We Got Married || Super Junior Edition - Application



AFF Account Name: K-P0PG1rL

Profile Link: http://www.asianfnfics.com/profile/view/14875

Name: Lee JinHye

Nickname: Avery, Jinnie, Xiao-Xing

Age/Birth date: 22 - May 15, 1989

Birth Place: Wuhan, Hubei, China
Ethnicity: Korean - British

Appearance: Ulzzang : Kim Da Hyun or Geum Hee

Style: http://http://data.whicdn.com/images/16715726/tumblr_lt6gkoR4DP1qhahtxo1_500_large.png

Tattoos/peircings: http://internettattoos.com/images/S5.jpg - On back, wrapping around to her stomach
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3324/3289999203_0520040b0a.jpg - On wrist

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 101 lbs
Personality: JinHye is a girl of few words, meaning she doesn’t talk much. However, she laughs a lot. She brings light into the room if it’s gloomy. Her laughter is contagious, because it’s odd yet cute. She’s quite innocent and seems pure at heart. Being a model, she sees many of the younger girls in her neighborhood cake their face with make-up. She hears that it’s Y. Well to JinHye, ‘y’ is just a state of mind. You don’t need clothes that expose excessively and layers of make-up to be y. It makes her feel sad that there are people out there who don’t take her advice. Sure, it looks like it’s what makes JinHye look beautiful in her photos, but she doesn’t do so much to herself that it covers up her natural beauty.
She may have a cute face but JinHye is quite mature. She was and still is responsible. She’s had to be careful enough to do everything she can to make sure that her siblings were satisfied and not cranky. JinHye will take action if no one else is willing to. She’s gone through many situations with children to know how they will act and what to do when things get out of control. When there are that are to be done, she’ll make them her first priority, right after family and friends. Another thing, she’ll put her health before work. If she isn’t feeling well, she won’t push herself to be the one in the magazines or posing with cars. If it’ll damage her reputation that she isn’t in the latest of styles or promoting cars then she’s fine with it.
JinHye is also a bit shy. Meeting people for the first time makes her nervous. When she approaches people or they come to her, she’s afraid that they’ll judge her. She thinks that because since she wears make-up and she has to wear revealing clothes in her pictures, that they’ll think she’s some sort of hypocrite. JinHye interacts with people frequently though. After all, it is in her nature to be curious about someone and want to be their friend. You can tell when she’s being a bit timid when her lips purse a little because she’s holding back the temptation to jump right into the conversation. She’s easy to tease as well. Sometimes she’s talking and some words will come out sounding wrong. People will think she said something and turn it into some erted saying and she’ll become embarrassed.
JinHye can be an emotional mess, especially when she’s sad. When’s she’s feeling down, she’ll cry until her eyes are red, puffy and dried out. She’ll lock herself in her room so that she won’t bother people with her moodiness or make others sad as well. When she’s happy, JinHye will keep it contained but it uses a lot of her self-control because she loves the feeling of being happy. When JinHye is happy, she feels as if there’s nothing in the world that can bring her down and make her feel like there isn’t anything great that will come out of living. She’s quite optimistic and tries to help others when they’re not in the best of moods. She’s quite persistent in getting people to cheer up.
She isn’t selfish and isn’t the type of girl to get jealous easily. Sure, she has her moments where she thinks her little sister gets lots of attention for being a baby, but she tries hard not to let it get to her. She’s excellent at masking over her emotions if she thinks that they are going to down her mood. Jealously included. It used to get in the way when she was younger because she’d usually be left having to watch over the one that ‘took’ her parents away from her, since she loves her parents with all her heart.
She is SUCH a nerd. JinHye uses a very large vocabulary that not many can understand. In school, she took on many extra-curricular activities and did classes not many would do. She joined many clubs and teams. She was head of the Math club and was a sub cheerleader. She excelled in computer science and English because she worked with computers for a few years when she was living in Britain, but lacked knowledge in Industrial Technology. JinHye always has a thirst for knowledge. She doesn’t like to show it, but it’s in her nature to let the world know that she’s not some snobby airhead.
JinHye is a klutz as well. Sometimes, when she goes jogging in the morning, she’ll trip on her shoelaces and fall in a bush. She’s had an encounter with trying to make a cake once but it just resulted with her covered in flour and batter along with rainbow sprinkles. The kitchen was covered in flour, sugar and butter. JinHye giggles a lot when she messes things up. She’s gotten better with being careful but she still has some idiotic moments throughout the day.

Likes: *Anime

*Mountain Climbing

Dislikes: *Chocolate
*Loud Noises
*Clothes that Expose WAY too much
*Strobe Lights
*Being called "Cutie"
*Dirty Places

*Laughs a lot
*Taking deep breaths when angry
*Glaring when irritated
*Crossing her eyes
*When she lies, she will either keep a straight face or her right eye twitches

*Sticking her tongue out in pictures
*Puckers lips when bored
*Mumbles to herself

*Blood Type AB
*Favorite Color: Alice Blue

*Favorite Food: Pho
*Favorite Numbers: 7 & 13
*Favorite Colors: Black, Silver, Midnight Blue & Red
*Korean Songs: It Has To Be You - YeSung, High High - GD & TOP, Good Day - IU & Oh - SNSD

*Favorite Japanese Songs: Sky Chord – Tsuji Shion, Hana Kagari - Yumi Shizukusa & This Light I See - Paku Romi
*Favorite English Songs: Apple & Cinnamon - Utada Hikaru, Ignorance - Paramore, Runaway - Cartel & Perfect Two - Auburn
*Favorite Movies: Despicable Me, er Punch and Spirited Away
*Favorite Drink: Thai Tea
*She tells people that are super close to her that she loves them.

*Sleeps with a sushi plush & with a sleeping mask made by her mother
*Sleeping on the couch
*Sleeps with mouth slightly open
*Fear of Shattering glass
*Can speak Korean, Japanese, English & French fluently.
*Has a Japanese Spitz puppy named Marshmallow.
*She's an artist. Drawing Anime and realistically are her specialties.
*Can't get up unless the blinds are closed.
*She got her tattoos when she was 15. No one knows except for Kevin, Key, TaeMin, Nana, Hyuna, TOP & Sunny.
*When she was 13, she lived in Taipei, Taiwan for a year then moved to Paris, France when she was 16.

Scandals?: Has been caught hanging around SHINee's Key 'intimately'. Key acts very intimately with JinHye but in a brotherly way.

Mother - Lee (Son) TaeYeon
Father - Lee ByungHyun

Uncle - Lee SooMan
Older Twin Sister - Lee SunKyu aka Sunny
Adopted Cousin - Lee Hana

Rivals: Park Gyuri - She thinks she's the most beautiful person out there in the K-POP industry. She's narcissistic.Gyuri's 'confidence' comes off as if she's putting herself on top of the world.

Friends: Kevin- UKISS
TOP- Big Bang
TaeMin & Key- SHINee
Hyuna- 4Minute
Nana- After School
MinWoo- Boyfriend

anything i forgot? xD: N/A

What is your couple name: The Millionaire Couple (They both appeared in 'Marrying A Millionaire'.)
I Hope JinHye is alright! If not, I can change anything to help your story.


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