☆ to raise a revolution - Pandora






h e r e  c o m e s  t r o u b l e ? 

xxxxxxxx FULL BIRTH NAME: Viola Kim
xxxxxxxx GOES BY / KNOWN AS: Violet (it's her favourite flower, only because it's similar with her name) , Vile (what it literally means; what she can be considered as) , Jinx (a little nickname she finds adorable)
xxxxxxxx VILLAIN NAME: Pandora; Greek myth the first woman made by the gods themselves. She was gifted with beauty and cunning. She was made out as a punishment for Prometheus, the Titan Zeus entrusted upon to create men but eventally displeased and angered the god. The only reason why she chose such a name was because she found herself much like the woman: a beauty, cunning and made to destroy mankind. 
xxxxxxxx POWERS: Curse Inducement and Electric Manipulation
xxxxxxxx AGE + DATE OF BIRTH: 21. December 12th, 1992.
xxxxxxxx BLOOD-TYPE: A
xxxxxxxx NATIONALITY: Eurasian (Christian-Korean)
xxxxxxxx HOMETOWN: London, United Kingdom


 y o u  w o n t  l o o k  a n y w h e r e  e l s e ?  

xxxxxxxx FACE-CLAIM: lee sung kyung/ lee seung kyeong
xxxxxxxx BACK-UP FACE-CLAIM: min hyo rin
xxxxxxxx VILLAIN COSTUME: "Jinx! You owe me a cola, baby."

  • ankle, neck, right hand, under the left eye, left rib
  • 168cm
  • hourglass shape; small hips, large waist

xxxxxxxx CLOTHING STYLE: Viola wears anything, as long as it's comfortable. Mostly sweaters (even the ugly ones, yes), or anything long-sleeved actually. She doesn't enjoy showing her arms much, much prefers her legs instead. Thus, she shows off her legs once in a while. Viola likes shorts and skirts, but don't get her wrong, jeans are just as comfortable as well. Surprisingly, she likes wearing socks! Viola would choose a beanie over a snapback any day, finding a snapback rather stuffy. A beanie is her most common accessory, and is usually the only accessory. Who the hell has time to wrap a scarf? Shoes! Her favourite part of the wadrobe. Viola collects a lot of heels, though she mostly wears converse (because they are so ing comfortable, gosh) or summer sandals. Still, a girl's gotta have her heels in case of emergencies. 


However, Viola would dress up for occassions. Like most girls, a dress suits for any party! Her dresses are often short, very short in fact. Yet, she still maintains to dress appropriately; classy and y. Maybe with a pair of pumps, or stockings too. Her favourite dress, surprisingly, is very simple; a black, long-sleeved dress with no patterns whatsoever. 


 f o r t u n e s  a r e  m o r e  t h a n  t h e  r i c h e s  i n  y o u r  h a n d s ? 

xxxxxxxx BACKGROUND:

When growing up, Viola's dreams were often changing. Sometimes she wanted to be a ballerina, other times she wished to be a cook. Viola was never sure of what she wanted to be; she just knew she desired to be famous. It felt great to know people knew your name. The glory was why she planned to be a professional circus act in the end; known across the state and worshiped for your skills. Viola worked hard to achieve her dream, she forced herself to stretch to her limits. Being an acrobat wasn't so simple after all. 


If there was one thing about her history, it was that Viola hated her family. She hated their guts and ignorance. All they ever wanted was a reliable daughter everyone would love, and there was no way they were going to manipulate her to change herself. It was who she was; hot-tempered and crude.


On the other hand, Viola would have turned out exactly that; annoying laughing and polite postures. If it weren't for high school, she would have just like her sister. You see, she had unintentionally mixed with the rebels. Viola was simply curious as to why they are so negative, and with that, she was sort of invited into their world. It took a quick day or two before she was finally convinced that rebelling was normal for teenagers as themselves. 


Viola started going home much later that usual. Why go home when you don't even have a purpose to stay in there (other than shelter and cash)? She would frowned and spit in their face with words such like 'I do whatever the hell I want to', if asked. Her parents were always disappointed that their own flesh and blood no longer turned out how they wished. Thank god for Viola's sister, to be honest. Viola was honestly hurt that they couldn't accept her as she is, even though her character wasn't the best as a daughter. Somehow, with the help of smoking and lots of animated movies, she had overcome the loneliness in her life without the love from her parents. 


She only moved to Korea after finding out she had actual relatives here. Viola had only decided to run away to her aunt's place in Korea because, well, she was sick of her family. Aunt Haru was surprisingly tolerant enough. She was nothing like Mother. Aunt Haru gave freedom, as long as they pay their own consequenses for it. 


As for how she first reacted towards her power, well, it's wasn't all that pretty. Viola, before high school, was well-mannered and always listened to whatever anyone said, especially her parents. They specifically said "Viola, you will listen to your parents and tell us if you meet any weird encounters such like flying or super strength." However, Viola never really obeyed that comment, only for the reason that she was once so ashamed of it. It seemed like being superbeings was a curse. How ironic, really. 


She discovered her first power, cursed inducement, when she was only 9. It was her first simple game of jinx and then someone owes you a cola or a chocolate bar. The immediate reaction was fairly normal; nothing painful whatsoever. Only weird because in her vision, Darkness surrounded her friend that had gained the nickname Unlucky in school for the rest of middle school ever since that day. The second time she had unconsciously bestowed someone with curse was the very next day (jinx was such a popular and simple game back then, isn't it?)


As for Electrical Manipulation; it was all too ugly. It started with a television show and ended with the entire neighbourhood experiencing a blackout for two days straight. Sherlock was so addictive, she couldn't keep her eyes off the show. Viola wasn't sure how, but with a flick of her wrist and a sudden thought about how amazing elecctricity was, the television had exploded without a second to wait. Stunned, she froze in her seat, staring at the burning television. Her first thoughts were of 'what the actual '. It was only when her aunt ran in, hearing the explosion from the kitchen, was when Viola snapped out of her reverie. She was asked to get help immediately, all the while asked (or yelled at) as how in the ing universe did something like that could have happened. In which she didn't knew at all. Soon the fire started spreading to the carpet and the curtains.


Viola pulled back her aunt, unlike what she would have done with Mother. Viola then pointed to the burning television when Hyojin had came running down the stairs, which just resulted with more electric from the very tips of her fingers and towards the tv set. Thank God for the fire department that came right on time as the fire grew, quickly burning down the living room. They rushed out to the street, Viola accidentally running into a streetlamp and cursing the out of it. The slight contact immediately caused the light to overpower, then went out. Because the electricty were all connected throughout the neighbourhood, the other lamps quickly went out, then the electricity in all houses. 


It was that exact moment when she unintentionally revealed to have powers; ones that are strong even without training. 

Perhaps she had somehow jinxed herself that very day, for 3 months later, she received mail from V.I.A.



Viola, if described in a word, is ing wicked. From the very tip of her toes to the very core of her heart. Viola, especially, is simply unpleasent during first meetings. The very first time she sets her eyes on something, including simple things like how someone decorates a wall, Viola would judge the out of it. Even she would admit it that her stare is pretty creepy, considering that she doesn't do anything but stare. Viola is terribly honest and is never afraid of voicing out her opinions. Hell, she isn't sure what she's scared of really (she does have her fears though)


Viola gets annoyed by the simplest of things, like a late bus or things not loading. Sometimes, she even gets annoyed on how easy it is for her to get angry. Every time Viola gets ticked off, she would roll her eyes and have a sneer on her face for hours. It wasn't even up to her anymore; anger controls her whether she likes it or not. 


Despite her much angry-self, Viola is surprisingly very respectful and attentive only if she wants to. At times, she would even ber courteous and generous. Still, most of her time is spent ticked off 24/7. Viola is never sad, angry instead. She isn't big in expressing her feelings, bring more of a bitter sulk kind of girl. Viola finds showing tears a sign of weakness, and being a supervillian, that doesn't really help her career. Call it cliche, but Viola is quite the sadist. She isn't fond of stabbing or whatsoever, much prefers hurting emotionally when the wounds are permanent. An insult or two from her lips would do the trick, but she wants nothing more than hurting the pride of people she hates. So her insults tend to go over the extreme that would leave people bawling. However, seeing people cry was sort of normal. 
xxxxxxxx DO THEY WANT TO GO TO V.I.A OR NOT?: Yes. Even though Viola rather not be used as a weapon, she found herself going nowhere in life. It seemed like this was the only option left. 
xxxxxxxx FAMILY: 

mother | Felicia Kim, or Yura Kim | 43 | Mother here couldn't get anymore annoying with her pish posh attitude. She was bossy and a perfectionist, and nobody likes a perfectionist. Mother wouldn't stop pestering her daughters to hold a high image of a proper young lady, which was accepting until Viola realized it was total bull. Ever since Viola found her identity, Mother wouldn't even speak to her directly anymore. What had happened to her little Viola? She's a menace now. 

father | Jeffrey Anders (Caucasian) | 46 | Father was, honestly, not so bad as compared to Mother. He wasn't pestering Viola or anything when she was a kid, he just didn't stand up for her. Like when Mother decides it's best to raise her own child like she's training her kitty. Father did nothing of it, and when Viola whined to her daddy, he just supported Mother instead. Not in a mean way, but simply sided with his wife. 

sister | Iona Kim | 23 | Iona's and Viola's relationship isn't all that pretty. Well, it can't be described as two peas in a pod, that's most definitely. Honestly, they were like twins, until high school came along for Viola. They aren't exactly on speaking terms, at the moment. Maybe it was Iona, or even Viola, but their personalities are so different that it would chaotic to put them in a room together alone. They were simply opposites. Both being fast learners, quickly realized it's best to avoid one another at all cost. 


aunt | Haru Kim | 39 | Despite growing up with a person like Mother, Aunt Haru was a lot more likable. Aunt Haru didn't really mind Viola's need to be free nature, as long as she paid for her own consequences. 

cousin | Hyojin Kim | 20 | Hyojin, or Hyo as Viola personally likes to name her, is what anyone can label as a fangirl. She's rather rude and has quite the temper like every other teen out there, but she's a great listener and obeys well. Hyojin is a big fan of America televesion shows, such like How I Met Your Mother, and supernatural books. It was these sorts of things that Viola rarely sees her outside her room for the first few months. They grew close when Viola had announced to her aunt that she was going to get a tattoo, days before her birthday. Hyojin, who had her head inside the refridgerator, then quickly ran next to her cousin on the couch, declaring she wanted a tattoo as well. Aunt Haru didn't mind, as long as they paid for it on their own. Who knew a tattoo session together could bring out their friendship. 



m y  h e a r t s  b e e n  t h r o u g h  s o m e  p a i n ? 

xxxxxxxx LOVE INTEREST'S NAME: Taehyun Lee
xxxxxxxx THEIR POWER: Fire & Dream Manipulation
xxxxxxxx THEIR VILLAIN NAME: Aurox (it's pretty, despite the definition has nothing to do with his powers)
xxxxxxxx THEIR PERSONALITY: Taehyun, despite being a villain, former hero, is actually pretty light-hearted. He's very protective and quite the romantist. Known for his practiced cheesy lines in order to woo a woman, it's quite the surprise he's a villain. Moving away from his cringeworthy lines taken from a movie, Taehyun can easily charm a woman with his romantic ways. He can leave balloons in your apartment for some ungodly reason one day and you'll fall in love all over again. 
xxxxxxxx HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND EACH OTHER: They are sort of the Working Mother & Stay-Home Dad relationship. Taehyun puts a lot of effort in the relationship, while Viola doesn't really do much unless special occassions. Taehyun is the only one who shows his affection in every minute, while Viola just does so whenever she feels like it. 
xxxxxxxx HOW DO YOU WANT THE TWO PORTRAYED: In a relationship

xxxxxxxx BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST'S NAME: Another applicant (whoever you wish; male, female doesn't matter)
xxxxxxxx THEIR POWER: Depends on applicant
xxxxxxxx THEIR VILLAIN NAME: Depends on applicant
xxxxxxxx THEIR PERSONALITY: Depends on applicant
xxxxxxxx HOW DO YOU WANT THE TWO PORTRAYED: Strangers who does not wish to even look at one another before their relationship develops. 




 n o  c a p e s ! 

xxxxxxxx POWER EFFECTS: 

  • Can take away electricity from source
  • Can electrify someone 
  • Form lightnings
  • May take flight using electrokinetic flight
  • Physical combat using electricity
  • Provide electricity if needed 
  • Jinx can make others unlucky
  • Able to animate corpses to move (not to be confused with resurrection) 
  • Alter the structure of both beings and objects, also known as tranation
  • Possession; able to inhabit the body of an individual
  • Curse someone with dark magic

xxxxxxxx POWER DEFECTS: 

  • May require an electrical sourcec in order to recharge
  • Electricity may not work on some materials
  • Can cause short circuit if hit with water
  • May be triggered due to Viola's emotions
  • May be un-changeable (Cannot un-curse anyone) 

xxxxxxxx DO THEY LIKE THEIR POWER: There's nothing more she enjoys than being the core of someone she hates misery, thus why she loves her powers (curse inducement especially). Besides, lighting is beyond cool and kind of reminds her of her uv tattoos.  



w h a t  d i d  i  m i s s ?

  • Tattoos
  • Fast food restaurants (and their foods)
  • Frappes
  • Mike Posner
  • Steampunk
  • Cats
  • Cooking
  • Long showers
  • Slow people (as in walking)
  • Pizza
  • Annoying people
  • Waiting
  • Action movies that has those same ole characters, aka main character has no feelings and talks lowly and attempt husky who can't take a ing joke.
  • Hiccups
  • Anything annoying really
  • Wailing babies
  • She has 2 UV tattos; tattoos that can only be seen under the blacklight. 
  • Viola is very flexible, which sort of adds to her iness if she's in her costume. 
  • Smokes occassionally; mostly during the times of stress. 
  • She takes time in everything she does, even eating because you need to take in the flavours. Except walking; she cannot stand people walking slowly. 
xxxxxxxx xxCOMMENTS: Sorry for the cussing. Viola cusses a lot, might as well describe her the way she would talk regularly. So yes, that's how she talks. I'm sorry for the mistakes and for not doing the back-up love interest (I really didn't have much time OTL) Btw, Taehyun's ulzzang is jo geun hyeong.
xxxxxxxx xxUSERNAME: victori




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