Forced To Marry An EXO Warrior || Moon Jinjung


Username: KoreanGal5

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Name: Moon Jinjung

Nickname: Umma 

Age: 20

Date of Birth: May 17

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 57 kg

Blood type: AB

Birthplace: Suzu, Japan

Ethnicity: Suwan, Korea

Current Location: Busan, Korea



Ulzzang Name: Won Jongjin aka J

Picture Links: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

Back up Ulzzang Name: Park Daehyun

Picture Links: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05




A calm and mature guy, he's always keeping a cool head and takes charge when needed but is silent otherwise. Like a supporting parent, he's always keeping an eye out for his loved ones and never fails to lend them a hand just when they need it. Hard-working, skilled, and modest, he's a seemingly-cold guy of not many words, only speaking when spoken to and when answering, answers simply, bluntly, and honestly, never beating around the bush and never avoiding the question no matter how awkward or surprising. He remains calm at all times and never panics, always rational and thinking things through. Observant and intuitive, he's a boy with great reflexes who's rarely taken by surprise.

Babying even those older than him and scolding them like a parent, it's no wonder his nickname is 'Umma.' His friends always joking that he's a parent in all but blood and age, he's a person who's always the go-to for advice, help, or just a moment away from the world. He never fails to lend whatever they need - a hand, ear, or shoulder. He surprisingly also has an adventerous side, always willing to try new things and even likes horror movies. He's a strict believer of 'honesty is the best policy' and 'if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all' as he follows both 'rules' daily. He enjoys nature and due to his parents' influence, also emphasizes health to his friends and exercises daily.

Although with a pretty, advantageous face, he never does aegyo on purpose, often disgusted with himself. He also doesn't hate skinship per se, but is uncomfortable with it, especially around people he isn't comfortable with. However, when he's terribly sick or drunk, he'll turn into an aegyo and skinship monster. He hardly fights with anyone but when he does, proves a sharp and fast tongue. A strict realistic person, he never exaggerates and if needed, says the truth - just not the whole truth. He's never afraid to give his friends the push if they need it, but won't if they don't. He's also unafraid to use physical force when needed, making people scared of him at times.

Unfortunately, no one's perfect and he has his flaws too. Being bossy and naggy comes with being motherly and he has a few OCD moments. He hardly ever daydreams and so he's not creative and hardly contributes to out-of-the-box discussions, instead helping with the organization and execution of ideas or just rolling his eyes and listening. Also silent and seemingly cold, he's not the most social person around and though good with words and with a motherly/brotherly personality, isn't a person who most attempt to get close to, not making him a loner but someone not to initiate conversation with. However, he has a talent, some say, of tolerating even the most annoying of people and can quiet the most loud of people with ease.

Background: Born into a normal Japanese-Korean family, he learned Japanese and Korean, speaking both fluently. His parents had him at Suzu, Japan during their honeymoon - yes, his mother was pregnant during the wedding - and over education, they encouraged him to pursue whatever he wanted. He grew up as the responsible one of the family and like his parents wanted, remained healthy. Though not a genius, he was relatively smart, placing in the top 10 of his school every year, even graduating Seoul National University several years early (age 20), majoring in business & economics and minoring in psychology. (He picked up English and Mandarin here.) He began to work in his parents' dojo and plans on succeeding it.

Style: Of his friends, he's the least fashion conscious. He isn't a fashion terrorist by any means, but he's not into the latest fashion or any of the like. His daily outfit is something comfortable. He hates being exposed and dislikes undressing in front of others, even wearing a shirt or tanktop to the pool or beach. He's decent with color/pattern coordination, but dislikes dressing in things that reveal too much skin or limits his mobility. He likes lighter colors but usually wears darker ones. He has one pair of ear piercings, a star-shaped birthmark on his collarbone, and a crescent-shaped scar on his back from an accident while fighting when he was younger at the dojo.


  • honesty
  • little children/animals
  • nature
  • challenging/scary things
  • books and puzzles


  • lies
  • erts
  • players/flirts
  • not knowing
  • misconceptions


  • reading
  • challenging self
  • practicing fighting
  • learning
  • enjoying nature


  • touches ear when lying
  • makes excuses to leave when jealous
  • climbs high places or exercises when upset


  • ambidextrous
  • allergic to coconut
  • has an internal 'clock'
  • reads before he sleeps
  • usually carries around a book to read
  • likes to take a jog early in the mornings
  • speaks Japanese, Korean fluently ; speaks English and Mandarin semi-fluently
  • sleeptalks multilingually ; early bird ; night owl ; can run on 4 hours of sleep
  • always calls people by their real names ; never nicknames
  • can remember anything heard, seen, or read once


  • death
  • losing someone
  • depending on someone too much



Your Power: Mnemonic Power Absorption - ø

Your Back-Up Power:  Psychic Static Telepathy - ø




father || Moon Jungsoo (50) taekwondo and boxing instructor || Childish, playful, a man who loves to laugh a lot, he never fails to put a smile on anyone's face. He loves traveling and adventures and though he's already 50, he's healthy, sturdy, and still energetic. He tends to be crude and curse a lot, leading him to be reprimanded by Jinjung, but is a guy who means well and isn't afraid to be a little harsh.

mother || Moon Soojin (maiden name: Kimura Koizumi) (47) judo and kendo instructor || Laidback, risky, and fashionable, she's a girl who's still a teenager at heart and never fails to gossip, tease, and yet still act like a best friend. Her mood swings whichever way, much like a kid, and she uses aegyo all the time despite her age. She loves watching dramas, especially with Lee Seunggi or Song Joonki.


Lee Sungjong || Infinite (19) college student || Girly, a little diva, and one of his more critical friends, Sungjong is a person who's rather manipulative and does what he wants when he wants. He acts like an angel most of the time, but when angry or jealous over something, turns into a stubborn little devil who won't stop until he gets what he wants. He's a judo student at the dojo and hates being underestimated, flipping the insulter over his shoulder in anger.

Lee Taemin || SHINee (19) college student || Childish, a skinship-lover, but surprisingly stubborn and serious, he's one of the many friends Jinjung is often babying. He's surprisingly jealous often of people close to his 'umma' and is like a younger sibling, a little clingy but still loved. He is one of the students at the dojo learning taekwondo. He has a habit of calling Jinjung's crushes 'appa' but only if he approves. He loves sweets, cute things, and dancing.

Jung Yunho || DBSK (23) kendo instructor || One of his older friends and yet surprisingly childish, he often gives off a 'cool and calm' aura that especially accentuates around Jinjung, the two are constantly hit on together. To strangers especially, Yunho's very cold but with his friends, especially someone who'll spoil him like his 'umma' does, he does aegyo a lot and pouts. He refuses to lose to Taemin in aegyo and is one of the dojo's kendo instructors.

Ex-lovers: -



Fiancé: Huang Zitao

His Personality: A spoiled brat through and through, Zitao is used to getting everything then, there, with nothing in his way. Like his looks, he does know a fighting style or two he picked up during his free time, but unlike his looks he's quite childlike. He loves skinship and does aegyo all the time to get what he wants. He gets jealous easily and complains all the time. He's an act-first-think-later kind of guy so he tends to get into some could-have-been-avoided-but-didn't situations and is very possessive. However, he is also very patient and persistent and from years of being a prince, also quite good with his words and twisting the meaning.

Relationship: Zitao, on one hand, was immediately taken to Jinjung; it was like his ideal type had fallen straight out of the sky. Jinjung, on the other hand, didn't have a favorable impression of Zitao - what with the forced marriage and all - and quite honestly Jinjung just wants to go home, marriage or whatever a bad memory.


Back-up Fiancé: Lu Han

His Personality: Spoiled, pampered, and full of himself, Luhan is like the bad side of a prince - all of it. He is rich, self-centered, used to getting his own way, and flirts with everyone at any time at any place. He's unafraid to take advantage of his looks to appeal to people and never takes 'no' for an answer. He loves taking risks and tends to be childish when he's jealous, angry, or when he's just lost a game. However, he's also very independent and hates being cared for. He's very materialistic and possessive, but also persistent and patient. From years of being a prince, he's good at making deals, sweet-talking, and manipulating his words.

Relationship: On one hand, Luhan, at first, tried to seduce Jinjung - mainly as a joke of a marriage. However, when Jinjung said no without hesitation, Luhan took it as a challenge and at the moment, that's what he sees Jinjung as. On the other hand, Jinjung honestly isn't all that impressed nor persuaded by Luhan's vain attempts and just wants to go home.



Anything Else?: I changed the ages; I hope you don't mind. Sorry I applied so/too late. I only recently found the story...I kind of rushed the application so sorry if it isn't that good.

Scene Request: -


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