❝ to hunt or to be hunted ❞ ▬ moon jinjung (caretaker wolf)

( the caretaker )  



Pseudo : Umma Soul
Profile Link : KoreanGal5
Activeness : 7/7


 i'm not a bad person


Name : Moon Jinjung (문진정)
First Name : Jinjung ; Junsei
Nickname(s) : Umma (by pack because of personality) ; Jin (by pack as shortened version of name)

Birthdate : 17/05/wolves-don't-keep-track-of-years
Age : 22
Place of Birth : Suzu, Japan
Hometown : Suwan, Korea
Ethnicity : Japanese-Korean
Nationality : Japanese-Korean
Blood Type : AB
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 57 kg
Occupation : bookstore owner


 new generation is back

Face claim : Park Jaehyun


Back-Up face claim : Won Jongjin aka J


More ? : glasses/contacts when human ; star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on curve behind right ear ; one pair of ear piercings

Style : 
- Casual : For casual clothes, Jinjung always, when human and when possible, wears comfortable clothes. They don't necessarily have to be baggy, but definitely can't wrap around his figure too tightly. He tends to wear darker colors and usually wears some jewelry with it, never hats. He likes simple things so his outfits reflect that, but are often layered. He doesn't really put much thought into his outfits aka he doesn't really care about fashion. 
- Formal : For formal clothes, he wears his clothes depending on how 'formal' he thinks the event is. He can wear black pants with a white collar shirt, perhaps add a matching vest on top. He'll wear a suit, but no tie or bow; it makes him feel like 'a house dog.' He's not big on wearing expensive clothes, especially since wolves + clothes = not meant to last forever. However, he'll wear whatever is provided for him.
- Pyjama : For pyjamas, Jinjung usually wears sweats and a shirt. When it's really hot out, no shirt, but most of the time, yes shirt. It doesn't have to match, especially since he doesn't care. For pyjamas, Jinjung does like loose shirts though, really baggy ones, and his sweatpants tend to be loose too. He has worn matching shirt and pants pyjama sets before but he doesn't wear them usually.



Chosen Plotline : Caretaker

Background :
Jinjung was born into a normal Japanese pack at Suzu. His father had left his pack to join his mother's because Jungsoo spoke Japanese decently well. Regardless, Jinjung grew up there for a bit, growing up beside Terada Takuya whose parents had become good friends with Jinjung's parents. As Jungsoo was Korean, though he spoke Japanese, was still regarded as somewhat of an outsider of the pack and rarely became close to the other families. When Jinjung was young, another wolf - near triple his age - was insulting Jungsoo on his 'questionable background' and Soojin for marrying him. Jinjung, who remained surprisingly calm, asked him to take it back but he refused and began insulting Jinjung for being a 'mutt.' Let's say the fight after wasn't pretty and the other wolf didn't come out on top either.
Luckily, Takuya had gone for help and the clan leader stepped in, reprimanding both of them - the other wolf for insulting Jinjung's parents, but also Jinjung for losing his composure even though he was known for it. From the fight, where the other wolf bit him, Jinjung has a scar behind his ear shaped like a crescent moon. After that, few said insults in front of Jinjung, good composure or not. When Jinjung was older, the pack his family was in was growing too big so the leader let Jinjung's family separate off with a few other volunteer families, Takuya's family being one of them. Seeing as many packs were bumping into each other in Japan, they decided to and did cross over water to explore new land - and with Jungsoo's wanderlust acting up - they spent some time in China where Jinjung picked up a bit of Mandarin.
They then went down to Korea where they met with tyrant's parents' pack. They stayed for a bit and Jinjung spent quite some time getting to know the other pack's members, getting attached to more than a few members. As a result, both packs soon found that Jinjung was one of very few who could tame the tyrant. Unfortunately, Jinjung's pack did leave and again traveled. while most of those in the pack loved traveling as Jungsoo and Soojin did, Jinjung soon grew tired of moving around all the time as did Takuya. As a result, nearly a few weeks later, the wolf pack arced around, dropped Jinjung and Takuya off in Korea, and left again, no hard feelings. After a few days, Takuya and Jinjung found the tyrant's pack again, surprising quite a number of them, and spent the next some-number years with them.

Family :
father | Moon Jungsoo (50) wolf | He's, for a wolf, very childish. He loves playing games and play-fighting all the time. He's not afraid to tease people/wolves and is an act-first, think-later kind of guy...wolf. He rarely thinks of the consequences and rarely takes things seriously. He also, weirdly, acts quite human. He make friends regardless of wolf or human and never disciminates anything. He enjoys making bets and winning. He's also got a bit of wanderlust and loves traveling. | With Jinjung, Jinjung and Jungsoo do look like parent and child...just reversed. Jungsoo simply enjoys having a good time and Jinjung is the one who usually scolds him for whatever he's done wrong. Overall, however, the two do care for each other and never fail to have each other's backs. | alive
mother | Moon Soojin [Maiden Name: Kimura Koizumi] (47) wolf | The saying lovers tend to be the same is true, especially in Soojin's case. She loves fashion and teasing people. She's very stubborn and enjoys shopping. She's very human-like for a wolf and simple enjoys spending time with her loved ones. She isn't exactly responsible, like Jungsoo, but she's also very sly and knows how to escape from unfortunate situations quite well. She's very streetsmart but also got quite the temper. | Like a best friend more than a mother, Soojin loves talking to Jinjung because she knows he'll listen. She loves teasing him especially about his lack of a love life and makes fun of him a lot for being more of a parent than she is. However, she's always got his back and encourages him no matter what. | alive
uncle | Moon Junghyuk aka Eric (34) wolf | The brother of Jungsoo, he's much like Jungsoo minus the . He fights with Jungsoo a lot mainly because the two are siblings and never fails to flirt with Soojin to rile him up. He's always just going with the flow and having fun. The biggest difference between Jungsoo and Junghyuk is the age difference because they act exactly the same other otherwise. Junghyuk still hasn't settled down, however, and is therefore, a bit of a flirt. | Junghyuk and Jinjung is like seeing a younger Jungsoo and Jinjung together. However, there are big differences, especially since Junghyuk is a. always trying to spoil Jinjung because 'he's the older one and the uncle' and b. always trying to introduce Jinjung to some girl to date or trying to get Jinjung to introduce him to a girl to date. | alive

Friends :
childhood friends | Terada Takuya (21) wolf | Takuya is attractive and he knows it. He's somewhat full of himself, but only in looks. He isn't afraid to use his appearance to get things he want nor is he above seducing humans for one-night stands. However, he's witty and although a playboy, is respectable in all other aspects. He simply isn't used to a a committed relationship. His family was a part of the pack Jinjung was born into and joined Jinjung's parents when they created a separate pack. | Takuya and Jinjung are the best of friends and get along immensely. Jinjung, however, disapproves of Takuya's 'habit,' but also has accepted it as a part of Takuya. Jinjung is never afraid to take Takuya down off his pedestal and Takuya never fails to help Jinjung after a long, tiring day and works at the bookstore. | alive
bookworm buddies | Yoo Youngjae (19) human | Youngjae, quite honestly, is a smart aleck. He loves teasing people and he always has a comeback for whatever insult comes his way. He is, it seems, always out to make the other person seem like an idiot. He's always seeking knowledge and is very straight-forward. He rarely lies and though he may act rough, cares deep down inside. He comes off as rude or a know-it-all, but is a genuine friend to those who stand by him. | Youngjae always visits Jinjung's bookstore and the two got to know each other well. Youngjae knows that Jinjung is a wolf but doesn't really care either way. Jinjung is always giving advice to Youngjae and encouraging him while Youngjae never fails to come at the most convenient of times to comfort him or ward off anti-wolf members somehow. | alive

Relationships (may be ignored):
tyrant | With the tyrant, Jinjung sees two sides to the male. One side is somewhat like a tempermental child. With the tyrant's willingness to fight, stubborness, and hot temper, it's not exactly a surprise. However, the tyrant is also the alpha and powerful. As a result, few can calm his temper, but Jinjung easily does. Whether it's a simple hand on his shoulder or knee, perhaps a hand blocking his path, Jinjung wisely can tell when a fight is about to break out and when/how to stop the tyrant. Jinjung is always watching over the tyrant in even the small ways and though he doesn't quite know it, can easily make the tyrant not only calm, but also happy. Jinjung is pretty, not tolerant, but...ok with skinship - hugs, hand holding, stuff like that - so he's always doing things similar with the tyrant. 
Yet, besides the child-like side, Jinjung also feels another side to the tyrant underneath his rough exterior. As the tyrant does truly care for the pack, Jinjung informs him and helps him do things that he cannot do as the alpha without causing a big fuss, whether it's checking on an injured wolf's condition or something that has to relate to another pack. No matter how much Jinjung can comfort and control the tyrant, the tyrant is still the alpha and there are times that even Jinjung can't - or at times won't - protect the other side. Half because of the tyrant's alpha side and half because Jinjung is more of an observer, Jinjung is more than content with letting the tyrant lead. Even so, Jinjung will always take care of his own fights, even if the tyrant wants to intervene, and settle his own problems on his own, fighting alone if he must.
lost lamb | With the lost lamb and Jinjung, rather than quite say brothers, especially since the tyrant is the older brother, Jinjung is...a mother. The lost lamb, like a child, is usually sticking to Jinjung and helping him carry things, run errands, and things of the like. Jinjung's always complimenting the lost lamb to help his lack of confidence and takes care of him as if he is the younger brother. Jinjung is always quick to burn down any rumors or insults, especially even before the tyrant can catch wind of them, and protects the lost lamb as much as he can. Jinjung adores the lost lamb and thinks of him as the tyrant without the attitude. Jinjung adores the lost lamb's human form just as much as the wolf form and finds it unfair and upsetting that the lost lamb has no comfort in his own body during the full moon.
However, as much as Jinjung adores the lost lamb, Jinjung also isn't afraid to scold the lost lamb for what he has done wrong or give him advice when he's confused. As the lost lamb, the tyrant, and Jinjung are usually a three-wolf/man combo, they're like a big family. Jinjung's always encouraging and accepting of the lost lamb's playful jokes and affections, as long as he doesn't cause trouble with it. Jinjung does skinship often with the lost lamb, as often as he does with the tyrant, but it's not quite the same feeling. Although Jinjung protects the lost lamb, however, Jinjung also isn't afraid to take a step back and see what the little lamb does and see how much he's grown. His wish is that the lost lamb wouldn't be quite so lost and gain the same confidence his brother holds - just not the temper.

Rival : -


 i am both jekyll and hyde

Personality :
Jinjung rarely speaks first. He's known for first listening. Whether it's situations, complaints, or something completely the opposte, he never interrupts and listens completely. Once they are done speaking, then he keeps the secret but usually gives an honest but helpful piece of advice or he thanks them and moves on his way. He listens, observes, assesses, and then acts. Although he doesn't speak often, when he does speak, he is very blunt, concise, and honest to a fault, somtimes even offending people with his too-honest answer. He'll answer just about any question, even the most awkward of ones, honestly, which tends to make some people sigh at his innocent truth. He will never lie unless he can help it and tends to, when he has to, tell the truth, but not all of it. 
Somewhat like, or completely unlike, his looks, Jinjung is very gentle and has quite the soft spot. He's expressionless most of the time, but it's somewhat a result of his parents' eccentric personalities. However, though he doesn't have much expression, there are times when his face will light up and take a person's breath away or his brows will furrow in such a way that spelled trouble. He isn't without expression, just rare with them. At times, it seems as if he doesn't care or doesn't understand the situation. However, once one knows him better, they'll find that he understands the situation better than, sometimes, the ones involved and is simply waiting for the perfect opportunity to intervene and confront the issue. He will never, if he can help it, have a fight break up the pack.
His intuition and observations are remarkable, even better than most wolves or humans to the point that some wonder if he's descended from Sherlock Holmes. He doesn't let anything escape him and, when he must, acts to scold troublemakers, listen to problems and give advice, break up a fight, order people to rest, and, occasionally, call the tyrant when things are way out of hand. As the beta, he has leadership skills, partially from his parents, and isn't afraid to use them, especially in times of need. Unlike his parents, he doesn't have much wanderlust in him and prefers to stay in one place as long as he can. He enjoys peace, but isn't afraid to resort to violence when he must, especially in the face of enemies or when he must enforce his authority on rowdy pups. He does have a slight bossy side to him, however.
Unlike his parents, Jinjung is quite mature. He doesn't react violently unless completely and utterly pissed off. He remains calm and composed at all times. Whether he's angry, happy, or sad, he's 100% in control of his actions. He's rarely taken off guard and at times, even if he is, he will not show it outwardly. He's very good at reacting to surprises whether it's being happy, calling out orders to fight, or, all too often, 'accidentally' attacking the person who surprised him. Although he does not seem like it, he enjoys trying new things and learning new things, whether insane, scary, or both. He usually inspires some of the younger wolves to trying things too. He's a lightweight when it comes to alochol so he avoids places with it and on the off-chance he does become drunk, he gets sleepy rather than cause trouble like a drunk.
From wolf to human, there are few differences. For one, his eating habits as a human are much neater, obviously. As a wolf, there are few things to read, but as a human, he enjoys reading all he can, which explains his bookstore. He is less territorial as a human and less physically affectionate (skinship) as a human as well. He gets colder much often as a human as well and is usually layering his clothes as a result. As a human, he has a harder time expressing his feelings verbally even though there are more words and cares more about sanitation as a human as well. He also tends to be more independent as a human, slightly more impulsive if one will, and is more OCD as a human as well. He has glasses/contacts as a human as well, but they are fake and do not impair nor repair his vision in actuality. 

Likes : 

  • books
  • nature
  • exercise
  • honesty
  • pack unity
  • challenges/puzzles
  • little children/animals

Dislikes : 

  • lies
  • erts
  • flirts
  • fights
  • boredom
  • confusion
  • misconceptions

Habits : 

  • touches ear when lying (human and wolf)
  • makes excuses to leave when jealous (human)
  • climbs high places when upset (wolf)
  • puts his lips forward like kissing when focused (human)
  • paces when worried about someone (wolf)

Hobbies : 

  • reading
  • learning
  • exercising

Fears : 

  • pack disbanding
  • death
  • depending on someone

Talents : 

  • memory - can remember anything heard, smelled, read, or seen once
  • persuasion - can persuade all to follow a plan (stubborn people) or be silent (loud people), etc.
  • toleration - can tolerate just about anything or anyone (annoying people ; even anti-wolf supporters)

Trivia : 

  • no aegyo
  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • gets sleepy when drunk (human?)
  • light sleeper ; early bird ; night owl
  • clings/hugs tyrant or friends when sleepy
  • sleeptalks and hugs something while sleeping (human)
  • calls people by real name only ; never nickname
  • speaks Korean, Japanese, and some Mandarin (human)
  • has dimple only on one side - left - when smiling (human)
  • takes a jog early in the morning before anyone is awake
  • always loses at rock, paper scissors for some reasion (human)
  • in college, majored in business and economics and minored in medicine
  • becomes childish + skinship lover to friends and tyrant when sick ; sleeps it off at least 12 hours


 let out the beast

Wolf Appearance : With completely black fur that looks blue in the moonlight and brown in the sunlight, his brown eyes also change color whether to black or to gold. His birthmark isn't visible in his wolf form, but his scar is a thin line void of fur behind his ear.

Special Ability : better intuition and observation


 i'm the wolf, you're the beauty

Love Interest : the tyrant

How did you meet him ? : The two met when Jinjung's pack met with his.

What do you think about him ? : Jinjung sees the tyrant in two ways. One is as a child - a stubborn, temperamental child - that he wants to watch over. On the other hand, Jinjung also sees a more mature, leader side of the tyrant who, despite his cold words and actions, truly cares for the pack. ; Look above in relationships section

Scene requests :

  • jealous moments because of Jinjung's friends (Takuya maybe testing the tyrant?)
  • Jinjung initiating skinship with tyrant when sick
  • tyrant going crazy and Jinjung calming him down
  • tyrant meeting Jinjung's family again but as lover/mate
  • lost lamb telling Jinjung he wants Jinjung as blood family (aka to formally date the tyrant)


 don't go

Extra/Comments : The application was fun to fill out. Hope you enjoy the scene requests and like Jinjung in general.

Questions/Suggestions : Am I supposed to pick someone to be the tyrant?

Password : 


To. Next Music <3

Look forward to VIXX's first mini album "Hyde" a lot!!!

Next music fighting! VIXX fighting!

[Note: Very simple translation ; may be mistranslated ; "fighting" is an expression to try hard and encourage someone.]


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