I hope I didn’t screw up on anything.


Name: Ahn Jaeil

NickName: Sleeping Beauty because he sleeps a lot...

Orientation: Gay

Age / B-date: August 3, 1995 (16 years old)

Height: 169cm

Blood Type: A

Race: 75% Korean, 25% Vietnamese.

Ulzzang Pics: (this is how he sleeps <3)


Ulzzang Name: Kang Hyuk Min

Style: In general, he likes to dress warmly. He prefers dark colors and long sleeves. He always wears a scarf, no matter where he is or how hot it is. He’ll also usually wear bracelets or wristbands. He has three pairs of Converse—black, navy blue, and violet—and refuses to wear any other type of shoes. He’ll often take others’ clothes and wear it (if it fits his style).

  • Outdoor: Baggy jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and/or sweater, and a scarf.
  • Formal: Get one of dad’s old tuxes/blazers/dress shirts and he’s good to go! If he can get away with it, he’ll wear his Converse instead of weird fancy shoes.
  • Training: Sweatpants and a plain shirt...
  • Swimming: He can’t swim so he doesn’t have any swimwear...He’ll just borrow some swim trunks from a friend?


Personality: Some people think of him as a rebel but Jaeil isn’t really a bad kid; He just hangs out with the wrong people. He’s really nice and friendly to everyone besides his so-called “family”. Jaeil is usually very lazy. He’ll just be sitting or lying around, telling others to do everything for him. He likes to sleep and relax. When he gets nervous, excited, or overjoyed, he talks too fast for others to comprehend what he’s saying.


Jaeil’s very gullible, even with strangers (thank god he hasn’t had any encounters with es). He’s very accepting and doesn’t mind what other people are. He accepts all walks of life. He won’t try to change others and hates when people try to change him or stop him from doing what he wants. His is also forgetful. He gets names mixed up. Sometimes, he might get the first and second syllables switched, saying something like Iljae instead of Jaeil. He might not even remember a person’s name at all. He also forgets birthdays, holidays, or stuff like that easily.


Being a 16 year old boy, he’s sorta hormone crazy. The first thing he notices about a person is their lips. He blushes whenever he sees someone else’s body or vice versa. Jaeil is slightly conceited and talks about himself a lot. He’s confident about his face, but not his body. He’s very open about his emotions, except for when he’s in love. He gets nervous thinking about the boy he likes. His ideal date is watching a movie at home. He won’t want to be alone with his crush so he’ll probably force a friend (and their BF/GF if they have one) to stay with them. When he’s with his crush, Jaeil will shut up about himself for once and listen to that person. He wouldn’t know what to say anyway. The closer his crush gets, the faster his heart will beat. He has a habit of spending too much money for the person he likes.


The only time Jaeil isn’t very nice is when he’s actually in his dad’s home. He can’t stand to be around his step-mom and step-sister. He only cusses when he’s with them. He calls them es (because it’s true). Jaeil can’t bring himself to physically hurt anyone so he won’t slap them or anything. His words don’t seem to affect either of them. They’re words cut deep, though. He usually ends up crying because of the things they do and say to him.


Background: Jaeil was born in Suwon, South Korea on August 3, 1995. He has a younger sister who was born eleven months later. Jaeil’s parents officially divorced before the end of July in 1996, when he was not yet a year old and his real sister was barely two weeks old. His mom stayed in Suwon with his sister while he and his dad moved to Seoul. He has no memory of anything before the divorce. Jaeil was raised by only his dad, Hyun, until he was six and his dad remarried. Jaeil always hated his step-mother, Eunyoon, and step-sister, Minyoon, just as they always despised him since the day they met. He has scars from times when they clawed at him with their crazy hooker nails. All the people he calls “family” are revolted by LGBTQ. Jaeil became friends with a lot of bad people like gangsters and drug dealers. Peer pressure has caused Jaeil to start smoking cigarettes. He only smokes when he’s really stressed or depressed and he makes sure no one ever sees him.


When Jaeil was 12 years old, while he, Minyoon, and Eunyoon were walking to the supermarket, they were having an argument about something. Out of no where, an SM Entertainment talent scout approached them and offered for Jaeil to have an audition. Apparently, the talent scout thought Jaeil could talk extremely fast, had a unique voice, and could potentially be an amazing rapper. Of course, Eunyoon wouldn’t let him. She yelled at him, her exact words were “Unique means weird, like retards and gays, and that’s exactly what you are, .” Minyoon added, “You’ll never be able to do anything, you freak.” Since then, it’s been his dream to become a rapper/singer to prove to Minyoon that he can actually do something, unlike her.


Jaeil woke up on his 14th birthday, looked in the mirror, and saw a mysterious tattoo on his neck that says “ ME” that he had no recollection of getting. He saw more words wrapped around his wrists. His left wrist says “er”. Beneath his right palm, there were the words “i hate you” but on the other side of his right wrist it read “i love you”. Also, his nails were painted hot pink. He found out it was all planned by Minyoon. All that he could get off was the nail polish...the rest was permanent. He wears scarves to hide the one on his neck and he tries to use his sleeves or wristbands to hide others on his wrists. He doesn’t want anyone to see them.



  • Ahn Hyun, 57, a very successful doctor who specializes in treating various types of cancer, is Jaeil’s father. He is 100% Korean. He’s a sort of perfectionist and know-it all. He’s always been successful with his patients. It would seem that he doesn’t know much about raising a good son or finding a good wife, though. He’s too much of an idiot to see past his wife’s pretty little face. He never told Jaeil anything about his real mom or sister.
  • Kim Eunyoon, 35, a jobless, doll-faced, stuck-up woman, is Jaeil’s step-mother. She loves only three things: herself, money, and jewelry. Her family used to own a small chain of hotels which she was supposed to inherit but they went bankrupt. When she was 15, her boyfriend got her pregnant but she had a miscarriage. Two years later, when she was 17, she was pregnant again. This time, a healthy baby girl was born.
  • Ahn Minyoon, 18, an unemployed high school student, is Jaeil’s step-sister. She was born when her mother was 17. Her real father was arrested for several women and young girls (Minyoon’s mother was not .). She changed her last name after her mom married her step-dad. She’s like a younger version of her mother, just a pretty and y. She’s SUPER flirty. She always turns up the charm when she sees a boy. Sometimes flirts with Jaeil to make him feel uncomfortable or annoyed. They’re not blood related so she doesn’t mind it but Jaeil hates when she does that.
  • Park Heeja, 42, the owner of a small café in Suwon, is Jaeil’s hardworking, real mother. She is 50% Korean and 50% Vietnamese. She manages a little café in Suwon with the help of her daughter and a few close friends. She regrets giving Jaeil to his dad. Even if her life would’ve been harder, Jaeil’s would have been better if she had kept him, she believes. She never remarried.
  • Park Jaelee, 15 (born July 13, 1996), high school student and fashion intern, is Jaeil’s fragile, unknown real little sister. She helps her mom manage the café if she has time. Growing up as an only child, she was very lonely. She’s very quiet. She listens to the stories of people who visit the café. They always talk to her because she’s so patient and understanding. She has a passion for fashion design and is good at it, too. Coincidentally, Jaelee loves all the same music artists as Jaeil. She would give anything to meet her brother.



  • B1A4, Beast, and Boyfriend (B1A4 is his favorite group of all time and his biases are Sandeul and Baro.)
  • The color purple
  • Making new friends
  • Searching for himself on the internet
  • Sour candies (he never makes a face when he eats sour things.)
  • Citruses (lemons, limes, oranges, etc.)
  • Pet fishies (he’s scared of pretty much all animals besides fish)
  • Skinship and kissing with his boyfriend~



  • Sushi (or just eating fish)
  • Noonas (except because she is his girl bias~)
  • Being called “Jae”
  • His father’s lectures/his step-mother’s nagging
  • Talking on camera (He’s afraid he’ll say something stupid)
  • Anything cold (cold weather, ice, rain, snow.)



  • Surfing the web
  • Watching k-dramas/movies
  • Origami (he wants to fold 1,000 cranes so his wish of living happily will come true.)
  • Shopping...



  • Wishing at 11:11 o’ clock
  • Sleeptalking

·         Spending lots of money

  • Always messes up on dancing



~stage info~

Stage name: Jaeil

Personal Fanclub and Colour: Fairy Mice (as in Cinderella’s fairy godmother and mouse friends) / Silver

Persona: The Lazy Cinderella

Positions: Lead Rapper / Sub Vocal


Partner:Anyone is fine but someone from Boyfriend would be nice~


  • Park Chanjin, 18, was Jaeil’s first love, and was seemingly very sweet. Eventually, Jaeil found out that he was just playing with his feelings. He and the evil step-sister Minyoon are currently in a relationship (more like friends with benefits). They love to mess with Jaeil.
  • Lee Taehyuk, 17, was Jaeil’s second boyfriend. He was popular and very attractive but he also had a dark side that he only showed to Jaeil. He’d take Jaeil to clubs and bars using fake IDs. Taehyuk would force Jaeil to drink even though he didn’t like it. Jaeil never drank more than three shots but he got drunk very easily. In the end, he would always wake up on Taehyuk’s bed, , with hickies all over his body and no memory of what happened the night before.


Song Suggestions: Jaeil on his own can sing/rap “Freeze” by Block B or “I’ll Back Off So You Can Live Better” by The whole group should cover “Heartbreaker” by G-Dragon, “Boom Boom” by Super Junior, “Bad Girl” by FT Island, or “Heartbeat” by 2pm because those songs are cool~


AFF Username: ess_a-tch

AFF Profile Link:


So that’s it. YOU LIKE HIM? Or not? His life is such a Cinderella story. I’m hating myself for submitting this crap. >.< If anything needs to be fixed, just PM me!


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