✌ l e u x 's potential employee, LaChae Taylor





(LaChae (LC) Talyor) imnida!

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 ear-candy: Right Now Favorite song is One Shot
eye-candy: Chanyeol
playing on my radio: in Problems (ASAP Rocky, K. Lamar, Drake)

feeling: ✧ I feel hella excited right now. Im confident that i'll get this job :)



noonachinae || Niqua || 5


*Ayo, What's up?

In case you didn't hear, the name's LaChae Taylor but you can just call me LC!

Currently 22 & have been screwing up this world since 09/13. O runs through my veins. My height

and weight?5'3 and 120 lbs.If you can't tell, I'm Black

 I fell from heaven and landed in Dallas,Tx and was raised in

San Diego, California. Did I mention I can speak 3 languages, English(native), Spanish (fluent), Korean (fluent).

I'm hoping to be l e u x 's new DJ!

Oh, and I'm Taken, but I flirt with girls a lot. Hell I still flirt with guys sometimes too haha




*You can c l o s e your mouth now.

[ Face Claim ] Jasmine Sanders

[ Pictures https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/942914_629177523778277_559629991_n.jpg



[ Back up ] I have no idea what her name is lol Some youtube girl

[ Pictures ] http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/qfBUqzh3ZFk/hqdefault.jpg




[ Surgery ] none

[ Extra ] (6, Piercings, 1 tattoo going down left side that says, "Do What You Love Or Do Nothing", also wears numerous hairstyles and colors. Nothing too crazy though.




*I look good, today? Oh, I k n o w.

[ Style ] (you put a couple scentences about how you dress here~ 3+)

[ Casual Her Style changesa from day to day. LC loves dressing up and looking nice. So one day she can rock a cute little dress with wedge heels, the next day it can be a cardigan with jeans or shorts.  She also loves wearing jordans and snapbacks. She is literally a girly tomboy.




[ Sleepwear ] T-Shirt, , Shirt and Shorts, like to sleep in her boyfriends shirts





[ Formal ]  Black dress with silver blingy heels, y backout dresses, sheer fabric shirts and tight skirts







[ Swimwear ] bikini, y one-piece, nothing at all O_O





[ At Home ] Basketball Shorts and a V neck, a Onesie lol, sweatpants








*You want to know me better? Get in l i n e.

[ Personality ]  LC is a very outgoing individual.To many on the outside looking in, she's very shy and quite but when you get to know her she opens up like a flower.She is known for doing shameless random things. She very confident in herself. LC keeps a positive attitude about everything and gets excited quickly.Also she believes she is the first black girl to be a queen of aegyo. Although she is sometimes shy or quiet, LC is a ual person. Maybe a little ish :) hehe. She's very straight and only dates men, but she tends to flirt with girls often, especially when she's been drinking. LaChae is also an adrenaline junkie. Anything extreme gets her pumped and she'll be willing to try it. She skateboards, snowboards, and knows how to play drums.She is the self procalimed "Glamorous Tomboy". She calls herself that because she loves doing wild exciting things that girls might not usually have an interest in, but still loves dressing up and looking very pretty. Besides doing crazy things, music has had a grasp on her life since she was 7. Her older brother is a producer, so she grew up watching him and his friends make music in their basement. She began to sing and rap over the beats they made, and eventually became a freestyle artist under her brothers label he created. One of her ex boyfriends was a DJ, so thats how she got into that. She loved the thought of controlling the music and different musical emotions for the people on the dancefloor. Having a keen gift for music, she quickly excelled at that and worked as a Young Money/ Cash Money DJ for a couple of years.LC has a giant heart and desires to help everyone.She is close to G-Dragon from Big Bang. He always tells her he wants to add her to his team of DJ's.But she's only interested in working the club scene right now because its a more personal relationship between her and the crowd.Hot Hoya from Infinite is her bestfriend.She confessess to being an ultimate SHINee fangirl, (more specifically for Jonghyun). Also LC claims that given the chance, she would only consider a if it was with her boyfriend and non other than Jonghyun himself. lol



[ Best Qualities Personality, being open minded, and knowledge of music

[ Worst Qualities ] sometimes acts without thinking it through, sensitive, letting things stress her out


[ Likes ] anything pink, dogs, sports, MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC, Horror Movies, Being when she's home alone, Chanyeol :)

[ Dislikes ] close minded people, heat, running out of food, not getting sleep, hurting others

[ Fears ] Living life thinking of what could have been, and not being able to do what she loves are her 2 biggest fears.

[ Hobbies ] Painting, video games, baking, sleeping, making beats, writing songs

[ Habits ] comes out of clothes while asleep, constantly keeps her place clean, falls asleep to music, never drinks on Sundays, always taps the ball of her industrial piercing.

[ Trivia ] (unlimited~) Very affectionate, music consumes her life, lover to wear her hair curly, loves vanilla ice cream, only dates Asians, favorite color is pink, owns 26 snapbacks, 30 pairs of Jordans, loves doing skinship with her boyfriend



*So I w a n t to be...

[ Job ] DJ

[ Back Up Job Host

[ Favorite Workers

«Park Chanyeol|| DJ||LC and Chanyeol interact and work great together. They both have great work ethic, and try to help each other whenever they need to. Althought they are together, they know when to put that aside and focus on their jobs. Although sometimes you can look up at the DJ booth and see him grab or smack her , but hey it's a nightclub so a little naughtiness is allowed on the job :)

«Himchan|| Bartender|| LC and Himchan have become great friends. Mostly because he serves her drinks and when she's DJing, she likes to have a little something in her system. But really, she loves his sense of humor and his funny imitations. Also he is a great person to talk to outside of work. She frequently gives him shoutouts on the mic, telling customers to leave him generous tips.

«Sehun || DJ || She absolutely loves Sehun. Since he's like a little brother to Chanyeol, he sees LC as his big sister.She loves having him as a "little bro".Especially since she grew up being the youngest. The three of them (LC, Sehun,Chanyeol) are like the three amigos. they totally vibe off of each other. Although he is younger than her, he is very overprotective of LC.

«Name || Position || How you too interact»


[ Least Workers ] (2+ you don't have to put all fo them!)

«Ara|| Host || The interaction between these two is strictly hi and bye. Ara is very snobbish and snooty towards LC.

«Soyu || Bartender || These two tolerate each other. Soyu acts like she does not want to be working this job. LC believes that if she doesnt want to do it, then she sould just leave.

«Name || Position || How you too interact»

«Name || Position || How you too interact»


[ Feelings About Job IM HELLA EXCITED FOR THIS JOB! I ing love what I do and i was born to do it. Music is my passion and I love being able to share that with others.

[ Lifestyle ] Outside of the club, my life is still filled with music. I am an official songwriter and producer for my brothers record company. Also from time to time I DJ for a few celebrities when they come to town. I now live in Seoul. I graduated from USC.I live in a condo downtown on the top floor with a clear view of the city and drive a black Audi. Chanyeol and I actually have matching cars, but his is red. I try to be a perfect little girlfriend and make the bf and I's life as normal as possible. Since we're pretty well known and recognized, I try to keep our relationship as down to earth as it can be. I cook for him at my place and sometimes his. We walk our dog at the local park a lot and he actually plans a lot of great dates. I also spend time with my bestfriend Hoya. Being his normal judge mental self, he wasn't too sure about my boyfriend at first but he discovered that they both enjoy making fun of me, so they became good friends. 

[ Anything Else ] I pretty much covered this info earlier i believe



*M i n e.



[ Love Interest ] (Park Chanyeol

[ Personality Traits ] (He is the ultimate happy virus, very sweet, despite his size and deep voice he has the heart of a kid, funny, caring, sometimes goes overboard with the jokes, likes to be  with his girlfriend.

[ Status ] They are together. They have a more normal relationship outside of the club which is ual,but when they are there working the club atmosphere makes the relationship even more ually charged.

[ Relationship ] As stated earlier, these two get along well, sometimes it seems a little too well. They have a chemistry that cannot be denied. He sees LC as basically being a female counterpart of himself and fell in love with that from the start. The respect each other and never want to intentionally hurt one another. They are in a serious and exclusive relationship, which includes staying at each others places for days at a time. They show a great amount  of skinship towards each other all the time and especially love holding hands. Like i said, they are both s so one can only imagine what it's like in the bedroom :).  Chanyeol doesnt care that she's not a native, but loves the person that she is and how she treats him. LC loves Chanyeol and doesnt care what anyone has to say about it.

[ Ideal 1st Date ] An ideal first dat would be having Chanyeol invite LC over for dinner that he was going to cook. He ended up burning everything, so they ended up ordering pizza and watching horror movies all night. She would find his mistake cute a funny, which draws her to him. My second ideal date would be a date to the Zoo since LC loves animals.

[ Cute Facts ] Had a date at a skatepark and the bf just did not survive.lol His knee was all scrapped up. Had their first kiss downtown in Tokyo while there for a Djing convention,they have dog  together that she got Chanyeol named Phoenix (which was apart of his fire power in the mama video )


[ Back Up ] (Sehun, L,Hoya)

*I kinda d o n ' t like you...



{ Replace these with pictures/gifs of your rival; this is optional }

[ Rival ] Bomi

[ Personality Traits Whitty, Smart, Nice to people she likes, can be a from hell

[ Rivalry ] Its a work rival. She was a former DJ who can barely find gigs now.

[ Relationship ] The two are cordial to each other but there is extreme hatred from Bomi's side. She sees LC ans the pretty young girl who took her place on the music scene. LC tried to become friends with her, but her efforts werent welcomed. Although she knows how Bomi feels about her, she still remains lady like and handles the situation maturely.

[ Why? ] She thinks LC took her place and is the reason she isnt as successful.


*Pssh, I'm not n e r v o u s... I'm just shaky.


Q: What makes you different from everyone else applying?

A: I'm fun, crazy,fine and pretty much awesome.lol But really, I am the last person someone would expect to be a DJ judging from my looks. So it would be good to break that barrier of having people expect a guy in a tshirt,spinning records with headphones around his neck.Music is the main focus in a club, and i can work the music good enough to bring in record crowds every week.

Q: Can you be a professional when you're dealing with drunk cosumers or annoying ones?

A: Of course. I can remain profesional throughout all situations. Growing up seeing my older brother and his friends get wasted, I had to take care of them. And trust me, as annoying as they were, I can handle anything.

Q: Why are you shaking?

A: Shaking? Oh this. Im just doing the dougie baby to celebrate getting hired lol


*See ya later!

[ Questions ] I reeeally love your concept. I support it girl! 

[ Scene Requests ] I'd like couple scenes showing them working at the club and outside the club at home,idk if you write or not but maybe a scence or two lol, a few cute moments together,skinshiiiiiip lol, LC somehow getting a lapdance from a stripper who happened to be present lol,should he propose? What do you think lol,bestfriend time with her and Hoya, scenes with the pup of course :),her meeting Jonghyun

[ Password ] There isnt one :)



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asdfghjkl she's just... I cant even o.o (and i mean that in the best way possible~shes a total badass yet a softie hehe<3) all ypu have to do is replace the pictures of sistar with those of Bomi~ once i get the app list up, youll be the first one there!