Fashion Crisis

Someone. Please. Tell. Me. How. To. Look. Good. In. These. Two. Pieces. Of. Clothing

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I went through my closets yesterday to pull out my summer things and I found these.... O_O

I'm sorry, but WTF China? 

I tried on the first one... I looked like a fat potato... I'm not even kidding. I mean seriously, why.... Should I wear like a tutu under it to make it work? Because there's no way that my body as of right now can fit that. I mean, it's totally adorable, if it was a different shape... I might just cut it up myself and remake it according to my body because that's not working...


The second one? O_O Ruffles galore! And it weights at least 2 lbs... >.> most likely more... O_O


So all y'all who were like "I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE WITH FASHION PROBLEMS!" when I asked you guys about my other stuff.... HELP

Seriously China...You make some of the weirdest clothes ever... I don't even know what Junkang's mother was thinking when she bought these.... O_O

But then again, you make some of the cutest clothes ever... so we're good (:

19 more days before I leave! <3 No, I'm not looking forward to the humidity nor the heat, but hey, if Michelle, CJ and a bunch of my friends can take it, I can as well (: So freaking excited :D


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First one, just wear some jewellery. Colour? Black. Wear one of them huge bangle things with the first one. Wear jeans with it What type? Normal ones, not the pre-ripped ones and wear black or canvas shoes *imagining*...

Second one tuck in loosely. Wear denim shorts. If u r conservative, wear black tights with the shorts. It looks really cute when u see it.

Was this any help?
ilykpop #2
For the first one, you can wear it with black leggings/skinny jeans, ooh and wear some black bracelets too
And the second one...i would definitely say shorts, preferably black, but other bright colors might work too and wear a necklace or something to distract from all the ruffles ^^
you can wear short denim jeans and tuck the shirt in :D or wear leggings and tuck it in.
lol tuck it in loosely — that's my trick to every weird shirt i have /slapped
and you can probably tuck it in at the front only and let is loose at the back if it's a short shirt. (i can't tell)
ooh~fashion I`m expert when it comes with this stuff.
so here`s my tip don`t wear the second one,use a bandeau to hide you s.Then,wear a leggings black leggings...and a balenciaga bag if you have one...add some charcoal colored accessories then tie yoy hair in a messy bun
donate them to charity. gull, that's just.
i mean with a bit of work the first one could be okay but the second one makes me think of a fairy costume ono
Jlkae06 #6
The first one could be cut around the arms, like into a wifebeater and wear a bandeau under with high waisted shorts!
jongty #7
1.) i think you should wear this one..just tuck it under your jeans or whatever you're going to wear underneath and use a belt also!~
2.)cut off the ruffles..^^;;
where r u going?
...Belts might help?
first cus it gonna be hot an you said the second weight at least 2 ibs so first one
headphones #11
Oh China. That place never fails to amuse me. As for help, I am known as the "fashion terrorist." Not sure I would be able to help much. Maybe try layering?
cathy4reals #12
those are actually pretty cute with the right ensemble. Try different kinds of shorts with it. High waisted, colorful shorts, jeans, fringe, lace, etc. But for the first one, it would look really cute with skirts like these:
The second one, you can just wear it with a pair of tights and a coat, jacket, or blazer
OKAY 1: it looks like it will look good with black skinnies. even though it shaped like that, when you wear it it looks like a long sleeveless tshirt rite? add up some bangles and a sideslinger go for a boho look?
2: its sooooooooooo pretty! girls what u talking about? that top with a long statement necklace, colored skinnies.. some pastel color or go all out iwth red or maroon! accessories MELATIC!
#14 China's weird fashion sense strikes again!