The Evil Creature With a Dragon Tattoo~

So I got this head gear thing from Comic Alley, The Anime Specialty Store last week.  It was black with big glowing eyes and point ears, so I thought it was perfect for Halloween.  I planned to be the evil creature of the Pixie Forest so I bought the head gear thing, along with the deck of Clow Cards since I'm such a Cardcaptor Sakura fan~  (No...I am not, in any way, promoting Comic Alley...XD)

The Trick or Treat Party sponsored by the company started at around 6 PM, so Only Rose and I went to the office, along with a team leader (who was a towering gay and, just like the oher gays on the production floor, harbored a not-so-secret crush on Guy #4).  Speaking of Towering Team Lead, I remember one occasion when he asked me about how I became close with Guy #4.  He raised his eyebrow and asked "Are you Guy#4's banker when you were an apprentice?".  I replied no.  Follow-up question, now with the eyebrow raised even higher: " you two are just...what...friends?".  I explained how Mr Tenured Banker introduced me to Guy #4.  It was such an intimidating and awkward moment.  But during the party, we got to talk a bit more and I realized he's not really that...scary.  Or whatever. 

Oh~!  And I got this henna tattoo on my right hand~!  It was my first henna tattoo and it was a tribal motif of a dragon. 

So my job at the event was to guide 10 kids ages 7 below to the different Trick or Treat booths and assist the guardians in...well..guarding their kids who were so eager to grab as much candies and chocolate bars as their little hands could hold.  And you now what they say, in every herd, there will always be that stray sheep.  One kid somehow got mixed up with the other kids so the other guid asked him: "Who's your guide?"  and the kid replied "The guy who was wearing black who looked like an evil creature with a dragon tattoo on his hand."  Such vivid observation, kid. 

The event ended well at 9 PM and went straight to a friend's birthday party.  I had late dinner with her and her college friends (who became my friends in the process) and went out to drink...and party~!  I just pity her guy friend that night.  I was hugging and dancing flirtatiously with him the whole night on the dance floor.  Good thing he was very game about it and seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. Hahaha~


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