HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!. YES, I'm already 20 today. Someone gave me roses and a perfume, but where is my KISS? HAHA.

Anyway, I have updated Witch Hunt and Self Proclaimed Boyfriends

So, since nobody likes Witch Hunt, an RPG based story, I might delete it and replace it with a new story JBF. And hopefully, I'll be starting to write the first chapter of it next week. Once our orientation is over.

OH, btw, my fellow SHAWOLS, have you seen SHINee's BREAKING NEWS? If not go to this link CLICK.

I find them all adorably handsome. Especially KIM JONGHYUN. He really do look good with his new hair color. That y Dinosaur. Well, I'm proud of him. If you want to read a fanfic about him, I'd recommend SELF PROCLAIMED BOYFRIEND. Just try reading it and I would love to hear from you guys.

That's all. Thank you ^^


I'm an EXOTIC and SHAWOL. OT5 OT12


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I am a Extioc and a ShaWol too. Is hard with all the fan wars