Pixie Forest~

That's the theme for the company Halloween Party --- Pixie Forest.  And yes, I'm part of it but no..I won't be dressing up as a pixie.  Selected employees who have Friday as a rest day are requested to participate in the event, and since I am one of those employees and since the banker who pleaded me to join looked so pitiful, I decided to join.  I'll just be dressing up as some forest animal anyway, so I guess my Totoro hat would suffice.  I love making myself look like a fool, at least once in a year.  And we'll be doing this for the kids of company employees so it's no biggie.  Thing is, Mr. THORN will be participating as well (he said he'll be a tree).  Hmm...something tells me this Halloween party is going to be horrifying to say the least.

Anyways, on Sunday, it was just me, Mr. Tenured Banker, and Mr Thorn in the office chat window (aka Fruit Salad Rangers).  For some reason, Mr. Tenured Banker got really bored, he decided to take a look at our performance summary.  As usual, he pointed out my sales stats, which was kind of lagging behind my other OK-ish stats.  No big deal for me.  Then Mr Tenured Banker said "OK, I'm done with Normibells, let's go to your stats Mr Thorn."  Mr. Thorn said in response "Excuse me, my stats are not like that of a loser's"....WTF?!

Well, I'll have you know that I'm a serene, placid, and peace-loving person, so I ignored what he said.  I acted as if he said nothing.  Hm, why can't you just say THAT to my face then??

I don't know if it's just me, or the tension in the office is indeed rising. 

Oh well, we'll see how things will play out.  If he won't play nice, then I won't hesitate to go down and dirty.  If it's war he wants, then it's war he shall get~ 

I'm just focusing my mind on pleasant things...like the Halloween party~  and the newly-opened Krispy Kreme...and payday~! hahaha~


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