hi again?

hey guys look who's back.

well...remember how i said im happy again and im going to fix things?



AAHAHAH no. im depressed again. these thoughts are starting all over again. and it hurts. a lot.


so like...oh gosh i hope she doesnt see this but i ddnt go school yesterday and neither did another friend of mine. When school finished, i went on twitter and my bestfriend tweeted my friend that was away saying things like "I MISSED YOU" and "GET BETTER SOON!"...she ddnt really ask about me ):

then i tweeted saying i wont have bestfriends and THEN she tweeted me saying "are you okay? get better soon <3"


no "i missed you?"


i really cant do this. im the stupidest person ever.

the world doesnt revolve around you anna. it bloody doesnt. get a life and grow up. im so stupid.


im sorry....why cant you forgive me?


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I miss you and feel like I'm a loner when I can't talk to you for even a day. I'm such a loser. I got worked over that before. But in the end, it solved itself. Something good will happe to good people like you.