School of Magic and Talent application~

AFF username: ess_a-tch
AFF profile link:
Character's name: Na Riki
Nickname/s: Ricki (eng name. she prefers being called this by friends.)
Age: 16
Date of Birth: January 5, 1995
Place of birth: California, USA
Family members: Yang Yoseob (cousin)
Family background: Riki's parents were wealthy but they argued a lot, making life hard for young Riki. When she was six, her parents divorced and she shouldn't choose between them. So, she went to live with her aunt, uncle, and cousin Yoseob. Yoseob was like an older brother to her and always took care of her. Her aunt and uncle didn't love her that much and often forgot about her, even forgetting her birthday which is coincidentally the same as Yoseob's.
Nationality: 100% Korean but lived in America for the first 5 years of her life.
Languages: Korean - Fluent, English - Fluent
Appearance: Ulzzang Do Hwe Ji
Style: something cute and girly...she wears dresses all the time.
Personality: Riki talks a lot. She can go on and on and on about cute boys (but she's too shy to talk to a boy she likes), about how much she hates studying, or latest gossip. She'll talk to anybody who will listen and talk back. When she sings, her voice is loud, clear, and beautiful.
Riki doesn't try to show off but she loves attention. She loves when people look at her and listen to her. She is really passionate about singing. She goes all out and really gets into it...unfortunately she pushes herself too much and is usually only so powerful for a first time in anything. After that, it's all downhill. It takes her at least a few days of rest to recover, since she's pretty weak.
Riki gets lonely easily and will go hunt down someone to bother when she gets bored.
  • dreaming
  • dark chocolate
  • boys
  • attention
  • bells/chimes
  • stars
  • fashion
  • people with good singing voices
  • people who ignore her when she talks to them or sings
  • being alone
  • ugly animals (such as frogs!)
  • people who can't sing
  • schoolwork
  • losing her voice (but it happens a lot)
  • heights
  • bugs
  • animals
  • drowning
Talents: singing, ballet
What part of the group: Main Vocal
persona: The Talkative Vocal


  • stalking boys (lol couldn't help it.)
  • talking to ANYBODY
  • can't swim
  • can't talk to a boy she likes without stuttering
  • gets jealous of anyone with a better singing voice than her (like Yoseob!)
  • gets sick and loses her voice easily
  • will stalk an attractive guy until she knows his full name, age, friends, and whether he's single or not
  • bothers her cousin Yoseob a lot
Power/s or magic/s:
  • turn transparent...(when you look in her direction, there's a slight blur though)
  • control lightning/conduct electricity
  • control ONE person's body (can only make them sit/stand still or walk)
How did you get your powers: She could always make herself or a part of her body transparent and control somebody. She learned those powers from her great-grandfather. When she was about 7 years old, she was struck by lightning and she's been able to conduct electricity ever since.
How much of your powers can you use:
  • transparency - 30%
  • lightning - 40%
  • controlling someone's body - 25%
1. Boyfriend's Donghyun
2. Boyfriend's Jeongmin
3. Boyfriend's Hyunseong
...they're seriously messing up my bias list. LOL.
Age of partner and birthdate:
Donghyun -  Febuary 12th, 1993, 18 yrs old (had to change his age D:)
Jeongmin - January 2, 1994, 17 yrs old
Hyunseong - June 9, 1993 18 yrs old
Relationship with your partner: total strangers at first...then (almost!) friends...then enemies (after they find out they're from diff schools)...and in the end boyfriend and girlfriend!!! <3
How did you meet: She just saw him and thought he was cute so...stalking time! and then he caught her. so she ran away. but then he appeared in front of her and she crashed into him. and since ur the author i'll let you take it from there! ;)
his powers:
  • teleportation
  • telekinesis
  • isn't affected by visual illusions (meaning he could see her when she's invisible)
talents: singing~~~~~~~
personality: Cocky, confident, conceited. He's popular and doesn't even try to be humble. He's easily annoyed. He doesn't like having people around him and would much rather be alone than have crazy, obsessed girls all over him. He WISHES he could be a loner but he's too awesome and he knows it! XD
But there are a few people he'll bother to talk to.
Appearance: Should look like...during You and I promotions~~~

About your school

Which school? 
Sapphire Academy!!!
Password: Shinee:


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