summer doesn't feel like summer. ; random life blog of noodles


   so basically, i have summer school to get ahead in school so right now i'm taking summer geometry. BUT THE THING IS I HATE GEOMETRY WITH A PASSION. LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHY I HATE IT, BUT I JUST DO. nothing makes sense to me and the fact that my teacher isn't the best makes it worse OTL

   but i really don't like my teacher. i mean, he's generall a nice guy but he doesn't teach well. he goes over things too fast and doesn't pinpoint what's going to be on the test. he doesn't explain well enough for me to get which is a big problem. i have several tests everyday since this is basically cramming one year of math into a month, but it's like bleh because he's not that good of a teacher for me. he can be really mean though because he picks on students. like, this one kid made a careless mistake and my teacher keeps pinning him because of it. and when he was correcting our tests, he would sigh SUPER loudly, telling everyone that that person probably failed.

and the person was mostly likely me haha 

i mean, i don't think i'm a horrible math student, but i'm not the best either, so he can't expect /all/ of us to get perfect scores. 

ugh, i guess it's mostly my fault though, since i probably don't put enough effort in, but it's kind of hard to learn on my own when my book also . 


well, i'm just ranting about math and all that shizz so whatever noodles.


   other than that stupid class, this summer has been pretty average. i hung out with my friend a lot and went to the beach, but most of the time i've been a lazy bum at home haha there are so many things i want to do like paint and write stories, but for some reason my brain's logic is to scroll on tumblr all day and watch lame and boring videos on youtube OTL 

i seriously need to make of list of things i need to do, but i "don't have enough time" because i have so many things to do OTL 

i have accel. spanish work to do, adv. english hw which includes annotating two books and writing an essay, this fcking geometry class, and then i have all of the stuff i wanted to do on my own haha 

well, i should stop ranting and get back to the kitchen /pushed off a cliff

/sob i have class tomorrow someone take me now OTL well, i suppose it's bedtime for me. 


and this is totally random but do any of you guys have an instagram? if you do comment your username cause i want to follow you all /creeper mode activated 

follow me here --> @iluhanati hehe


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invicarious #1
Just watch, you're gonna finish all of your work by the end of June, then have a blast the first week if July, then you're going to wonder why you're so bored for the rest of summer while watching all dem videos on Youtube LOL
That . I don't think my country has Summer school . . . ^_^

i fuqing hate geography

Liek i rlly dun kurrr
At least it geometry ill do it any day than trigonometry