i have returned from the grave

no one will read this, but P H E W, i cannot believe i still remember the password for this account. and i certainly cannot believe my blog posts are still available. 

but, hello again aff! it has been a very long time (i'm legit talking to myself but that's okay i'm quite used to it)! the last blog post i made was four years ago, and four years ago i was 16 years old. time flies and i'm emotional. 

i have a lot of memories on this website, that's for sure. this place was my only source of fan fictions (before i knew about livejournal and ao3, of course), plus my source of interacting with internet buddies (before i started using twitter and instagram).

looking back on my old blog posts, oh my, how childish i was!! my english was awkward too it's quite embarrassing. i shall take my time deleting all of them,,, then again, i was around 10~13 years old when i used aff. can't really blame me. i was a child. smh. 

anyway, the point of this blog post is that i want to express my shock that there are still people who left comments under my blog posts and subscribed to me. like, guys, i hope you realized how pathetic i am. 

life goes on


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