EXO - XOXO Album review


EXO - XOXO review


A side note before the actual review: I was partly glad and a little anxious that EXO delayed their album. I’m glad because it gave me more time to finish up the first four books of Seeking the New World. I wanted to find a song in the album that could tie in with Book 5 (and it worked out surprisingly). Then again, I wasn’t surprised SM delayed their comeback because I could tell they worked so hard on this.


As I mentioned in the last two (furiously angry) blog posts, I was very disappointed in “fans” who would go at great lengths to leak their album a few days before the release. Now that I heard the album enough, I could definitely couldn’t blame them because they were better than I expected, and I had somewhat high expectations for this album compared to their mini album last year.


Let’s get started.


늑대와 미녀 (Wolf) - I accidentally listened to the leaked version and I was strongly hoping it wasn’t going to be it because I was cringing at the messiness. Then I listened to the highlight medley and I was pretty disappointed. 


My next task was to watch the music video. I was blown away from their choreography and their choice of rotating members from both K and M. The messiest part in my preference was when they knelt to the ground during the first two choruses. The part I didn’t like was right after Baek Hyun and Chen had their harmonic money notes that I had to shake my head, “No. Just no.” I was also skeptical about their first position when it was the tree. I suppose it makes sense because of the Tree of Life concept from MAMA. The digital wonders of the wolves were fantastic. The only thing I didn’t like about the video was the solo shots of the members with the blue background. It could look a little cleaner especially with the wolf silhouettes. 


Now, the content: I do have to sadly say that I thought MAMA was stronger than Wolf in terms of dynamic energy. Wolf was already so strong from the beginning and I was almost overwhelmed near the end that I had no room to feel the goosebumps. I guess the dubstep era is still raging in SM but they are taking a lot of risks with new feels of music. Singles like Dream Girl, I Got a Boy, Why So Serious were good in their own way, but (I know I’m going off topic) the best song musically speaking for me would have to be TVXQ’s Catch Me. Wolf was very risky because there was barely enough trademark melody for me to keep humming in my mind, but most of it was rapping. I appreciate it but melody is key to all songs.


In terms of diversity among the members, Wolf earns big points because I had to watch the members carefully and the actual voices in both Korean and Chinese. Unlike MAMA, there were more voices in the song and I was fairly happy with that - especially for Se Hun and Xiu Min. 


The chorus where about 2/3 of it was rapping: I was wondering about SNSD’s The Boys because both songs worked out until a certain point. After comparing them, I was glad that Kenzie made sure that strong vocal parts were added to balance the chorus. I applaud to that. Baek Hyun and Chen were, as always, incredible. Their vocals had definitely reached to a higher level from MAMA. Unfortunately though, I have to say that D.O stole the show for me this time. The one thing that sticks into my mind was his first line during the second verse. I’m a harmony lover and his line stuck out to me in a very good way. 


Wolf was a skeptical song for me at first but after listening to it at least fifteen times with the same critical mind, it definitely grew on me.



Baby Don’t Cry - When I watched the teaser featuring Kai and this song, the piano and guitar was the first thing that drew me in. Captivating lyrics and melody with a romantic soft R&B rhythm equals to a heart-stopping song. Although I loved it, I was hoping for a more impact into the last chorus and I’m talking about vocals. D.O’s voice helped only a little. He’s fabulous but Baek Hyun and Su Ho have to pitch in more. Unless the composers’ plan was to have fans asking for more, I would definitely ask too. Chan Yeol’s deep rapping tied everything together. As much as I wanted Kai and Se Hun to join in, I would have trusted only Chan Yeol to pull it off. 


Next, I had to compare the Korean and Chinese versions. Sorry EXO-K, but EXO-M won my heart because I could feel more emotion in their voices, Lu Han especially. I could clearly imagine him pouring his heart into the lyrics in the recording studio. Tao and Kris also did a great job providing their rapping. They had a strong interlude during the bridge and I cannot imagine the song without it.



Black Pearl - Intense. Period. I loved this song when Se Hun’s teaser was released. When I made a checklist of the songs featured in the teasers, Black Pearl was at the top. I was caught off guard when the chorus came through my beats so suddenly (in a good way). The only thing I was a little careful about was that there was no middle ground for this song. I can’t really think of one because there’s no way to get on calm waters with a song this intense. This would have to be a tie between K and M in my opinion. All rappers and singers were an even match and I wouldn’t care which version I’m listening to on my iPod.



Don’t Go - If my readers know could figure out how my soundtrack selection works, then probably most, if not some, would say that Don’t Go would have to be included in Book 5. Into Your World didn’t really work for Seeking the New World because it didn’t have that sense of closure I was looking for.


This song did a clever job of shaping the melody into a butterfly’s flying pattern with elements of Into Your World. This is a perfect song to follow up after a crazy dark song like Black Pearl. It’s the intermission EXO-fans would need. I had to listen to both versions to make out who was singing. When I repetitively listen for Kai’s and Kris’s vocal lines, I had to use this song as a reference. It’s a beautiful and useful song for me. One final request for the arrangers and composers: give Se Hun some more spotlight if you please.



Let Out The Beast - Very satisfying and cool to listen to. I actually listened to this song before I had to go on stage for my group number on Tuesday. I had my graduation showcase at a different venue and I needed some pep talk. After walking off the stage, I was bursting into tears when I was applauded for honorable recognition by the host. I didn’t expect to give such a big show so I was so overwhelmed with emotions afterwards.


Sorry, I had to get that out there somehow. I absolutely love dance tracks that give me the drive to do something I love: performing. This song on my playlist is a must. The only thing I was a little down about was the slight messiness of the “Beast Mode” instrumental break. Other than that, I was very happy with this because it was well rounded. To Kai, Chan Yeol, Kris, D.O and Chen: Thanks for the adrenaline.



3.6.5 - I agree with a lot of other reviews that this sounds like what One Direction would sing. There’s nothing wrong with this song. In fact, despite the cheesy lyrics and track, this is one thing EXO’s album needed. It requires a happy song somehow but it’s only a little too preppy for a charismatic group like EXO. In some places, however, it felt like it was missing something but it might be me.


Fans, don’t hate on this song so much because only EXO can pull this song because it’s their song. Respect it. Sure we can’t do anything about it because obviously it’s already complete. Think of it this way: in future albums, they can grow from this song and improve their genre flexibility.



Heart Attack - Decent, but it feels a little empty to me, especially the first part of the chorus. Also, is it just me or did I hear some auto tune? This song is a little monotonous and a little too dark for serenading lyrics. It doesn’t showcase EXO to their full potential in this song at all but it’s an appropriate filler from the first few tracks. This felt like a darker side of Into Your World because of the similar mellow range.


Chan Yeol and Kris’s voice inserts at the end of the song made me nod with a smirk. There wasn’t a lot of depth in the majority of the song but there was some dimension at the end, reassuring me that each track has their depth.



Peter Pan - I was exceptionally ecstatic when I heard Se Hun’s rapping more than Kai and Chan Yeol. At least I know that Se Hun has so much potential than SM could imagine. These lyrics are undeniably cheesy but I think the story of Peter Pan would have to match with that, so it’s understandable.


I think this is one of the perfect songs for a sweet (and perhaps silly) confession to a girl because it would want “her” to accept it with a wide smile. I would actually shed a few tears from the lyrics to tell the truth. If EXO were to have another lighthearted song in future albums, it would have to be between Peter Pan and 3.6.5, more leaning towards the former though.



Baby - I personally thought the Chinese version would suit this song better because of the Asian vibes I heard at the beginning. I like both versions however, because of the crispiness of the harmony in the chorus I loved so much.


This song really got me on the edge of my seat because I got a pleasant of the main vocalists in both sub-groups. It was satisfying and clean. To me, this felt like a prelude to the next highly anticipated track thousands of fans were dying to hear, and I somewhat agree to an extent.



My Lady - I was a little disappointed at the second half of the choruses because it wasn’t as strong as the other parts. The vocals were undeniably charismatic and mysterious. It was the perfect track to release because it got me so curious about what other surprises EXO had in store for us.


The drum beat and mellow guitar chords were perfect. I was so tempted to use this song for my final dance project because it would have been so fun to come up with a contemporary dance choreography, though it would be more effective if a male dancer danced, or both male and female dancers. EXO-K would have to win this time because it had more style and grace because I felt a little awkward with EXO-M trying to pull it off.



Overall, this was one of the strongest albums I’ve ever listened to, musically speaking. I went easy because they’re still rookies and SM was testing waters to look for their own style. There were no doubt some mistakes but it’s understandable. I was most definitely satisfied and I’m savoring their music until their next comeback.


Grand Total: 84/100 (84%)

Members who improved most: Chen (EXO-M), Se Hun (EXO-K)

Member hoping for more potential: Xiu Min

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