HELP. ><

I have a problem. I normally listen to songs as I type fics but this time round, I can't find the right song for the YJ reunion scene. It must be angsty but not too angsty, fluffy yet not too fluffy, cheerful yet bitter, I don't know what I want anymore. I JUST NEED THE RIGHT SONG DAMN IT! >< T________________T

Any recommendations guys? Or at this rate there's gonna be no updates for The Phone Call. :(


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Lol does it have to relate to dbsk? Or be Korean cuz... I usually listen to 2yoon's 24/7 or EXO's Peter Pan... ^^; If it's english... Spectrum by Zedd? Or Lights ellie goulding, maroon 5's Daylight... Lmao it doesnt even relate to reunions... But it has a nice beat... Ok. That's all...
galadura #2
dbsk's taxi is nice
English or Korean