Reality Hurts

I know it's not great being so negative but I really do think I'll never have the chance to meet or talk to my biases. When I think about not meeting Sunny or Luhan in person, my heart breaks, really. I do cry at times, reality slapping me in the face. Why does reality have to be so cruel? Why does life have to be so unfair? :'<



sorry for being so emo (or whatever you call it) in my blog.

I'm just gonna cry myself to sleep, just like what I do when reality slaps me right in my face.

So yeah, good night.


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SunHan21 #1
I know what you mean, because that's how I also feel :( Actually, there was a tiny bit of hope for me to personally see them, the DKFC that was held on Jan, but my parents didn't allowed me to go even after I saved up to buy a SVIP ticket :( Anyways, let's not give up on trying to see them! ^^
I feel you my friend! It's like we're never meant to meet. And all you can do is try not to cry about it and enp up crying. Reality hmmm. Either way, nothing's wrong with wishing and hoping right? Maybe someday it will come true. ^^
Aww, I know what you mean! T^T
But who knows, right? Maybe you/we will! Don't lose hope. :))
We always have fanfics and videos to make reality a tiny bit better though! ^^
btaaaaaaw :((( Whyyyy ???!!!!! pru dreams do come true.... ayyy.. hahahahhahahahaha album'2 lang sa ta kutob krn, hahahahahahhahahhahahahha