☾ Sombre - Moon Jinjung ☽


get use to it! _


 the Crusher ¦ 23 ¦ May 27, 1990 ¦ 175 cm ¦ 75 kg ¦ AB 
 what's your name? 

username; ( KoreanGal5 )
activeness; ( 10/10 )
nickname; ( Umma Soul )

 couldn't take your eyes off of me! 

name; ( Moon Jinjung )
other name(s); ( Junsei - half Japanese )
nickname(s); ( Umma/Appa )
date of birth; ( 05/27/1990 )
age; ( 23 )
gender; ( male )
uality; ( biual )
birthplace; ( Suzu, Japan )
hometown; ( Suwan, Korea )
ethnicity; ( Korean-Japanese )
language(s); ( fluent - Korean, Japanese ; semi-fluent - English ; basic - Mandarin )

 i'll show you my y swag! 


ulzzang; ( Won Jongjin aka J )

one |two |three |four |five

backup ulzzang; ( Park Jaehyun )

one |two |three |four |five

height&weight; ( 175 cm & 57 kg )
bloodtype; ( AB )
extra; ( birthmark shaped like a star on his collarbone ; prescription contacts for stage but glasses when possible ; scar shaped like a crescent on his lower left back - from an accident while fighting at his parents' dojo ; one pair of ear piercings )
style; ( He isn't, quite honestly, fashionable or at least fashion conscious. Does it match? Is that even in style? Pattern and more pattern? He doesn't really care. At all. His fashion, honestly, is mostly chosen with the help of his groupmates, friends, coordinators, etc. It's actually rather well-known since he isn't afraid to tell people that he isn't fashionable. He is also, oddly enough, known for finding clothes that are comfortable yet stylish enough for his 'helpers' to put together outfits with. He doesn't like revealing clothes and won't even go swimming shirtless. He tends to wear dark colors for his skin tone and has a ring he wears all the time on his index finger from his parents as an inside joke about his birthmark and scar, but fans speculate it's from an ex-girlfriend. )

casual |dorm |practice |formal |dates || ring (He owns the silver one.) 

 things i couldn't tell you! 

plotline; ( the Crusher )
( Whether it's complaints, compliments, or just words, Jinjung doesn't speak often. Ever. He observes silently until s or MCs ask him questions. Whether it's on a show or just at the dorms, he's silent, but when he does speak, he's very concise and sometimes, too blunt. He only answers exactly the question asked and usually, especially when he breaks a few hearts, he comes off as cold. Most of the time, it seems as though he isn't paying attention at all, but in reality, he knows exactly what's going on and from years of reading body language through fighting, often understands the situation better than most people. Because of his...violent abilities, MCs are usually amazed by him, scared of him, or both. As a result, he usually doesn't have to do things he doesn't want to on shows.
On the other hand, he isn't a complete cold or unfeeling robot. From years of fighting, he's developed an uncanny ability to read body language and uses it all the time whether to tell when one of s is feeling ill on purpose or discovering a lie by accident, it's second nature. What he does with the information after, however, helps him show his true feelings. More of a body language person, he usually does small things to help a person whether it's ordering them to rest or just silently pretending he didn't notice the lie. On variety shows, he's also known for striking deals up with MCs to let questions for s go unanswered if he does something they had wanted but he had denied as a result. He has a habit of looking people straight in the eye when they talk and at times, it unnerves them even if they're taller.
He has an interestingly brother-like side at times - a very scary brother - especially when he threatens other people for s/family or remembers things other people don't. However, he doesn't like skinship a lot, but is very tolerant of it; he's also a living failure of doing aegyo. He is rarely surprised or tricked, but knows when to pretend he is. He does, if provoken, have a sharp tongue, but usually likes to pull out the fighting card. When he feels that others need to 'relieve' their anger or realize their feelings, he isn't afraid to make himself the bad guy even if he's hated later for it. He is slightly OCD and at times, comes off as bossy. Despite his personality, people do agree, however, that he has a 'talent' of tolerating the most annoying people and of quieting the loudest of people with ease. )

likes; ( books, nature, exercise, challenges, honesty )
dislikes; ( lies, erts, boredom, misconceptions, flirts )
hobbies; ( reading, enjoying nature, exercising especially fighting )
habits; ( touches ear when lying, makes excuses to leave when jealous, climbs high places or practices fighting when upset )
fears; ( losing someone )
( Ambidextrous
No ideal type
Allergic to coconut
Has an internal clock
Usually carries around a book to read
Sleeptalks in multiple languages ; early bird ; night owl
Never takes a selca alone ; will with others
Calls people by their real name ; never nickname or stage name
Can remember anything heard, said, or read once
Chose K.Will as voice he'd most like to take ; Jung Yunho as dance skill ; Kim Jonggook as most admired sunbae )

 hush for a moment! 

background; ( He was born in Suzu, Japan during his parents' honeymoon - yes, his mother did have a wedding while pregnant. They went back to their home in Suwan after a few years and oddly, or amazingly, he was a rather quiet baby. His parents brought him up as if they were friends rather than parents and emphasized honesty and health. He told them of his orientation after high school and though at first they were shocked, they soon accepted it. He was unbelievably smart, especially with his amazing memory, and graduated Seoul National University at the top of his year and hoped to inherit his parents' dojo. Not according to plan, his parents declared he had no life - or more accurately, that he had to go "knock up a boy/girl, get a life, and bring back something non-school-or-family related" - and promptly kicked him out.
Without panicking, he then joined Cube Entertainment, at first, as a manager when he saw the HELP WANTED sign. He found an affordable place with his pay and though it wasn't quite good, it was bearable, espcially since he spent most of his time managing small groups and on occasion, helping train them. With his internal schedule, great memory, and good 'persuasion,' he was quick to be promoted and at one point, even worked for BtoB, 4minute, and even for B2ST once. However, his life couldn't continue simply as a manager, especially when the CEO walked in one day while he was helping a group hit the right notes and was promptly added onto the list of growing trainees by force rather than choice. To this day, his biggest wonder is what would have happened if he stayed a manager. )


father || Moon Jungsoo || 50 || taekwondo and boxing instructor || childish, adventurous, competitive, crude || Jinjung and Jungsoo get along more like brothers than parent and child. Jungsoo is always teasing Jinjung and competing with him in taekwondo or even boxing. Even though Jungsoo is older, if he loses, he'll insist that he'll win next time and that it was a mistake. In return, Jinjung always shoots down his complaints cleanly. Jungsoo is also teasing Jinjung about his love life or lack thereof and although old, rarely blames his age for anything. He's always lively and in top condition. He is constantly flirting with Soojin in front of Jinjung's face to get a reaction but it usually fails simply because Jinjung's seen it too often. 

mother || Moon Soojin (maiden name: Kimura Koizumi) || 47 || judo and kendo instructor || laidback, risky, in-style, teen-at-heart || Soojin is like a best friend to Jinjung and never fails to tease, gossip about, laugh at, or joke with him. She's a teenager at heart and remains forever infatuated with kdramas and Jungsoo. She constantly talks about the things that interest her to Jinjung and though he personally doesn't have an interest, he'll listen anyways. She hates being called old or anything of the like and even encourages Jinjung's friends to call her by her name. She loves fashion, skinship, selcas, and things that people usually -30 years of age do, but she still does anyways.

 you drive me crazy! 

best friend; 

Choi Sooyeon (OC) - ulzzang: Park Sooyeon |23 |bookstore owner |female version of Jinjung |They act very close and can, though not literally, read each other's minds. He often stops by at her bookstore for more books with presents from different places he visits. In return, she usually gives him a discount and/or a recommendation. Although she is the girl version of Jinjung, she is more into fashion and more open about her feelings. Her parents are just as childish as his and as the two's parents are friends, they grew up together since childhood. She has a habit of helping him out with his fashion. People perceive them either as siblings or as lovers.


sunbae-hoobae || Nam Jihyun || 23 || 4minute leader || bright, playful, honest, determined || The two are the same age and it often shows in the comfortable way they talk to each other. She usually teases the rest of 4minute for being unable to talk to him while he usually ignores his group's teasing. He honestly thinks that Park Hyunsik from ZE:A and her make a good couple (from Romantic and the Idol) so he often tells her so. In return, she usually pairs him up with random girls nearby as a couple as a joke. Besides love, the two usually also exchange advice about acting and just small talk. They're purely platonic to the point that even MCs can't put them together in a love-line as a joke.

English-speaking friends || Shin Peniel aka Shin Donggeun || 20 || BtoB rapper || focused, jokester, straightforward, eager || Peniel, although technically sunbae to Jinjung, looks up to him and vice versa. Peniel is in the midst of helping Jinjung in his English studies and Jinjung's helping Peniel in his Korean studies. Since Peniel is from America (Chicago more specifically) he tends to curse in English and Jinjung is always reminding him not to because he's now an idol. Jinjung and Peniel are always seen as the 'are-they-actually-friends' pair because of how different they are, but besides their sunbae-hoobae relationship, the two get along quite well and aren't afraid to show it on or off-screen.

rival(s); -

 will she accept my heart? 

love interest; ( Jang Hyunseung )
personality; ( Nicknamed the 4-D prince, Hyunseung is curious about everything he doesn't know about. He asks questions, lies when threatened, and spaces out at the most random of times. Even s don't quite get him but got used to him. He gets tired easily, invoking Jinjung's tough-nice side, but never complains. He's quite random and spacey, but focuses when he needs to regardless of how much rest he has. )
relationship; ( sunbae-hoobae )
how do you meet? ( During the time Jinjung worked as a manager, he filled in for B2ST's manager once when their manager was sick. Jinjung, Hyunseung, and the rest of B2ST met at that time, but since the day was packed with schedules, the group of seven didn't really get to bond together as friends and remained co-workers. When they saw each other after, they exchanged greetings but that was about it. )
how do you act? ( Hyunseung and Jinjung act like co-workers and remain polite, but not quite familiar. )

 something good, nothing bad! 

trainee years; ( 3 years )
trainee background; ( During Jinjung's three years, he mostly improved his dancing. He was good with physical things, that was true, but dancing and fighting was definitely different. He was decent with singing after years of being forced at karaoke rooms with his parents and his rapping was simply, to him, reading - it came naturally, quickly, and mindblowingly. He wasn't bullied, but mainly because of his fighting skills and on the side, when absolutely necessary, he became a manager for a day. )
weaknesses; ( aegyo, variety show talking, reactions )
special talent(s); ( acting, anything physical, internal schedule/clock )

singing twin; ( Kim Jaejoong - JYJ )
rapping twin; ( Choi Junhong/Zelo - B.A.P )

 we gotta get down! 

stage name; ( - )
persona; ( Silent Fighter )
position; ( Main Rapper ; Vocalist )
personal fanclub & color; ( Mutjin - means cool ; Cobalt - #0047AB )
personal motto; ( Honesty is the best policy. )

 bubble bubble bubble pop! 

comments, questions, concerns? ( Sorry if Hyunseung's personality is different/wrong. In the language section, is Korean implied? If not, then Japanese will be semi-fluent. )
song suggestions; ( "Bad Boy" 100% )
scene request(s); ( jealous moments )
anything else? ( I love the format. )



bye bye!


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Thanks, it took a long time to make the layout! ^^
Anyway, ill be putting up your character up soon on the applicant page. Im not exactly on a computer right now.
But as I skimmed through your character, I really like him so far! :)