Can't sleep...


Alice can't sleep...but she needs to stay awake tomorrow since she's helping her teachers....I've been awake since 6am and I probably won't be able to sleep until 6pm tomorrow... (Or later) and napping is a big nono since I'm fully booked with work! T.T


-sigh- I might just try update and then sleep for a bit >.<


Alice doesn't feel like writing for now >.< Might be because of the hot weather....


Do you remember Alice's "Confuse" blog? Well, yesterday Alice got really angry at that person and shouted at him over Fb... He's too immature.... -sigh- He even threatened to cut himself after he found out I was dating someone... I don't know if I stopped him or not...but Alice got really angry and well, we aren't talking anymore, even though he's trying to talk to me...I can't help but think I'll get angry again (According to everyone in my's really hard to get me angry xDD)

Oh well! Alice just needs to keep a positive mind and keep smiling..right? Yes! GO ALICE!

I cannot let one thing such as this to stop me from getting my goal in AFF!! NYAAAAAAAAA~




I really need to start reading the fics I subbed to and going on more often xD

Those who are waiting for me to reply...WAIT A BIT LONGER! I SHALL GET BACK TO YOU! JUST KNOW THAT ALICE LOVES YOU A LOT!!!!!!!! :D


(Next week will be a busy week...I'm helping the teacher make costumes for the school play....)



Alice really can work in hot weather!! Even though she's born in the middle of summer... T.T


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Aigoooooo my poor Alice ... ahhhhhh and that person is just I mean isn‘t he so dramatic just thinking of that give me headache awwww my poor Alice *hugs* ...good luck with everything <333
Unnie hate hot wither too >.<
Wah.. Such a nice student... *shakes head*