we got married --- edition. { moon jinjung } x { kim hyunjoong }


I, My, Me, Mine.

Real Name;  Moon "Junsei" Jinjung

Stage Name;  -

Nickname; Umma/Appa

Persona; Silent Guardian

Age; 27

Birthday; May 17

Height; 175 cm

Weight; 57 kg

Bloodypte; AB

Nationality; Japanese-Korean

Band + Position; 2PM + Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Leader

Trainee Years + How?; 3 years + was manager first but forced to be a trainee (refer to Background)

In Front Of The Mirror.

Whether it's complaints, compliments, or just words, Jinjung doesn't speak often. He observes silently until s or MCs ask him questions. Whether it's on a show or just at the dorms, he's silent, but when he does speak, he's very concise and sometimes, too blunt. He only answers exactly the question asked and usually he comes off as cold. Most of the time, it seems as though he isn't paying attention at all, but in reality, he knows exactly what's going on and from years of reading body language through fighting, often understands the situation better than most people. Because of his...violent abilities, MCs are usually amazed by him, scared of him, or both. As a result, he usually doesn't have to do things he doesn't want to on shows. On the other hand, he isn't a complete cold or unfeeling robot. From years of fighting, he's developed an uncanny ability to read body language and uses it all the time whether to tell when one of s is feeling ill on purpose or discovering a lie by accident, it's second nature. More of a body language person, he usually does small things to help a person whether it's ordering them to rest or just silently pretending he didn't notice the lie.
As 2PM's "silent guardian," he's always keeping the boys out of trouble, keeping them in line, and apologizing when he can't. The mentally 12-year-olds never fail to cause him grief (but he loves them anyways). He usually cooks and cleans up after them even though he's the oldest. There's even a "family role" assigned by fans for each of the members. Jinjung is, obviously, the responsible and strict mother while Jaebeom was/is the flirty father who either a. got caught cheating and was divorced or b. was framed and still 'together' with Jinjung. (Their ship name was JaeJin.) Following, JunK is the lonely uncle deprived of love while Nichkhun is the handsome eldest son who happens to be a mommy's boy. Taecyeon is the irresponsible, always-hungry son and Wooyoung and Junho are the mischievous terrible twins (that aren't actually twins) who always want to cause trouble. Chansung is the youngest son who is a mix of Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, and Junho who can be an angel or devil depending on what he wants to at the time. Perhaps because of his "dysfunctional family," as Hottests call it, he's immune to aegyo and natural with skinship.
On variety shows, he's known for striking deals up with MCs to let questions for s go unanswered if he does something they had wanted but he had denied as a result. He has a habit of looking people straight in the eye when they talk and at times, it unnerves them even if they're taller. He has an interestingly brother-like side at times - a very scary brother - especially when he threatens other people for s/family or remembers things other people don't. However, he doesn't like skinship a lot, but is very tolerant of it; he's also a living failure of doing aegyo. He is rarely surprised or tricked, but knows when to pretend he is. He does, if provoken, have a sharp tongue, but usually likes to pull out the fighting card to see the person's reaction. When he feels that others need to 'relieve' their anger or realize their feelings, he isn't afraid to make himself the bad guy even if he's hated later for it. He is slightly OCD and at times, comes off as bossy. Despite his personality, people do agree, however, that he has a 'talent' of tolerating the most annoying people and of quieting the loudest of people with ease.

He was born in Suzu, Japan during his parents' honeymoon - yes, his mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan, Korea after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, he was a rather quiet baby. His parents brought him up as if they were friends rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. He told them of his orientation (bi) after high school and though at first they were shocked, they soon accepted it. He was unbelievably smart, especially with his amazing memory, and graduated Seoul National University at the top of his year and hoped to inherit his parents' dojo. Not according to plan, his parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that he had to go "knock up a boy/girl, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked him out.
Without panicking, he then joined JYP Entertainment, at first, as a manager when he saw the HELP WANTED sign. He found an affordable place with his pay and though it wasn't quite good, it was bearable, espcially since he spent most of his time managing small groups and on occasion, helping train them. With his internal schedule, great memory, and good 'persuasion,' he was quick to be promoted. However, his life couldn't continue simply as a manager, especially when the CEO walked in one day while he was helping a group hit the right notes and was promptly added onto the list of growing trainees by force rather than choice. To this day, his biggest wonder is what would have happened if he stayed a manager.

Likes; books, nature, exercise, challenges, honesty, music

Dislikes; lies, erts, flirts, misconceptions, boredom, [doing] aegyo

Fears; death, someone dying

Hobbies; reading, enjoying nature, exercising especially [practice] fighting


  • touches ear when lying
  • makes excuses to leave when jealous
  • exercises when upset
  • covers mouth when laughing
  • sticks his lips out like he's kissing when focusing


  • ambidextrous
  • no ideal type
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal clock
  • never takes selca alone
  • genius at reading body language
  • carries book around everywhere
  • always loses in rock, paper, scissors
  • wears glasses ; sometimes contacts
  • speaks Japanese, Korean, and some Chinese and English
  • sleeptalks in multiple languages; early bird;  night owl
  • calls people by real name (never nickname or stagenmae)
  • can remember anything heard, said, or read once
  • younger artists adore him (ex: Akdong Musician, 15&, Lee Hi)
  • star-shaped birthmark on collarbone ; crescent-shaped scar on lower left back from accident at dojo

Tell Me Tell Me.

Song Seunghun

father || Moon Jungsoo || close || || childish, adventurous, competitive, crude || taekwondo + boxing instructor (50) Jinjung and Jungsoo get along more like brothers than parent and child. Jungsoo is always teasing Jinjung and competing with him in taekwondo or even boxing. Even though Jungsoo is older, if he loses, he'll insist that he'll win next time and that it was a mistake. In return, Jinjung always shoots down his complaints cleanly. Jungsoo is also teasing Jinjung about his love life or lack thereof and although old, rarely blames his age for anything. He's always lively and in top condition. He is constantly flirting with Soojin in front of Jinjung's face to get a reaction but it usually fails simply because Jinjung's seen it too often.


Yada Akiko

mother || Moon Soojin (maiden name: Kimura Koizumi) || close || laidback, risky, in-style, teen-at-heart || judo + kendo instructor (47) Soojin is like a best friend to Jinjung and never fails to tease, gossip about, laugh at, or joke with him. She's a teenager at heart and remains forever infatuated with kdramas and Jungsoo. She constantly talks about the things that interest her to Jinjung and though he personally doesn't have an interest, he'll listen anyway. She hates being called old or anything of the like and even encourages Jinjung's friends to call her by her name. She loves fashion, skinship, selcas, and things that people usually -30 years of age do, but she still does anyways.



Park Sooyeon

childhood best friend || Choi Sooyeon || close || Jinjung's female version almost || bookstore owner (23) They act very close and can, though not literally, read each other's minds. He often stops by at her bookstore for more books with presents from different places he visits. In return, she usually gives him a discount and/or a recommendation. Although she is the girl version of Jinjung, she is more into fashion and more open about her feelings. Her parents are just as childish as his and they understand each other well in that respect. She has a habit of helping him out with his fashion. People perceive them either as siblings or as lovers. 


2AM Lee Changmin

trainee buddies || Lee Changmin || close || 2AM's mother who cooks well || 2AM member (27) The two were friends since trainee times, especially since Changmin was the first trainee friend Jinjung made. They're always exchanging cooking recipes and sharing in the pain of childish members. They get along well in general. They always go out for a bite to eat together and when 2PM and 2AM are together, they have to do some damage control. They're also shipped together by fans of both 2Am and 2PM and don't really mind, or more accurately Changmin likes to encourage the couple and Jinjung doesn't care either way.


Miss A Fei

same company friends || Wang Feifei || close || stylish, quiet, honest, charismatic || Miss A member (26) They're from the same company and being close in age, they get along well, almost like childhood friends. The two aren't afraid to talk in public or hang out by themselves (so yes, some ship them). Fei usually teases her members for being scared to talk to him in the beginning while Jinjung ignores s' teasings about the whole couple thing. They honestly are just friends, but since they both cook, they usually cook with Changmin for all three groups every once and a while.


Park Siblings (Cheondung + Dara)hoobae-sunbae friend || Park Sanghyun aka Cheondung/Thunder || close || bright, playful, protective, respectful || MBLAQ member (22) They are from the same company (J.Tune is under JYP after all) and so Cheondung likes to stop by whenever he's bored. He acts much like a child and never fails to make Jinjung smile. However, he's also very protective of his loved ones - aka his family. Cheondung once said on an interview that if he had to introduce his sister to a guy [to date], he'd pick Jinjung; that's one example of how close they are.

friend's sister || Park Sandara aka Dara || so-so || older girl version of Cheondung || 2NE1 member (28) The two get along so-so. They aren't close close, but are polite and respectful. They're honestly somewhat awkward with each other since Cheondung's interview answer but don't bring it up. However, the other other 2NE1 members think the whole thing is hilarious and tease the two of them. They usually only talk when Cheondung is with them and only greet each other if he's not. The two usually meet only when other people invite them together, never alone.


G-Dragon (Big Bang)

odd sort of reversed friends...? || Kwon Jiyong aka G-Dragon || close || childish, talented, professional, respectful || Big Bang member (24) The two were introduced to each other through Cheondung and Dara and get along well. Although G-D is younger, he's been in the field longer which makes their relationship hard to address. They respect each other immensely and are always complimenting each other. Because of that, they both use respectful terms even though one should technically be addressed lower. They're very polite and when bored, text each other random things, especially selcas from G-D and quotes from Jinjung.


Jang Hyunseung (B2ST)

friend of a friend || Jang Hyunseung || between so-so and close || childish, curious, serious, 4-D || B2ST member (23) Introduced through G-Dragon, as Hyunseung was an almost-Big-Bang-member, the two didn't start off on awkward terms but don't often meet up or anything of the like outside of work. Hyunseung is very child-like and curious so on shows Jinjung usually keeps an eye on him. People usually state that it's almost like Jinjung became Hyunseung's parent on shows and so although they aren't awkward or bad, they're not close to each other either. 


Romantic & Idol (Jihyun + Hyungsik)

friend of a friend's friend || Nam Jihyun || so-so || serious, quiet, honest, careful || 4minute member (23) The two met through Hyunseung when Jinjung and Hyunseung bumped into Jihyun while walking in the Cube Ent. building. To be honest, they aren't quite close. However, Jinjung happens to ship her with Hyunsik from ZE:A after watching Romantic and the Idol, and being blunt, he asked immediately after introductions if the two were actually dating. Since then, the two have been somewhat awkward but not on bad terms, somewhat like his relationship with Dara.


Yunho (DBSK)

entertainment buddies || Jung Yunho aka U-Know Yunho || close || serious, secretly childish, determined, honest || DBSK member (27) The two met through a variety show and just hit it off well for some reason and have been close since. The two are the same age but Yunho often acts much younger for fun while Jinjung usually rolls his eyes and just watches. The two are known to be the "ultimate duo" on variety shows because when they're on the same team, their team always wins because of a. their teamwork b. good reflexes c. luck or d. all of the above.



Seo Joohyun (SNSD)

healthy buddies || Seo Joohyun aka Seohyun || close || honest, serious, health-maniac, innocent || SNSD member (22) The two met through a variety show and got along well because they brought up health and Jinjung agreed with her; the two ended up taking around 10 straight minutes of footage just talking about health tips and such then were stopped. The two exchanged numbers after and usually reference each other not only for health recipes but also for books and questions. Jinjung and Seohyun only avoid questions about the opposite gender. Jinjung called Seohyun after he found out he'd be on wgm to ask her questions about the show.



Jo Kwon (2AM)

frenemies ; not really enemies || Jo Kwon || close actually || playful, diva, childish, serious || 2AM member (23) The two don't actually hate each other and actually get along like brothers off camera. However, on-camera the two are usually by some fate on opposite teams/sides and just love to embarrass each other. Usually neither wins but neither loses either, but it's all for the camera and the audience. They love to tease each other, which is unusual since Jinjung often doesn't tease at all, off and on-camera either way but it's often entertaining to watch either way.



weird sort of hate || Song Victoria || barely know each other || motherly, childish, easily scared, romantic || f(x) member (26) One thing that tends to be blown out of proportion is that the two don't hate each other. Victoria respects Jinjung overall and Jinjung only hates one thing about her really - he hates that Nichkhun wasn't happy with his marriage. Jinjung doesn't show his dislike on camera or off, but he has admitted it that - once he heard about wgm edition - he wishes that Nichkhun would find someone that would make him truly happy, regardless of gender.


My Heart Skips A Beat.


WGM Couple; SS501 Kim Hyunjoong

Interactions; At first, they begin awkwardly because of how Hyunjoong is and how Jinjung's silent. They slowly warm up to each other and then get along like best friends. However, as the show progresses it becomes more and more obvious that they're a little more than just that.

His Personality; He's the leader of SS501 so he's definitely responsible, but he's also surprisingly 4-D. He's very blunt and doesn't even try to lie. He loves teasing people and has an odd way of speaking and an odd thought process. He's very convincing and the more he speaks, the more a person begins to fall in love with his world. He's somewhat childish and can hold a grudge. He's also terrible at getting up in the morning and is very ticklish. He loves making bets and winning. Even if he's tired, he's the kind of person who'd want to spend more time with his loved ones and has tends to remember all the things he couldn't do toward the end.

His Season (RECOMMENDED); Most of the episodes are here (ø) and the missing parts are on youtube (ø)



WGM Back-up Couple; Lee Changsun aka Lee Joon

Interactions; The two began somewhat awkwardly, especially since the two had somewhat known each other already through Cheondung. However, the two quickly became close once they understood each other and act a lot like parent and child more than lovers.

His Personality; Serious when he needs to be, but rarely, Lee Joon is the one most picked on on variety shows. He's very innocent and childish but also very good at messing up his words especially when nervous. He gets confused at times but is used to it. He's very prideful regardless, especially as a member of MBLAQ, and is known for his body. He doesn't always think before he speaks which lands him in some situations and like a child, can't lie at all. He acts very childishly especially when someone's upset to make them feel better. He doesn't mind being the end of jokes and rarely gets angry, but holds a grudge when he does.


Ulzzang Name; Park Jaehyun



Back-up Ulzzang Name; Won Jungjin aka J



Goodbye To Romance.


Couple Names:
With Hyunjoong: JinHyun + JoongJung

With Lee Joon: JinJoo (means pearl - took off 'n' on purpose) + JungSun
(^^^ Ignore above if you like something else better ; bad with couple names sorry. ^^^)

I know that Kim Hyunjoong was on it a long time ago, but is it ok anyway?
(Oh and even if he isn't, I definitely recommend watching it. Hilarious and entertaining.)

Scene Requests:
Jealous moments (because they're fun)
Jinjung lost his contacts and glasses so Hyunjoong/Changsun has to take care of him
Housewarming party with JYP family


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