place with his pay and though it wasn't quite good, it was bearable, especially since he spent most of his time managing and wiith his internal schedule, great memory, and good persuasion, he was quick to be promoted, even with working with Akdong Musician, Lee Hi, and even 2NE1 and Big Bang once when their managers fell sick. However, one day the CEO walked in one day while he was taking the place of a trainee so the others could practice a song and made him perform a few more. Jinjung was promptly added onto the list of growing trainees by force rather than choice. To this day, his biggest wonder is what would have happened if he stayed a manager, but he doesn't quite regret it either.
Personality Traits: mature, patient, blunt, calm, observant
Expanded Personality: Whether it's complaints, compliments, or just comments, Jinjung doesn't talk often. Of the members, he speaks the least whether he's on-camera or not. However, when he does speak, he's very blunt and concise, sometimes too much so. He answers only exactly the question asked and can hurt a person's feelings, but rather than meaning to, is simply saying the truth as he views it. He chooses not to speak, mostly to observe and listen. He assesses the situation then acts upon it accordingly. He always looks people directly in the eye and with his lack of speaking, it can be a bit unnerving and makes him intimidating. However, strangely unlike his looks and outer personality, Jinjung isn't quite cold and has a warmer side - like a brother almost - a scary brother maybe, but a brother nonetheless.
Despite Jinjung's cold first impression, he's actually quite warm, especially when he threatens others for his 'family.' From years of experience fighting, he's developed an uncanny ability to read body language. As a result, he can tell when a person is uncomfortable, happy, or anything in between. He can also tell when someone is not feeling so well and will usually order them to rest, albeit with only a few words and explanations. When someone needs 'relieve' anger or something of the like, Jinjung isn't afraid to play the bad guy even if he's hated later for it. He's very mature and though he might find childish acts amusing, isn't the kind to join in all that much. He doesn't tease people all that often and doesn't react to teasing much either. He always uses his brain and body when it comes to challenges and isn't afraid to threaten to get his way.
He remains calm at all times and is rarely taken off-guard. When he is, he reacts immediately. He's expressionless most of the time, but it's somewhat a result of his parents' eccentric personalities. However, though he doesn't have much expression, there are times when his face will light up and take a person's breath away or his brows will furrow in such a way that spells trouble. He isn't without expression, just rare with them. He enjoys trying new things, no matter how scary, and usually ends up enjoying it. He rarely falls victim to any sort of trick and is quick to notice what's going on. He actually likes skinship though he rarely initiates it but is a living failure of aegyo. He's very patient and can tolerate just about anything whether it's pain, people, or anything in between. He has a soft spot for children, animals, and always is polite.
On-stage Personality: Whether on stage or off, he acts the same generally. However, due to his obvious fighting skills, MCs either respect him or fear him or both. As a result, he doesn't have to do what he doesn't want to. He doesn't speak that often and is expressionless most of the time so other than music shows and athletic shows he shouldn't be all that popular. However, with a sharp tongue when provoked and his rare expressions, he actually is rather popular, especially when he scares the MCs without trying. Since he can tell when his group members are uncomfortable, he'll occasionally make deals with the MC - leave the question unanswered and he'll do something, whether it's something he denied doing before or showing them a performance they'll never forget. He's always quick to throw off scandals and protects his group fiercely.

  • books
  • nature
  • honesty
  • exercise
  • skinship
  • challenges
  • children/animals


  • lies
  • flirts
  • erts
  • scandals
  • misconceptions


  • death
  • group breaking up
  • becoming dependent on someone


  • leaving when jealous
  • touches ear when lying (off-stage only)
  • climbing high places or exercising when upset


  • reading
  • cooking
  • exercising (especially fighting)

Internet: -

  • ambidextrous
  • no ideal type
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • has a big sweet tooth
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • dimple only on left side when smiling
  • never takes a selca alone ; will with others
  • uncle is Moon Junghyuk aka Eric from SHINHWA
  • always loses at rock, paper, scissors for some reason
  • sleeptalks multilingually, light sleeper, early bird, night owl
  • calls people by real name ; never by stage name or nickname
  • can remember and recall anything heard, read, or seen once easily
  • younger artists (Ex: Akdong, 15&, Lee Hi) adore him for some reason


  • said to be gay (bi technically)
  • said to be dating female artist (lie)
  • ring from ex-girlfriend (actually from parents)



Father | Moon Jungsoo | 46 | boxing and taekwondo instructor | childish, adventurous, crude | Together, the two do look like parent and child, just switched. Jinjung is always scolding an lecturing Jungsoo, especially when he curses around children. Jungsoo greets Jinjung with a bright happy smile and a strong left hook that usually surprises others. Jinjung and Jungsoo practice boxing and taekwondo together occasionally and overall just get along despite their differences. Jungsoo collects magnets from different places so Jinjung usually buys them and sends them home whenever his group travels. Jungsoo teases Jinjung endlessly, especially about his lack of a love life, but Jinjung hardly reacts at all and usually ends the conversation by telling him to go flirt with Soojin. Even so, the two always have each other's backs.

Mother | Moon "Suzumi" Soojin | 45 | judo and kendo instructor | laidback, risky, fashionable | More than parent and child, Soojin acts more like a sister to Jinjung. Whether it's stealing his stuff, teasing him, or just talking his ear off, she isn't exactly the adult figure most expect. However, like a sister, she also has her affectionate and responsible side too. She loves talking to Jinjung because she knows even if it doesn't seem like it, he's listening. He usually sends her some clothing or a pair of shoes/heels from foreign places and though he doesn't care about fashion, she loves dragging him on shopping trips for his opinion and to carry the bags. Although he doesn't complain and though he doesn't like it, he usually follows her along willingly anyways. Even so, Soojin is his mother and cares immensely about what happens to him.

Uncle | Moon Junghyuk (Eric) | 34 | SHINHWA member | playful, chill, on-stage-off-stage 180 | Similar to Jungsoo but different too, Junghyuk is the child and Jinjung is the parent. Junghyuk, unlike Jungsoo, greets Jinjung with a loud shout of 'BABY' and a big hug. Junghyuk likes teasing Jinjung too, but more about his lack of words on variety shows, especially when they're on the show together. In return, Jinjung usually does speak more, but makes Junghyuk the end of his jokes. However, when it comes down to it, Junghyuk understands Jinjung's seriousness on stage more than his parents and no matter how childish he is off-stage, changes when he steps on it to give a wonderful, somewhat mischievous stage. However, the two are family and despite their little teasings, will always watch out for each other and support each other.



Best Friend | Choi Sooyeon | 23 | bookstore owner | Jinjung's female version | They went to the same high school and college and even dated briefly. | Although ex-girlfriend-boyfriend, the two are still friends and get along immensely. They're always recommending books and cooking recipes to each other and act more like siblings than friends. Jinjung usually sends her a ring or pair of earrings or something from foreign places but nothing too expensive otherwise she won't accept it. The two understand each other without speaking and generally go to each other for advice. Sooyeon currently likes someone, but won't say who except the 'who' is a female who visits the bookstore every now and then. Even so, Jinjung respects her privacy and encourages her to chase after the 'who.' The two tend to tease each other but never anything too serious.
[ Possible crushes: Seo Joohyun (SNSD), Victoria (f(x)), Amber (f(x)), Fei (Miss A), Jihyun (4minute) ]

Friend | Terada Takuya | 21 | Cross Gene | playful, confident, witty | The two met backstage on a music show when CSD.X was a new group and going around and greeting everyone. | Takuya and Jinjung speak to each other in Japanese, partially for familiarity and partially because it's entertaining to see their other members ask what they're saying. They're always playing around with each other but it's all in good friendship. Takuya's hobby is photography and he's always trying to get Jinjung to be his model, but hasn't succeeded yet. Jinjung and Takuya usually go to cafes together because they both have a sweet tooth and take selcas together every now and then. When asked once for fun, Jinjung said Takuya's beauty mark is the most attractive part of him and Takuya answered that Jinjung's birthmark on his collarbone is. 

Friend | Han Sunhwa | 22 | Secret | feminine, spacey, bright | On a show that Secret and CSD.X was in, Sunhwa needed a guy partner for something and Jinjung volunteered. | Sunhwa is very bright and never fails to make Jinjung smile at her contagious one. She is very blunt, but also curious about things and has asked Jinjung some weird awkward questions before, but Jinjung simply accepts it as part of her and answers honestly. Sunhwa tends to embarrass herself on shows and when Jinjung's there, he's always covering for her in one way or another. However, the two are obviously just friends to the point that MCs can't even put them together as a couple as joke. Jinjung tends to ask Sunhwa about fashion and Sunhwa usually has Jinjung help her style her hair - a quick skill he picked up while he was a manager.

Friend | Choi Minho | 21 | SHINee | competitve, kind, positive | Minho and Jinjung met on Dream Team where they both got some of the best times and became good friends since. | Although the two are friends, they don't let up at all on games when they're on opposite sides. However, when they're together, they're known as the ultimate duo and win every time by skill, luck, or both. Minho and Jinjung, when not competing, tease each other and then cover for each other in this weird brotherly sort of fashion. When on the same show, they usually perform something together whether a duet, dance medley, or occasionally a little show of talents. During their free time, they usually play basketball or soccer or some other sport together and Minho recently has decided to learn some taekwondo and is always asking Jinjung for tips. 



Full Name & Stage Name: Huang Zitao aka Tao
Age: 20
Group/Occupation: EXO member
Personality: Despite his fierce looks and wushu skills, Tao's actually a child at heart who likes to show off, gets embarrassed easily, and loves getting his way. He's witty but has his not-so-smart moments as well and looks to his group members when he needs help but does a complete 180 on stage. 
How did they meet?: The two met when Jinjung was surprise visiting Minho and bringing his group lunch. EXO and SHINee were practicing together for a special stage so Jinjung brought a meal for 18 (himself included) and they all got to know each other.
How do they interact?: Jinjung and Tao act like siblings, especially with Tao bringing his complaints to Jinjung and telling him to 'beat up the bad guys' even though he technically knows wushu.
Status: friends


Back-up's Full Name & Stage Name: Yoo Youngjae
Age: 19
Group/Occupation: B.A.P member
Personality: Youngjae is a smart-aleck who, despite his teasing and smartbutt comments, has his heart in the right place. He loves teasing and/or tricking people, especially those close to him, and enjoys making others smile. 
How did they meet?: The two met when Sunhwa asked Jinjung to make her and her duet partner lunch when they were working on a new single. Her duet partner, Youngjae, and Jinjung oddly got along well quite fast.
How do they interact?: Youngjae and Jinjung tease each other a lot or more accurately, Youngjae teases Jinjung and Jinjung throws random comebacks in return. Overall, they get along well and the two don't let others tease each other as if it's their lone right.
Status: friends



Rival | -



How long did he train?: 2 years
Trainee Life: His trainee life was hectic to say the least. The CEO had hand-picked him after all. He could dance - physical things were his thing. He could rap - it was like reading for him. He could not sing - that was not in the job description of a manager. So, not to be beat, he spent most of his time singing. He didn't plan on being a KPOP star, but if that was what he was going to do, he wasn't going to do it half-heartedly. He improved his singing until he was at the top of his class and could do it while dancing. He wasn't bullied all that much, especially once they found out he he knew four fighting styles, but the words they said behind his back weren't all that nice. He got to know some trainees, some nicer than others, and besides practicing, spent most of his time visiting Sooyeon or his parents.
What did he do for his audition?: He was dancing with trainees to this song and the CEO walked in and made him perform a few more, even a female song. - "Tonight" Big Bang (ø) back-up dancer - "Somebody to Love" Big Bang (ø) G-Dragon's part - "I Am The Best" 2NE1 (ø) CL's part
Previous companies?: -
How was he accepted?: Scouted personally by CEO



Stage Name: -
Persona: mysterious knight
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Rapper, Main Dancer
Back-up Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
Fanclub Name: Mutjin - means cool
Fanclub Color(s): Cobalt - #0047AB
Special Skills: acting, anything physical, memory
Singing Twin: Kim Jaejoong (JYJ)
Rapping Twin: Yong Junhyung (B2ST)
Dancing Twin: Jung Yunho aka U-know (DBSK)
Back-up Singing Twin: Lee Changmin (2AM)
Back-up Rapping Twin: Lee Sunwoong aka 
Tablo (Epik High)
Back-up Dancing Twin: Taemin (SHINee)
Fan Message: To bring you a mutjin (cool) performance, I'm Moon Jinjung. Ahnyeonghasaeyo.

1. Who is your ideal type? - I don't have an ideal type.
2. Who are you closest to in CSD.X? - Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
3. Who are you closest to in B.A.P? - Zelo because he acts like a little brother.
4. Who are you closest to in EXO? - Yixing because I remember what he doesn't.
5. Who are you most awkward with in CSD.X, B.A.P, and EXO? - Main Vocalist, Rapper ; Himchan because we don't talk. ; D.O because we don't talk.




Why did you apply for this fic?: Because I like B.A.P and EXO.
Do you like BAP or EXO more?: That's a hard question...B.A.P maybe? Because they have more songs. But EXO has more members and they're both so...this is hard.
Anything Else?: I don't know how to do the fan message so forgive me.
Scene Requests?:

  • jealous moments
  • love interest trying to 'seduce' Jinjung
  • Jinjung vs. Tao ; legit battle
  • Jinjung's parents meeting his 'boyfriend'
  • fluffy moments



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