My weekend goals: an update, plus more

  • CLEAN MY ROOM.... how about we give this one 3/4ths of a check mark? xD Because it's so close to being all clean.... but it's not clean yet xD
  • Get Kye's symbol all packaged up and ready to mail for Monday- BIG CHECK MARK~ :D
  • Get. Slave. Updated- Well, since I didn't finish cleaning, no updating for Katy ;A;
  • Update Oppa- yeah, read the explanation above ^^^
  • PACK- Nope.. xD later


So basically, I kind of failed to do anything, but that's okay. xD I got the most important thing done, so I'm good. xD

I drew out the rest of my EXO symbols whis was pretty good. Stupid Baekhyun was too big so I had to resize him... >.> Poopy head >.< Oh well, at least he fits now. I'll cut them... later xD After I clean my room and update xD lol


9 more days until I leave for China! I'm so excited, it's not even funny anymore. I'm going to flip tables because I'm so excited <3 

My sister has this little fantasy that I'm going to end up meeting Hangeng in China... haha, haha, haha, yeah, no. Probably not going to happen, but ehh. xD I mean, freaking Michelle got to meet Zhoumi >.> *sighs* well, we'll see, won't we :D I'm going to keep my hopes down so that they won't get crushed.


China, I'm so ready for you. I'm ready for your bubble tea; I'm ready for your  people; I'm ready for everything you're got in store for me~



Yo peeps, wanna help me pack? xD not like literally, but suggestions on what to pack? I'm thinking really skimpy clothes because it's so freaking hot and humid... and I'm bring my bathing suit... but what else (excluding the necessities, like the laptop. ipod, camera, bras, underwears, toothbrush, etc) xD


Oh, and one last thing (for SISOT subbies):

I've been thinking about this... and I kind of want to rate SISOT as Mature. Why? Tumblr is not for kids xD And I feel like most of the stuff I post is "M." But let me know what you guys are thinking. (: Yes, I'll post this in my next chapter of SISOT, but since I can't update until I clean up my room... I'll just have to settle with this for now


Anwyays, thanks guys! I have y'all <3



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Lucky friend you have there...
Oh my god, you're friend got to meet Zhoumi. That's so cool~ Hope you have a safe and fun trip^^ Um, if you need to bring makeup i suggest small containers. I know you really can't have any big carry-on(?) but it's been a while since I flew. Just make sure you have room in your suitcase if you plan on buying stuff in China.
ButterflyShida #3
be happy in China!
usually, i'll bring jeans ._. woah zhoumi
Your sister (idk if Michelle is you sister or friend ._.;;) met Zhou Mi?! O_O