for paradisekiss bby (◕‿◕✿)

Name __________________________
Gender i'm a girly
Age fourteen turning fifteen
Screen Name blythe ( don't ask me why go stalk my previous blogposts )
Birthday 21st august 1998
Race asian
School/Grade uhm i don't know how grades work but i'm 15 go figure. secondary three?
Job your role model (/coughcough) student barely passing her geography
Status married to limecandy | and to baekhyun | and himchan | and seunghyun | and sungjong | oh god
Hometown singapore
Current Town some town in singapore bby
Parents Still Together? yes c8
Siblings 1 brother

they all died prematurely under my care

Smoker nope ( and never will ) <--- i'll keep this
Drinker i drink fountains. c8 what was you thinking
Orientation i would go gay for unnirs (◡‿◡✿) now don't be scared i'm sure you're nowhere as pretty or fabulous as unnirs ok
Hair Color dark brown
Is It Dyed? i wish i could e A e premature greying hair pls happens to all the girls in my school
Eye Color dark brown. but friend says i have a patch of golden in one of my irises. ( heterochromia ? i d k )
Height 158cm who said drinking milk everyday makes you grow taller
Style idk \o/
Glasses/Contacts/None? glasses!
Freckles nope
Body Type waht does this mean
Shoe Size 6.5
Piercings 2 but they're closed i got scared of poking the earsticks in 
Want More? ... i hate pain. maybe not
Tattoos? nope
Want More? nope
Braces? nope ( but i need them i have vampire teeth )
Overall Best Feature: eyes? but they're getting duller each day sobs
Overall Worst Feature: my face this
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? features like my mom but personality like my dad
Favorite Color green, yellow, pink.
Worst Color what about this
Favorite Number 21, 20, 25, 15, 24 yes. ( the birthdates of all my bestfriends )
Favorite Animal

i don't really like animals sorry

Favorite Flower baby's breath that thing is rly cute
Favorite Food as of now, ramen and salmon. no, they don't go together. separately.
Worst Food expired food <--- yes this
Favorite Junk Food fried chicken from anywhere as long as they're crispy ok <--- i'll keep this too
Worst Junk Food all junk food are bad i guess????
Favorite Restaraunt fast food (◕‿◕✿) //unhealthy
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor i don't like ice cream.
Favorite Candy mentos c8
Favorite Alcoholic Drink please scroll back up and look at "drinker"
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink milk tea!11!!!!11 that is good
Worst Alcoholic Drink aren't all alcoholic drinks bad please
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink water yes dayum i hate water
Favorite Genre of Music k-pop, k-ballad. vocaloids sometimes.
Worst Genre rock songs ( full of SCREAMING ) 
Favorite Band/Artist kpop ( ftisland, apink, infinite, exo, vixx, ze:a, boyfriend, btob, bap, b1a4... actually as long as they have really good songs i'll like them )
Worst Band/Artist i don't like heavily autotuned songs. go figure
Favorite Song

i'm pretty sure it just said 'song' yuna but you listed liek aldhfksdhfksldh

favourite song of all time; ftisland's severely.

Worst Song heavily autotuned songs pls ( excluding vocaloid bc well they have to be autotuned )
Favorite Radio Station 96.3 fm that plays kpop for 2 hours straight every night
Favorite Book harry potter, between shades of grey ( NOT 50 SHADES OK ITS DIFFERENT ), confessions of a murder suspect........ idek, hunger games trilogy
Worst Book \o/
Favorite Type of Movie HORRORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WELP and action haha c:
Worst Type of Movie gore. horror and gore is different ok ( oh god i just searched gore in google and i want to cry already )
Favorite Movie

harry potter movies! iron man 3. insidious. ( its the only horror movie that made me rly scared ) the impossible ( this is rly sad please watch it )

and the anime movies. howl's moving castle. ( i'm going to watch spirited away with my friend i'm scared of that //slapped )

Worst Movie Ever uh idk
Favorite TV Show jungle fish 2 <--- awesome pls
Wost TV Show dream high 2. i mean dream high 1 was rly good but the 2nd season? nope
Favorite Season of the Year singapore only has 2 seasons a year they said but it's basically just rain or shine or fog bc forest fire from somewhere 
Worst Season rly sunny hot like ass season
Best Friend real life ( atikah, tiffany,, banana deskmates //slapped, twinnie, tya, lailin ) on here ( jen mah soulmate, yuna, mira, I JUST REALISED I DONT KNOW YOUR NAMES ODG, the sungyeol to my myungsoo, tia, yuna sensei, april, halmeoni )
Worst Enemy this one girl at school + all the teachers who hates me too <--- i'll keep this again this seems legit
Favorite Day of the Week wednesdays, fridays and saturdays.
Least Favorite Day of the Week mondays. longest day of the week, can you not
Favorite Sport nothing
Sport You Hate anything that involves moving a muscle 
One thing you can't get enough of sleep. sleep. sleep. more perfect ( HQ PICS JUSEYO ) pictures of biases pls
One thing you hate more than anything waking up in the freaking morning at 530 please no.
Are You Single? i think this question was asked before up there but lOL. single and fabulous bby
If not, who is your bf/gf? i have a wifey and a million husbands thanks
How Long Have You Been Together? 11 months this june 19
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? yeah but it's kind of fading bc i don't see them anymore. //quited tuition; kaichen + luhan pls
First Kiss my mom, my bro
Ever Kiss in the Rain? nope
In a Movie Theater? nope
Underwater? nope
First Love someone in my primary school, dont ask
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? maybe, what's the definition of cheated? c8
Been Cheated on? by friends errr probably, yes
Used Someone? yeah i'm not that nice you now. c8
Been used? probably. LOL
Lied to your bf/gf? how can i possibly lie to someone that's like miles away
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? ............... excuse me
Do you Flirt a Lot? uh no bc the chances of me seeing a guy for more than 5 minutes is 0.00000000%
Longest Relationship 0000000 day
Shortest 0000000 day
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? yes - w - it was a stupid one
Ever Get Flowers? nope i'm unloved 
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? kind of. but it'll never happen. HAHAHAHA
Do you Believe in "The One"? who is the one
Do you Fall in Love Fast? no... depends on your looks boy
Ever cried over someone of the opposite ? no... wait i think someone tripped me once and i cried. lol
Ever Been Dumped? yeah. by friends
Ever dumped someone? ... yes i guess
Ever been rejected? nope
Ever dated someone more than once? nope
Do you ever make the first move? yes. sometimes. idk.
Double dates or single? single. double dates are awko pls what if your guy falls for his girl
Do you want to get married? ofc pls
Hair Color i don't care about the hair color get sehun's hair color
Short or long? short. long hair is weird. just... weird
Eye color? brownish brownish pls <3
Style as long as you wear a 'wolf 88' shirt i'll like you /slapped
Age 95-liner or below, but 98-liner or above. - w - 
Height taller than me, pls.
Weight not too fat. not too skinny it's crazy it makes me feel fat
Muscular or skinny? i don't like too muscular... too skinny is disgusting. normal pls
Boxers or Briefs? uh. what. whatever he likes
Do you care about looks? i'm sorry but yeah, a little. c:
Can you drive? yes, mariokart expert yo /nope
Do you have a car? i build cars pls. c: //slapped; toycars
Do you have a cell phone? yes
Are you online a lot? yes on twitter. @absbaek
Can you speak another language? yeah i'm bilingual es //slapped; countryrequirements; firstworldproblems
Do you do well in school? no. nope
Do you collect anything? nah.
Have an obsession? nope.
Do you hate yourself? sometimes.
Ever smile for no reason? all the time haha c:
Talk to yourself? yes c:0 
Do you have any regrets? duh.
Believe in magic? YES BECAUSE HARRY POTTER IS REAL OK. /whut <--- LOL THIS
Do you support gay marriage? yes, why not?
before marriage? no. not even with contraceptions no
Do you trust people easily? yes. even after horrible life lessons but yes. the moment i talk to you i trust you. that's how bad it gets
Forgive easily? yes ( but you don't know if i'll still hold a grudge against you pls + impression gone )
Do you have a secret no one knows? yes
Do you get along with your parents? yes
What about other people? most people unless you're a
How do you vent your anger? by playing the guitar. c8 or keyboard. but sometimes i'll just screw up them both and it'll be even worse lOl
Do you like George Bush? who dat
Goal Before you die?

meet a kidol and shake his/her hand. c8

write an appreciation letter to some company hehe.

have my name down on wikipedia somehow

Biggest Fear death. falling.
Biggest Weakness trusting people too easily
Do you play an instrument? guitar + keyboard. i self-learn so it's pretty bad.
What do you want to be when you grow up? i don't know. maybe a psychologist, but i don't take biology. to be me
Are you...
A daydreamer? yes pls i stone quite alot
Shy? around new people, yes
Talkative? yes, when we're close
Energetic? yes
Happy? yes
Depressed? yeah i don't get how other people who know me in real life never unfollow me on twitter but my classmates follow and then they unfollow. another reason that makes me rly not like my class tbvh 1 and a half year lefT JIAYOU ME
Funny? probably
Boring? yeah but i don't find my silences awkward unless you do
Mean? sometimes when mean mode's on
Nice? sometimes. depends on the person.
Caring? dannar. \o/
Trustworthy? i wont tell anyone else your secret if you tell me, if that counts. 
Confident? no... yes... sometimes
Friendly? depends . if i like you i'm friendly. c8
Sarcastic? to the point where people cannot even sense my sarcasm sometimes pls
Dependable? i'll be here if you need me, i guess. i just have to be not lazy enough to even unlock my phone screen
Quiet? most of the time. if i can't think of a chat topic i'll just shut up 
Weird? hahahahahhaahahhahaah
Adaptable? yes
Strong (emotionally)? idk i cry alot but those are only certain people that trigger me
Strong (physically)? no e u e
Mature? i find myself mature............ sometimes no. c8
Logical? i hope so
Religious? free thinker. tbvh i don't really believe in all these. but it's okay i'll go along.
Modest? maybe e u e
Indesicive? all the time. even when playing a game. i ask my mom to choose my character so if i regret later on i can blame her and not myself. LOL
Sympathetic? depends.
Polite? sometimes. HAHAHA
Creative? when my creative juices are flowing
Fun to be around? what do you think?
Loveable? probably not u - u do you guise love me
Easily Amused? yes
Outgoing? nope
Daring? yes c8 i'll do it as long as it's logical ok
Clumsy? yes i can't balance to save my life
Nosy? only to people i care.
Lazy? yes i'm the queen of procrastinating yo
Scary? if i keep on my stoned face yes i look like someone out of this world //ugly
Optimistic? yeah bc negativity is a choice. c8
Persuasive? no.......... i'll whine in your face until you give in
A good listener? yes
Curious? yes
Determined? determined. but never does it through.
Artistic? ... a little i guess
Honest? no.
Respectful? yes
Conceited? e u e
Cocky? no unless you're a c8
Controlling? no/yes depends.
Playful? kinda
Easygoing? yes
Carefree? yes
Hot Headed? sometimes
Serious? yeah.
Thoughtful? kind of
Considerate? kind of
Stubborn? yes
Romantic? ...... idk man
Ambitious? sometimes
Jealous? yeah this happens often
Insecure? yes
Obsessive? ... don't hate me but yes.
Attentive? yes ( no in class )
Helpful? yeah. yeah i try
Punctual? last minute. c8
Rational? sometimes
Sincere? yes
Tolerant? may seem tolerant but inside i'm already tearing your face up



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ButterflyShida #1
We are same age... i'm august too

(((and just to make you angry my darling ummar I am 167cm now HAHA /killed)))

that pink is hideous I agree hmmm


milk tea!11!!!!11 pls that is good; in' good ouo)bbbb

and yes I'm mighty curious about your first love o u o /killed

come we can be stones together /stones


but I love that part of you yay \ O / ♥

and pls don't tear my face even when I'm being a little piece of (((which is always o u o)))

thalanghae ummarrr ♥

omg u dimwit what even - u - #tooswagisay