Hello everybody~~~~

I decided to take a break from studying to post up a blog ^^ Woo~~~ Seems like the only time I talk to you guys is at the ends of my chapters. From what you've read, it is only a smallllllllll, minute, miniscule part of who I really am LOL. So today, I think I'll tell you a little bit more about myself.

I'm old, short, asian, and extremely sarcastic. eh.......I think that about sums it up LOL

Nah! I'm kidding, sort of. 

Now, you're all proabably wondering what the title of this blog means. P.V.S? What the heck, right? Well, it's a serious condition I suffer from. PASSIVE VOICE SYNDROME. 

Fooled you, didn't I? Thought it was some weird medical condition, am I right? Hahahahah~~~~ (most of you proabably weren't fooled, I'm sure)

Anyway, passive voice syndrome. I discovered recently in one of my Lit classes that I write quite passively. It's a bad habit, something I should not be doing with university level writing. I noticed that I write most of my stories in the passive voice. I'M SORRY GUYS >_< I'll try hard to fix it. Active writing = a better reading experience. I need to keep that in mind when I write. 

Anywho, if you couldn't tell already, I'm random. My thoughts are all jumbled into a giant pile of word vomit, which I end up throwing at you guys. Like it? ahahaha, sorry.

Wonder if any of you are going to read this.....


See you in the next chapter of 'Just Can't Say No'!

-greenninjapanda GNP-


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GNP-Productions #1
kmn007 #2
wow you're right about the word vomit LOL!