↬ Night Circus : (Choi Sooyeon) - Ringmaster


Sooyeon Choi


Welcome to the Best Circus of the Year

Username: KoreanGal5

Activeness: 10

Name/Nickname: Umma Soul


Leave Your Hat and Jacket at the Door

Name: Choi "Soul" Sooyeon

Nickname: Umma (by circus members when in 'umma mode') ; Soohyun (her 'male' name)

Birthdate: May 17, 1986

Age: 27 (raise if necessary)

Gender: Female

uality: Biual

Languages: fluent - English, Korean ; semi-fluent - Japanese, Mandarin


You Look Exceptionally Wonderful Today

Ulzzang: Deechul

Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 

Back-up Ulzzang: Kite

Links: 01 | 02 | 03

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Extra: star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on hairline ; glasses/contacts ; one pair of ear piercings ; silver ring (ø)

Style: For casual clothing, she usually layers, but won't always, to hide her figure and normally prefers comfortable clothes anyways so her wardrobe is of mostly loose clothing. She likes lighter colors but tends to wear darker ones because it suits her skin tone more. On the stage, however she wears suits and formal clothes for the ring but does not wear a tie or bow because it feels constricting. Regardless, she dresses nicely for the show...as a boy. She likes jewelry and will wear it often, especially her silver ring.

Examples: Casual: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 - Ring/Formal: 01 || 02 || 03


Let's Take a Look Inside

Personality Traits: Two-faced - professional mother vs. honest child

Personality: Soul has two sides - two faces if you will - one for the stage/business and one in daily life. The two sides are such opposites it's almost impossible to believe that they're one and the same unless one has personally seen both sides and the quick transformations back and forth. The two are the same in several aspects. Sooyeon retains the same likes and dislikes in either face but can ignore them depending on the form. However, her personality itself changes as does her habits. She's also quite good at, despite the two opposite sides, influencing people and convincing people, but in different ways. She's also, regardless of which face, very close to people, often using a little skinship whether it's an arm around their waist (not their shoulder because she's not tall enough) or just holding their hand; gender plays no role when she does this since she'll do it to both. 
One side is the face on the ring, the stage and does business transactions - her serious side. She's very mature and sly, willing to twist words but in a way that can't be fought back. She's very mother-like, making sure her performers are in top condition and making final decisions with good judgment. She's always serious and commands attention, speaking grandly for the stage. Yet for all her grandeur, she can also be silent and listen. As the oldest, even if not yet halfway through her life, she gives mature advice that doesn't seem to fit her true age nor her mental age. She is very good at spinning lies with this face, building magical tales and coming up with grand introductions. She's very creative and forever creating new and bold performances to attract more customers. Despite being a female, in this form, it won't matter especially since her presence is more powerful than any male's.
In this form, she also acts her age and doesn't mind playing off a few dirty jokes for the humor of it. She can be cruel to enemies without a bat of an eyelash and play cheap tricks without any guilt. Despite her other side, in this mask, she's the eldest and definitely the one in power - good magic abilties or not. She plays it cool with everything and is always composed. She can throw off those suspecting her gender easily and despite her size, commands attention. She won't ever be surprised and take everything into stride as if she's above everything, and most of the time, it seems as if she is, especially since she can fix the largest of problems with ease and give such simple but effective advice. It's at times like this that the ringmaster shows her performers that performance may have magic and creativity, but true performance comes from talent, experience, and knowledge - magic or not.
On the other side is the child that she truly is. Although she's the oldest, when with this side, she seems to be the youngest - partially because of her height too. She does aegyo a lot even though she'll rarely do it with the other. She clings to people much more closely and will ask questions about everything like a real child. She won't ever lie with this side, always telling the truth innocently without thinking of the consequences. Unlike her other side who's mature and sly, she's very childish and straight-forward, telling people honestly what she thinks of them, their clothes, or whatever it is they asked about. She tends to joke around as well, but her jokes are very innocent plays on words that may not be funny to some but hilarious to others. She is much more expressive in this form and tends to get angry or jealous more easily. Unlike her other side, she is quite innocent and won't get dirty jokes/things.
Besides being more honest and expressive, she also complains a lot more - not about big issues that affect the whole circus, but small things that barely do any harm. Although as the 'professional mother' she'll listen well, she's less likely to listen to anyone in this side and is much more impulsive, especially with small decisions. This face cares more about the small things rather than the big ones. She'll tease people endlessly, ask questions with no finish, and complain forever. However, despite all her bad points, she's still loveable. She still cares for people and despite her childish side, is still charismatic and demands attention whether she wants to or now. She's very eager with this face to learn new things and isn't afraid to admit when she's weak. She may be childish, but within this side, there's also maturity, knowing when to switch to her other side to be strong and to use her presence.
The most amazing thing between the two sides, other than the big differences between the two, is that she never mixes them. She'll switch back and forth quickly, but never mix them.


  • books
  • nature
  • honesty 
  • exercise
  • circus unity
  • new things to try
  • little children/animals


  • lies
  • fights
  • flirts
  • erts
  • boredom
  • confusion
  • misconceptions


  • reading
  • exercising
  • learning (picking up some magic)
  • bothering/worrying (about) performers
  • coming up with new performances


  • touches ear when lying (child)
  • puts lips forward like kissing when focusing (child)
  • climbs high places when upset (both)
  • paces when worrying (mother)
  • lips when focusing (mother)


  • death (of self or others)
  • falling
  • depending on someone


  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl
  • sleeptalks multilingually and hugs something
  • calls people by real name only ; never nickname (off-stage)
  • has dimple only on one side - left - when smiling
  • always loses at rock, paper, scissors for some reason
  • can remember anything seen, heard, or read at least once
  • good at reading body language/observations ; good instinct/intuition


A Little~ Deeper Than That

Background: Soul grew up in the circus, not a good magic user, but an influential child nonetheless. Even from a young age, it was obvious that she would grow up wisely or childishly, maybe even both they had joked. However, even as a child, she was good at getting her way and for all her lack of magic, still the center of attention. Her ideas for performances never seemed to end and her creativity kept the circus alive all the time. When she was young, she was trying to copy her mom and tried to do a trapeze act. Unfortunately, she slipped off and fell. She was caught in time, but she scratched her head against something while falling and ended up with the crescent-shaped scar beside her hairline which she hides with her bangs. Her parents got her the silver ring her next birthday as a secret joke.
When Sooyeon was about 17, during one of the many performances, her mother wasn't feeling good but insisted on doing the trapeze act anyways. As a result, she fell towards the middle of the performance. She, and her father who had tried to catch her, died instantly. The other performers were able to keep the crowd from freaking out, but the circus was now missing a trapeze artist and ringmaster. Despite her young age and gender, she stepped up and led well. Traumatized by the event, Seungyeon left the circus life and declared she would become a fighter - literally. Soul sent her off without any hard feelings. Sooyeon was also traumatized, but in a different way. She refuses to let any performer into the ring as long as they are injured or not feeling well in any way. She grew not to resent the incident, but she does miss her parents every once in a while.


father || Choi "Sean" Yeonjin (50) previous ringleader || He's very loud and flamboyant. He loves attention and enjoys the stage. He can be serious, especially as an instructor or when someone insults his family. He's very protective and has a bit of wanderlust aka he loves traveling. He's always up for a day out and loves to hang out with his friends. He's always smiling and laughing, just bright and cheerful. However for all his cheer, he knows when to be serious and gives good advice. || Despite her gender, Yeonjin has always encouraged Sooyeon to inherit the circus. He always called her 'daddy's little girl' and never failed to make her laugh. He may not have been the most responsible father, always moving around and all that, but he was a father she wouldn't want to replace. || dead
mother || Choi "Selena" Soojin  (47) ex-bookstore owner ; trapeze artist || Before her marriage, she was more calm and quiet, more likely to have stayed home than gone out. However, after her marriage, she became more like her husband, developing a bright smile and wanderlust as well. She loves shopping and watching dramas, but hates being involved in actual drama. She gave up her bookstore, following her husband as a trapeze artist. She died from a trapeze accident and so did Yeonjin who tried to catch her. || Soojin brought up Sooyeon to be independent and to understand that what's important is what you have, not what you want. She raised Sooyeon much more like an older sister than a parent and always gave her advice. She always, especially, told Sooyeon to find the perfect partner in love no matter what. || dead
sister || Choi "Sarah" Seungyeon (24) mixed martial artist || Seungyeon is the rebellious one of the family. She's sarcastic, uninterested in anything about the circus, and enjoys fighting of all things. She's lazy and although female, surprisingly successful. She won't take anything for anyone and it's always her way or the highway - literally. She is very clear about what she likes and dislikes and very blunt. She insults people half the time with her words and what you see is what you get. || Sooyeon and Seungyeon are very different, obviously, but for some reason, the two get along strangely well. Seungyeon and Sooyeon will complain about each other yes, argue yes, but they've never had a serious fight ever. The two care immensely about each other and approve of each other's occupations weirdly enough. || alive


best friend || Lee Sungyeol (21) entertainer [clown maybe?] || Sungyeol may be younger than Sooyeon, but mentally, he's just as childish. He complains all the time, loves teasing people, and joking around. He's always smiling and acts first before thinking, which does tend to lead to some problems later. He's very playful and despite his childish side, he knows when to be quiet and listen. He's got surprisingly good ideas but can be an idiot at times too. || Sooyeon and Sungyeol are the same mentally when Soul is with her childish side and the two get along immensely. Sungyeol and Sooyeon always laugh at each other's jokes and understand each other to a weird level. The two like bothering others together, but for all their friendship, Sooyeon hates when Sungyeol curses and Sungyeol is scared of Sooyeon's other side. Weird friendship. || alive
brother-like friend/rival || Lee Sunwoong aka Tablo (32) performance creator || Sunwoong's father worked with Sooyeon's father and the two kind of grew up together. He's older but he's just as childish and playful but knows when to be serious. He looks kind of old and is teased for it at times. He has a lot of fun creating performances and watching them come to life in front of his eyes. Unfortunately, he works under a different circus but doesn't feel any ill feelings to other performance creators. || The two grew up together and were a lot like siblings. The two always have competitions over who can make a better performance but always end up liking the other's better. They're rivals at times, but more than anything, they're good friends. Sooyeon hasn't seen him in years since he and his parents moved to a different circus when Sooyeon was 16. || alive


Don't Be Too Afraid of Us

Plotline: Ringmaster

Personality in the Ring: When performing, her professional mother side comes out. She uses what little magic she has plus all the experience and tricks she has to make the performance a success. She's very good at improv, especially when something goes wrong. She never loses her cool and her acing skills are quite convincing. She can make jokes without even thinking and her main job is to keep the performance running well, on time, and profitably entertaining. She's never failed yet and does not plan to any time soon.

Magic: (Total: 44/100)

Experience: 9/10 (how much experience you have using magic)

Attraction: 7/10 (the magic ability to attract others to you)

Healing: 7/10 (the magic ability to heal or bring things back to life)

Mind Control: 2/10 (the magic ability to control weak minds)

Bending: 1/10 (the magic ability to bend anything. Elements, materials, body parts.)

Lifting/Telekinesis: 3/10 (the magic ability to lift things using your mind)

Illusion: 9/10 (the magic ability to create fake illusions)

Clone: 2/10 (the magic ability to make more of yourself or others.)

Shapeshifting: 3/10 (the magic ability to change yourself into a certain living creature)

Time: 1/10 (the magic ability to control time for a few moments.)

Explanation: Her experience comes in handy when things go wrong in shows, helping her improv a speech/explanation. Her illusion power also is very useful in such situations to continue the show like 'normal' and fix whatever it is that's truly happening. Her attraction magic was from years of experience and practice with her parents. On the other hand, her healing abilities were learned by choice after her fall of the trapeze and her parents' fall as well. Although not perfect, she wants to be able to heal her performers to the best of her abilities. The others - lifting/telekinesis, clones, and shapeshifting - were only light tricks she picked up from her years in the circus.


Did You Enjoy the Show?

Love Interest: one of the twins (depends upon clown & author(s) choice)

Personality: -

Relationship: author's choice

How You Met: The two met along with the other twin and their older brother when they attended the circus's performance. In fact, it was the very performance where Soul's parents fell, their last performance.

Back-up Love Interest: Lee Sungjong

Personality: Like how Soul is two-faced, so is Sungjong. He can be childish, kind, and innocent once second and plotting, manipulative, and sly the next. He tends to be innocent towards girls or elders and sly to males. As a feminine male, he's always getting misunderstandings and hates being called girly. He has an immense hate for erts and gets mistaken as a girl all the time. He wishes to be more manly, but at the same time, isn't afraid to use his looks to his advantage whether seducing a guy to his bidding or convincing an elderly person that he's innocent and the other party was at fault. Unlike Sooyeon, his personality is a mix and he simply uses things to his advantage.

Relationship: Oddly enough, although both are two-faced, they each only know one side. Sungjong is oddly attracted/respectful of Sooyeon's professional side and Sooyeon only knows of his innocent side. The other circus performers know both sides of both of them and are dumbfounded and amazed at how they hide it from each other. Sungjong actually likes Sooyeon's professional side but feels there's something underneath. On the other hand, Soul adores Sungjong's innocent side and has a feeling of another face but doesn't really pay any mind. Sungjong is always threatening people around Sooyeon, knowing only that she is a biual 'he,' and Soul is oblivious.

How You Met: Soul was going through town for more supplies and stopping by one of the many street markets, looking at various things. Sungjong was standing nearby with some of his galfriends (no guyfriends) when he grabbed her arm, accidentally thinking she was one of his friends. At first she thought it was the person she came with but when Sungjong asked his 'friend,' a question and realized it was the wrong person, apologizing, she went to business mode to promote the circus. She gave them complementary tickets and told them to visit soon before leaving very coolly. When Sungjong and his friends visited, Sooyeon kept on giving them winks and waves.


Come Back Soon~!

Scene Requests:

  • jealous moments
  • Sooyeon (mother) trying to 'seduce' twin
  • Sooyeon (child) being totally oblivious to twin's flirting
  • Sooyeon surprising twin by switching from child to mother
  • twins testing Sooyeon about telling them apart and she passes 100%
  • Sungjong finding out Soul's a girl by accident
  • Sungjong and Soul finding out about each other's other sides

Comments? Questions?: Is my love interest (or yuri) not allowed? Sorry if it isn't but since you preferred OCxOC I thought it'd be fine(?)

Anything I missed?: bloodtype AB ; Nothing else really. 


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Nope, yuri is allowed~! If is I don't see why yuri can't be;; but again, that's just me. I have to talk to the author about it too. And if he says no then he's a jerk and I'll write the story for him ._. But we'll write your review whenever the author decides to wake up! Because right now he's sleeping like the dead