+ COFFEE SHOP ┊ 커피숍— Kang Jong Min ! (male)

                       + COFFEE SHOP.           
"Welcome to Coffee Shop."
Username: ( cinnamonroll101 )
Nickname: ( Angel )
Activeness: ( 7.5 )
" Americano! "
Name: ( Kang Jong Min )
Nickname: ( Min )
Age: ( 16 and 1/2 )
Date of Birth: ( 20/04/1998 )
Place of Birth: (  Busan  )
Hometown: ( Busan )
Ethnicity: ( Korean - Taiwanese )
Height: ( 171 CM )
Weight: ( 55 KG )
Blood Type: ( A )
" Frappuchino! "
Back up Ulzzang: Park Sang il
Hyperlink: ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
Ulzzang Used: Im Jae Sung
Hyperlink: ( 1 2 3 4 5 ) 
Clothing Style: 
Jong Min is a total fashionista, heloves to experiment with his clothing.
Mix and mach of colors, patters and trying out new styles. But when he is not trying to "dress to impres"
he is usualy seen in a laid back casual and clean style. He would wair simple shirts/polos/long sleaves and pair them
with jeans and tops it of with simple accesories like a hat , big glasses  or hust a simple cardigan.
Hyperlink: ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14  15 )
" Mocha! "
Upon observing his outside appearance, you might think  of Jong Min as a calm , collected and mature type of guy. However  you will be proven wrong once you get to know him he is actually a 4D Prince who is cheerful , carefree and some time, naughty. He's loud.. yes, especially when he is practicing his drums. He loves to make people laugh and would often be seen with a bright smile on his face.He is sometimes forgetful when it comes down to simple things such as what to buy for breakfast or if someone asked him to bring them something. Tiny things like this he seems to forget.  This is why SeYi often teaseas him as a "Prince of Idiots", much to his annoyance.  
He likes to l fool around and  acts like a child at times. Though behind all this carefree  personality  of his lies a  mature and wise side of him. When in times of great difficulty he is able to motivate the people around him,  he even has his moments where he gives great advices for others.  He can read people like a book , no secrets can get past his quicker senses. Often times he just shut his mouth and acts oblivious about it because he thinks that he is not in a position to speak about it. However their are times when he lets the truth come out especially if it is already causing great harm to others . He is very loyal to his friends and family and is not afraid to stand up for them.

Jong Min was born and grew up in Busan with his older brother and his parents. His dad is a physical therapist and his mother is a kids doctor. Both parents are very successful. They moved to Seoul later and became neighbors with Min Sae Hee and her family. Jaemin then did a lot of street performances with his friends and brother. He had been put in to a hip hop dance class by his mother since she found out that he was dancing in the garage, when he was 13 and had been dancing since. He learned to rap when he started to sing along with many rap songs when he was 14. 

Woohyun and Jaemin are very close. They stick up for each other.

Likes: ( 7+ )
Dislikes: ( 7+ )
Hobbies: ( 5+ )
Habits: ( 3+ )
Fears: ( 2+ )
Trivia: ( 7+ )
" Espresso! "
Mother: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Father: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Siblings: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Siblings: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Siblings: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
" Caffè Latte! "
Bestfriend: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Friends: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Friends: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Friends: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
Rival: Name : Age : Occupation : Interaction
" Flatwhite! "
Love Interest: 
Personality: ( 1+ Descriptive Paragraphs )
How you met: ( If you haven't met, delete! )
How you meet: ( If you have met, delete! )
Interaction: ( How they act around each other )
Status: ( Friends, Bestfriends, Rivals, Etc but not lovers )
Backup Love Interest: 
Personality: ( 1+ Descriptive Paragraphs )
How you met: ( If you haven't met, delete! )
How you meet: ( If you have met, delete! )
Interaction: ( How they act around each other )
Status: ( Friends, Bestfriends, Rivals, Etc but not lovers )
" Iced Coffee! "
( Try answering in your Characters P.O.V )
Hello there:
What kind of employee are you:
Do you think you are capable of being apart of out staff:
What is your favourite kind of coffee:
What do you specialize in making:
Do you play any instruments:
Can you sing:
Can you cook or bake:
Are you good at cleaning:
Do you have any experience in cafe bussiness:
" Cause you're like a caffiene! "
Anything else: ( What did I miss out? )
Scene Requests: ( Request lots! )
Password: Coffee— Shop





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