+ COFFEE SHOP ┊ 커피숍 — Choi Sooyeon!

                       + COFFEE SHOP.           
"Welcome to Coffee Shop."
Username: ( KoreanGal5 )
Nickname: ( Umma Soul )
Activeness: ( 10점 만점에 10점 )
" Americano! "
Name: ( Choi Sooyeon )
Nickname: ( Umma || because of personality )
Age: ( 18 )
Date of Birth: ( 17/05/1995 )
Place of Birth: ( Suzu, Japan )
Hometown: ( Suwan, Korea )
Ethnicity: ( Japanese - Korean )
Height: ( 150 cm )
Weight: ( 50 kg )
Blood Type: ( AB )
" Frappuchino! "
Ulzzang Used: ( Park Sooyeon )
Hyperlink: ( 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 )
Back up Ulzzang: ( Park Jihyun )
Hyperlink: ( 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 )
Clothing Style: ( She likes conservative clothing that doesn't reveal much. She's much more of a pants person than skirts or dresses though she will wear one if the occasion is important enough and prefers comfortable sneakers over the latest trendy heels. She also prefers wearing simple clothing over crazily-decorated clothes. She usually keeps her hair up, keeping it out of the way more sensibly. She doesn't dress in the most fashionable manner, being honest, but she never lets the colors/patterns clash and to let the outfit look decent. She happens to like jewelry but usually wears the same ones with different oufits. She usually has a jacket or cardigan of some kind and has one pair of ear piercings. )
Hyperlink: ( 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 || 06 || 07 )
" Mocha! "
Personality: ( The person behind the apron and register but rarely with a tray in her hand, she's not the most loud or noticeable person of the bunch. She's silent and stays like that most of the time, a simple follower it seems to her friends' rambunctious ideas. However, a closer look shows that she isn't the follower at all. In fact, if anything, she's one of the mosr calm leaders, always keeping a cool head and immediately taking charge when needed. Like a supporting mother, she's always keeping an eye out for her loved ones and never fails to lend them a hand just when they need it.
Hard-working, skilled, and modest, she's often the one who opens up the shop and closes the shop up, punctual and responsible. A girl of not many words, she speaks only when spoken to and when she answers, she answers simply, bluntly, and honestly, never beating around the bush and never avoiding the question no matter how awkward or surprising. She remains calm at all times and never panics, always rational and thinking things through. Mature, but playful, she joins in on teasing her friends but always knows how to read the mood and when to stop. Observant and intuitive, she's a girl with great reflexes who's rarely taken by surprise.
At first glance, she seems a bit cold when she isn't at all, just quiet. In fact, she's not just silent and responsible, but also has quite the 'other side' - the mother. Babying even those older than her and scolding them like a parent, it's no wonder her nickname is 'Umma.' Her friends always joking that she's a mother in all but blood and age, she's a person who's always the go-to for advice, help, or just a moment away from the world. As she has a playful side, teasing friends and joking around, she surprisingly also has an adventerous side, always willing to try new things and even likes horror movies unlike most girls.
She's a strict believer of 'honesty is the best policy' and 'if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all.' She enjoys nature and due to her parents' influence, also emphasizes health to her friends. Of the group, she's the worst with fashion, not a fashion terrorist, but not really knowing the 'in-trends' and not really caring, usually wearing comfortable clothes over anything tight or revealing. Although short and expected to, she never does aegyo on purpose while she simply lives with skinship but doesn't usually initiate it. However, when she's terribly sick or drunk, she'll turn into an aegyo and skinship monster.
She hardly fights with anyone but when she does, proves a sharp and fast tongue. A strict realistic person, she never exaggerates and if needed, say the truth - just not the whole truth. She's never afraid to give her friends the push if they need it, but won't if they don't. Unfortunately, no one's perfect and she has her flaws too. Being bossy and naggy comes with being motherly and she has a few OCD moments. She isn't all that creative but is good at planning. Also silent and seemingly cold, she's not the most social person around, but she has a talent, some say, of tolerating even the most annoying of people and can quiet the most loud of people with ease. )

Background: ( Born at Suzu, Japan while her parents were on their honeymoon - yes, her mother was pregnant during the wedding - and into a generally well-off family, she never had monetary issues, a fact she pointed out was due to her parents not herself. Though nowhere spoiled, she was never without necessities and lived simply, denying a luxurious life. As her parents are childish, she found herself acting more and more mature to compensate, knowing their personalities and favorite foods like a parent would their own child. She moved to Korea soon after, where she befriended Terada Takuya - a Japanese transferee - and grew up together.
Deemed a genius, she spent her middle school years in China where she befriended Huang Zitao, her parents moving around to expand their business. She finally moved back to Korea and went into college early, majoring in the business and economics and minoring in culinary arts for one of her hobby. She worked at her parents dojo during her free time and got to know some of the students well, but she wasn't quite satisfied so she went around and did a few part-time jobs here and there - tutoring, baking, cooking mostly - and found that cooking, though her minor, was definitely her passion. )

Likes: ( books, cooking, challenges/puzzles, honesty, exercise, nature, little children/animals )
Dislikes: ( lies, erts, flirts, fights, boredom, doing aegyo, misconceptions )
Hobbies: ( reading, exercising, cooking, learning, solving puzzles/trying challenges )
Habits: ( touches ear when lying, practices fighting when upset, sticks lips out like kissing when focusing )
Fears: ( death, depending on others [too much] )
( sleeptalks
allergic to coconut
has an internal clock
has a big sweet tooth
light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl
has dimple only on left side when smiling
speaks Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin
calls people by real name only ; no nicknames
always loses rock, paper, scissors for some reason )
" Espresso! "
Mother: Choi "Suzumi" Soojin : 47 : judo and kendo instructor : Soojin, no matter how old, is a teenager at heart and acts more like a best friend to Sooyeon than a parent. She's always talking to Sooyeon about anything because she knows that Sooyeon will listen even if it doesn't seem like it. She's always teasing Sooyeon for acting so old and for her lack of a love life and is always up for a shopping day where she tries to spoil Sooyeon with clothes and jewelry, but usually ends up buying it for herself more at Sooyeon's insistence. However, she's still, regardless, her mother and cares immensely for her.
Father: Choi Jungsoo : 50 : taekwondo and boxing instructor : Jungsoo acts young and hates being called anything that relates to age, which is why he raised Sooyeon as if he was her sibling instead of a parent. Even so, there is some parent-child relationship, just the other way around. Sooyeon is usually scolding Jungsoo for being crude or causing some kind of trouble while Jungsoo's like a teenager, always out on dates with his wife or out with his friends when not working. He loves traveling and Sooyeon's usually the one who has to stop him or he'll put the family in debt. However, he still loves her and loves to surprise her with gifts.
Cousin: Ahn Daniel (Teen Top) : 18 : student and judo student : Daniel is full of himself, but with bite to back up his bite; he's a guy who's not afraid to flaunt what he has. When he messes up, he's not afraid to laugh at himself but has a complex about his lips and cracking voice. Though he's full of himself, it's mostly because the kids at his school picked on him when he was younger and was unconfident. As Sooyeon was the one who helped him, he feels he owes her a lot and is always overprotective about her. He pretends to be her boyfriend to scare away guys and refuses to give her over to someone he doesn't trust.
" Caffè Latte! "
Bestfriend: Terada Takuya (Cross Gene) : 17 : part-time model and part-time student : Takuya acts somewhat snobby but it's only to keep stalkers/fans away. He's playful, childish, but knows when to be serious and loves play-flirting with Sooyeon if only to rile Daniel - who he has a mutual hate relationship with - up. He loves taking pictures and is forever trying and forever failing to get pictures of Sooyeon to add to his 'collection,' but remains positive. He has a habit of touching his mole when he lies but he doesn't realize and has a big sweet tooth so he's always taking her out on 'dates' to cafes he enjoys. 
Friends: Huang Zitao : 18 : part-time student and part-time instructor : Zitao, despite his fierce looks, is very childish and usually clings to Sooyeon. Since the two work as instructors at the dojo, her for whatever's free and him for kendo, they're usually using each other as practice dummies for the students and play fighting when they meet. Zitao sees Sooyeon as a sister, sometimes older and sometimes younger, but mostly older, and is always, like a child showing off his newest toys, loves showing her new 'performance fights' he's created or just whatever he wanted to share with his siblings if he had one.
Friends: Gong Chanshik : 16 : student and taekwondo student : Chanshik, who's one of Sooyeon's loyal taekwondo students and one of the kids she tutored for some time, is very childish and cute and is somewhat used to getting what he wants. Although somewhat spoiled, his heart is in the right place and treats Sooyeon with respect partly because he's scared of her but also because he respects her honest hard work. He likes hanging out with his friends and occasionally brings Sooyeon along, who usually treats them since she's the 'eldest' and keeps the group out of trouble.
Rival: -
" Flatwhite! "
Love Interest: Yoo Youngjae
Personality: ( Youngjae's, quite honestly, a smart-aleck. He's very sarcastic and it seems almost like he's always out to make everyone else feel stupid, but his heart is in the right place. He teases people a lot and can be sly, but he'll always readily apologize and make up for any mistakes he's done. He's reliable and trustworthy but has a few trust issues so he's always testing people. He has a very dry sense of humor and likes making people laugh when he can. He smiles/smirks all the time and can be a little dense. Even so, he's very loyal and got the backs of his friends. He loves learning and reading. )
How you meet: ( The two met at the library when he helped her reach for a book on one of the higher shelves. She thanked him but he made a smartbutt comment and she scolded him automatically. He was surprised but apologized and to make up for it, treated her to some coffee at the cafe she had just interviewed/been accepted to work at. The two talked a little, mostly about books they've read before, and though he was going to treat her, she paid for herself anyways at her very scary insistence. True to his word, he did visit them again a few days later with more of his friends and a few somehow knew the other employees. )
Interaction: ( The two, depending on a person's perspective, either look like an old couple, good friends, or even rivals. They tend to argue but neither of them are arguing seriously and underneath, do care for each other. People try to stop their word fights but they both call it their 'way of showing affection' since they're both very booksmart. The two usually talk about school topics or books. Whenever it's another topic, the air turns 'kind of weird' as Sooyeon puts it aka possibly-almost-inaway dating kind of weird. Youngjae does little things to test their friendship but Sooyeon's always passing without realizing. )
Status: ( Friends )
Backup Love Interest: Lee Sungjong
Personality: ( Sungjong is actually quite two-faced as hard as it is to believe. He has the innocent, child-like side and the sly diva side. His actual personality is a mix of both but he separates the two purposely and uses one depending on who he's talking to. He tends to only show girls and adults the innocent side while showing his 'rivals' and guys the diva side. As a result, he has a lot of galfriends and despite his girly fashion/face, knows how to be a polite gentleman and understands a girl's heart better than most guys. He gets jealous and protective of people he cares about easily. He has a lot of aegyo and loves skinship )
How you met: ( The two met when Sungjong was out shopping with his galfriends and Sooyeon was out with her mother at the same shop. The two were standing side by side and Sungjong linked arms with her without looking, thinking it was one of his other galfriends. He turned to her to ask what she thought of something and realized it was the wrong person and apologized. Sooyeon was fine with it and her mother, who had seen the scene, insisted the two groups hang out for the day since her "daughter stinks at giving fashion advice." And so, the they did, eating lunch together and shopping for the next few hours. )
Interaction: ( Sungjong, especially after their first meeting, only shows her his innocent side. She's aware of the diva side, especially with what others tell her and her instincts, but she's never seen his other side. On the other hand, she's always encouraging him to be himself and just accepting whatever he does. She scolds him when she must but let's him be independent. Even so, she still treats him like a man even if she can probably flip him over her shoulder and always tells him about her mother's latest fashion sprees. He insists on taking her on a date often but she sees it more like dates with Takuya then date dates. )
Status: ( One-sided love ; Friends )
" Iced Coffee! "
Hello there: Hello.
What kind of employee are you: ...A responsible one.
Do you think you are capable of being apart of out staff: Yes.
What is your favourite kind of coffee: Caffe mocha, which is also called moccaccino.
What do you specialize in making: I don't specialize in any coffee in particular yet.
Do you play any instruments: I played piano for a few years but that was it.
Can you sing: Everyone can sing. If I'm good depends on your standards.
Can you cook or bake: Yes, that is my minor.
Are you good at cleaning: Yes.
Do you have any experience in cafe business: Not yet but my major is in business and economics.
" Cause you're like a caffiene! "
Comments: Love the layout and pictures. Excuse my lack of coffee knowledge in real life.
Suggestions: Can the type be a little bigger please?
Complaints: None really.
Anything else: ( - )
Scene Requests:
( Jealous moments
Youngjae testing Sooyeon
Takuya meeting Youngjae
Takuya and Daniel fighting
Sungjong meeting Youngjae )
Password: Coffee —  Shop





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