my favorite posters; victori

so i wanted to show off and trust me, these are mine. i made these long ago actually (like a year ago when i had a different account)

and i am too lazy to use caps so.


so here i am big on angst because it is so much easier and less time straining. bright posters requires lots of cutting and i hate those. i really detests those. e-e 


my favourite angst poster i've ever made:

it's size: 480x600

made on: gimp 2.0 (to add the decoy and smoke on jiyong) photoshop cs5 (the demo /creys/ to add everything else)

time taken: about 3 days from the source finding to downloading the smoke and decoy brushes to the finishing touches. also took long because of the fact that it was my first time using photoshop when i made this. 

likes: the decoy brushes are amazing, i tell you. just stare at that fine piece of broken skin. the blood on the texts. the woman's lips (btw, her lips were actually . i painted them red to match the blood). the fact that this poster did not use even one texture layering over the entire poster. the ombre red on jiyong's suit (that's just sick. i dont ever know how i got that i just did). the smoke brush ghosting over jiyong's lips, there are incredibly pretty for angst posters. THE QUALITY.

dislikes: the fact that it looked like i just randomly used the giant erasing brush to cut off her face when she was really wearing a black horrible erasing skills on the girl's and the-super-obvious jiyong's hair. the blood dripping from her lips (wtf was i thinking? oh yeah. i thought it looked cool and it seemed like the blood dripped onto the text)

conclusion: i really want photoshop







i at bright-themed posters. i really, reallly, really hate them. they require so much effort and time and is just a big NO in my book. 

my favourite non-angst poster:

size: 480x600

made on: solid gimp 2.something

time taken: idek. i just know it was around march, when i first discovered park hyo jin and was pretty much obsessed until i got sick of her. hahahahahahahaha

likes: the textures! (this was made on a grey background and the textures are just miracles of colors. this was 2 textures, i believe) the simplicity (it's just hyojin+taejun, text and a white rose. thank god for colors). soft, pastel colors with the exception of her hair just screams romance. my obsession with text with shadows. their positions are just right and perfect. the many posibilities with this just one poster (i made 2 other posters with the exact contents except for the textures. .__. 1 2 )

dislikes: the very weird erasing of everything (and the hated spot between hyojin's ponytail and her hair). the weird credits texts. taejun doesn't look all too happy. THE WEIRD CREDITS TEXTS OMG.

conclusion: this poster is too simple for me to point out everything :^;






conclusion of everything: i have lost my everyday-posters skills. stupid tumblr. (my posters are now a lot more... tumblr-like you can say)

i have no idea of how to end this so bye. mucho kisses to keeshia, aka chromatic_wolfe


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Wow, that angst poster is just stunning, whoever it was made for (if it was made for someone) is incredibly fortunate. You're very talented :)