Boyfriend's girlfriend criteria

I found this interesting, that's why I posted this. If you want to Boyfriend's girlfriend, maybe you can read? :D

Boyfriend's girlfriend criteria:

Kwangmin: You have to understand him, only then you can be by his side. You have to learn to feel every small thing he has done for you, and also understand that stubbornness is a good thing in economics. Furthermore, if you want to keep up with Kwangmin’s thoughts, you’ll have to broaden your imagination. Even though Kwangmin’s expression is stiff, his ideas are countless. If he tells you that he saw a rabbit making medicine on the moon, don’t reply “You’re too much”, if he laughs crazily and then suddenly says that he’s hungry, don’t say “You’ve finally gone crazy”. Because if you say that, you might hurt his vulnerable feelings, and the stiff boy will keep those hurt feelings in his heart.

Minwoo: Minwoo likes noonas, but this is only his current phase of being able to act spoiled and stubborn towards someone. As his girlfriend, you’ll have to spoil him no matter how old you are. When he shows a sad and lovable expression, you’ll have to care for him by patting his head. When he smiles brightly at you, you have to say “Ah~ So cute!” as if you’re going to faint. When he dances, you must watch his every move and when he wants to show his masculine side, you have to show a girly side, asking to be taken care of, to be protected, to be domineered, to be…. You’ll have to let him have his chance of being a man! He is your core, your everything. Also, don’t forget to always bring tissues with you, wiping his sweat for him is your privilege.

Youngmin: Those who want to be Youngmin’s girlfriend, you must endure his action that didn’t think about the consequences, if he feels very happy and carefree like this. But if he’s very sad, it’s suitable to have small little eyes staring at him, in case, losing your face throwing to outer space. So how? Life cannot be judged from the first time. Will you still choose him as your boyfriend?

Donghyun: Cheesy Donghyun has a keen insight into your heart and mind. So if you have the intention of leaving him hints, relax, because he will definitely take the hint and satisfy your wishes. But if you have any bad intentions, or want to do any small actions unnoticed, he will know about it. His dorky side is his way of showing affection and forgiveness towards you, so hurting him is something you should never do! Besides that, as his girlfriend, you have to take care of his image. You have to always remind him that he is 22 years old, in case he forgets his manly image as a leader. You have to cruelly tell him that he is different from his dongsaengs, to be steady!!!

Hyunseong: If you don’t want to see him gain weight, please control his eating habits. This boy loves eating a lot, and that strong body of his may be the type to easily gain weight. He seems to have gained weight during the comeback this time…(Maybe it’s due to exercising?) Anyway, just make him eat less.(Is this too cruel?) Besides that, help him build his confidence! Make his camera shyness disappear!

Jeongmin: Being Jeongmin’s girlfriend, you’ll have to be able to withstand some pranks, because this boy is too good at playing pranks on others. If you are timid, you’ll probably be shocked and cry when he suddenly plays a scary prank on you. You have to have patience when listening to his lectures, and have an adoring expression when watching him play. Also, don’t make fun of this boy in case you are in turn made fun of. You have to improve on your speaking skills, train your debating skills. Whenever the urge comes, he will keep back talking to you. If you cannot keep up with him, he cannot prove himself right. But then, you can’t let him have his way too much, who knows how would the chemistry between the mighty noona fan and Jeongmin turn out?

So, which member do you want to be your boyfriend? ;D

Sorry but Hyunseong is taken. ^^


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NoMinSarah #1
KWANGMIN-AH!!! <33333
Heh, Me is biased to Youngkwangmin but then I wanna be Jeongmin's girlfriend cos of the debate thingy! xD
Though not really into boyfriend...I have to admit I really like youngmin and I want him to be my boyfriend or so...
I totally understand him since we are the same lol xDDD And where did you get this from? I'm sure the owner of this
is a stalker or an obsessed fan lol