Solar Academy ✹ Basketball • Moon Jinjung || Trainer •

Solar Academy  Basketball

Moon Jinjung


 23 || Trainer || 175 cm || 75 kg 

The Real You          

Username: KoreanGal5
Name: Umma Soul
Activeness: 10/10


        The Teacher

Teacher Name: Moon Jinjung
Nicknames: Umma/Appa - from students because of personality
Other names: Junsei (his Japanese name)

Birthday: 05/17/1980  || 23

Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
Birthplace: Suzu, Japan
Hometown: Suwan, Korea

Languages: fluent - Korean, Japanese ; semi-fluent - Chinese


         ID Photo        



Face Claim: Park Jaehyun
Pictures: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05


Back-up Face Claim: Won Jongjin aka J
Pictures: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

Style: His casual clothes are usually jeans and a form-fitting shirt. Occasionally he'll layer and add some accessories. Refer mostly to what ulzzang wears. His practice clothes are sweatpants or gym shorts and a large, baggy shirt. On really hot days, no shirt, but most of the time, if he can bear it, yes shirt. For formal clothes, he'll wear a suit and tie but if he can get away with it, he will not wear a tie. If he can, he'll wear formal pants a collar shirt instead. For his 'dating' clothes, it's the same as his normal casual clothes. However, if it's a date, he'll probably put more thought into his outfit. He has a simple taste in clothing and will wear jewelry, but rarely will wear hats or scarves.
casual: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 - training: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 - formal: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05
Appearance: Jinjung has black hair that looks brown in the right light and dark brown eyes that can look gold at times. He looks very skinny and lean but in actuality, he has a lot of muscle - leading to a heavy weight. He's average height but his weight is nearly overweight, but in retaliation, his BMI is very low - let's say under 13% - and although he looks skinny, he can easily lift/throw/etc. people triple his size with ease. He has a star-shaped birthmark on his collarbone and a crescent moon-shaped scar on his abdomen.
Extra: star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent moon-shaped scar on abdomen - one pair of ear piercings ; glasses/contacts ; silver ring (ø)
The You Inside          

Personality: Jinjung rarely speaks first. He's known for first listening. Whether it's situations, complaints, or something completely the opposte, he never interrupts and listens completely. Once they are done speaking, then he keeps the secret but usually gives an honest but helpful piece of advice or he thanks them and moves on his way. He listens, observes, assesses, and then acts. Although he doesn't speak often, when he does speak, he is very blunt, concise, and honest to a fault, somtimes even offending people with his too-honest answer. He'll answer just about any question, even the most awkward of ones, honestly, which tends to make some people sigh at his innocent truth. He will never lie unless he can help it and tends to, when he has to, tell the truth, but not all of it. 
Somewhat like, or completely unlike, his looks, Jinjung is very gentle and has quite the soft spot. He's expressionless most of the time, but there are times when his face will light up and take a person's breath away or his brows will furrow in such a way that spelled trouble. He isn't without expression, just rare with them. At times, it seems as if he doesn't care or doesn't understand the situation, but it turns out that he understands the situation better than, sometimes, the ones involved and is simply waiting for the perfect opportunity to intervene and confront the issue. From years of watching people, he is a genius at reading body language and uses it whether he meant to read it or not.
His intuition and observations are remarkable, even better than most people to the point that some wonder if he's descended from Sherlock Holmes. He does have a slight bossy side to him, however. Jinjung is quite mature and doesn't react violently unless completely and utterly pissed off. He remains calm and composed at all times. Whether he's angry, happy, or sad, he's 100% in control of his actions. He's rarely taken off guard and at times, even if he is, he will not show it outwardly. He's very good at reacting to surprises whether it's being happy, calling out orders to fight, or, all too often, 'accidentally' attacking the person who surprised him. Although he does not seem like it, he enjoys trying new things and learning new things, whether insane, scary, or both. 


  • books
  • peace
  • nature
  • exercise
  • honesty
  • challenges/puzzles
  • little children/animals


  • lies
  • fights
  • flirts
  • erts
  • boredom
  • confusion
  • misconceptions

Food Preference: 

  • allergic to coconut
  • eats a lot of healthy foods
  • good at not eating food in front of him if unhealthy


  • touches ear when lying
  • lips while exercising
  • climbs high places when upset
  • makes excuses to leave when jealous
  • puts lips forward like kissing when focusing


  • reading
  • learning
  • exercising


  • death
  • falling
  • depending on someone


  • memory - can remember anything seen, heard, or read once
  • training - can see physical stats of a person 
  • fighting - knows several fighting styles ; refer to trivia
  • tolerance - can tolerate pain or people
  • persuasion - can persuade people to do things


  • lies
  • sleep
  • fashion
  • creativity
  • conversation


  • ambidextrous
  • has an internal clock
  • gets sleepy when drunk
  • sleeptalks multilingually
  • can do accents in languages
  • light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl
  • calls people by real name only ; never nicknames
  • has dimple on only one side - left - when smiling
  • always loses rock, paper, scissors for some reason
  • knows taekwondo, kendo, judo, and boxing from parents


  • inherit parents' dojo
  • send parents on worldround cruise/trip
  • train professional players (no specific sport)

Bloodtype: AB


        The Player

Plotline: Trainer
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 75 kg


     In The Gym     

Treatment: He treats his students all equally, but spends extra time with those newer to his gym to help them get a hang of the rules. He treats all the students as though they are students at his parents' dojo. What does that mean? He'll push them to their limits, declare nothing is impossible, and make you do push-ups/sit-ups/run, clean the floors/equipment, and/or lecture you if you do something violent, break the rules, or do something completely inappropriate. If someone tries to deny it, he'll either double it or add a large quantity more.

Favorite Student: Honest hardworkers ; know what they're doing but arne't afraid to ask for help if they need it
Least Favorite Student: Idiotic gossipers ; only there to act like they're exercising and blame him if no six-pack is made


Love/Hate Relationship          

Love Interest: 

Yoo Youngjae || Heteroual || Youngjae's a smart aleck who teases people a lot and seems to be out to make everyone seem like an idiot. Even so, his heart is in the right place and though he can be sly, he's never an idiotic butthead. He's reliable and trustworthy but he has trust issues and will often test a person. He's straight but feels that if another person likes the same gender it doesn't matter. He's very open-minded and likes to learn. He's always smiling and never fails to make others smile as well whether with his smartbutt jokes or something similar. || author's choice interaction || author's choice meet-up

Back-up Love Interest: 

another applier

Your Love Rival: 

Jung Daehyun || Compared to other love rivals, Daehyun and Jinjung are very civil to each other and have strict gentleman policy. The first one gets to stay and if both arrive at once, than it's based on who spent time with Youngjae last. On the other hand, if Youngjae invites the other, it's fine to agree and no matter what, Youngjae has the last say regardless if he realizes it or not. From an outsider's point of view, the two actually seem like friends rather than love rivals and the two, although never 'close,' hope to not end a possible friendship before it's started.

His Love Rival: 

Huang Zitao || When Zitao came from China, he had a difficult time assimilating, but with Jinjung's help, he learned Korean, learned Korean culture, and was introduced to other Chinese students. As a result, Zitao truly respects Jinjung and is always trying to 'hang out with his Gege' whether at the dojo or elsewhere. On the other hand, Jinjung thinks of Zitao as a younger brother figure and though he cares for Zitao, it's not in the way that Zitao feels for Jinjung. Jinjung also has no idea whatsoever of Zitao's feelings for him.

Work Rivals: -


Choi Sooyeon || As Sooyeon is basically a girl version of Jinjung except more open with her feelings, the two get along immensely and always understand each others' feelings as if they were their own. The two, even now, remain good friends and never fail to give advice and listen to each other. Her parents are also friends of Jinjung's so the two grew up as childhood friends. She's a teacher over in Lunar Academy and teaches a variety of subjects. She is straight but isn't dating anyone yet. || The reason the two had gotten together in the first place, quite honestly, was to stop people (aka students) from hitting on them. However, the two didn't really have any romantic feelings and Sooyeon fell in love. As the two knew each other immensely well, they broke up soon after. She still hasn't gotten together with her crush because he (or may be she?) is younger. [Choices of crushes: Peniel, Ilhoon, Sungjae, Leeteuk, Hangeng, Ryeowook, Victoria, Amber, Seohyun]


Choi Sooyeon || almost girl version of Jinjung || The two are childhood friends and act like near clones of each other. Sooyeon, however, is more girly (obviously) and more open with her feelings - less strict and more motherly. Even so, the two can always depend on each other and are always hanging out together, especially since besides her teaching job, Sooyeon also works at Jinjung's parents' dojo as a kendo and judo instructor with his mother. || The two have known each other for a long time, ever since Jinjung's moved to Korea really, and met once they became neighbors. The two automatically knew for some odd reason that they were similar and would get along well. They often played together since young (they were about the same age) and don't plan on changing that soon, ex-lovers or not.
Lee Sunwoong aka Tablo || childish, serious, playful, honest, mature || The two, in all honesty, act like brothers together. However, Tablo acts younger at times. Tablo loves to tease Jinjung and is always open-minded. He loves making up stories to tell Jinjung to see his reaction and he's always trying to introduce Jinjung to a girl to date. He's very laidback but also mature so he advises Jinjung at times. He is always up for some running and is a boxing instructor in Jinjung's parents' dojo. || The two have known each other around half the time Sooyeon and Jinjung have known each other and met a few years after Jinjung's parents opened the dojo. He came in to take boxing lessons and was strangely a natural at it. Soon after, he became a boxing instructor himself and has a day job at a music store.


          Deep Down  

Background: Born into a normal Japanese-Korean family, he learned Japanese and Korean, speaking both fluently. His parents had him at Suzu, Japan during their honeymoon - yes, his mother was pregnant during the wedding - and over education, they encouraged him to pursue whatever he wanted. He grew up as the responsible one of the family and like his parents wanted, remained healthy. Though not a genius, he was relatively smart, placing in the top 10 of his school every year, even graduating Seoul National University several years early (age 20), majoring in business & economics and minoring in psychology. (He picked up Chinese here.)
Rather than say he has a personal interest in basketball, it's more accurate to say he has an interest in training, guiding people to becoming healthy, fit, and to improve. He played a variety of sports before he finally decided to become Solar Academy's Basketball  Team's Trainer. He simply found that basketball players were the ones that needed the most well-rounded training and were pretty much the least shy to showing him their bodies. He worked at his parents' dojo during the same time, teaching people judo, kendo, taekwondo, and boxing, and remains an instructor there during the weekends, school holidays, and after school hours. However, he can cancel whenever he needs to/feels like it.

father || Moon Jungsoo (50) boxing and taekwondo instructor || childish, happy virus, crude, traveler || The two look like parent and child, just reversed as Jinjung looks more like the parent, always scolding Jungsoo whether for slacking off at work or cursing in front of kids. Jungsoo's very laidback and is always encouraging Jinjung to simply follow his heart. He's very open-minded and hearted, and doesn't really care who Jinjung falls in love with as long as Jinjung falls in love at all.
mother || Moon "Suzumi" Soojin (47) judo and kendo instructor || childish, in-style, teen-at-heart, risky || The two, rather than parent and child, look more like siblings or at least act like it. Soojin is forever teasing Jinjung on his lack of a life and love life, asking for advice on her outfits, and talking talking talking. She tells Jinjung just about anything because she knows he can keep a secret and because she likes talking to people she knows will listen, and Jinjung, even if his mother is immature, will listen.

Part time job: kendo, judo, taekwondo, and boxing instructor at parents' dojo
(during weekends 9AM-5PM ; after school from 5PM-9PM ; flexible schedule)

The End  

Anything else?: Not really. Oh, and ignore how un-y Youngjae is. I'm not good at finding y gifs. 

Questions? Comments?: Why can't I make my format this beautiful? ;A;

Scene Requests: jealous moments ; Tao vs. Jinjung in a legit fight

?: Sure, why not? I can skip. Besides, I need example for Lunar. =.=




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I seriously love all the pandas