Good News?Kai?Kiss?Forget?Jinjja?

Well as I was still online today my clanmate just posted something in our group in facebook and he said it was something about a good news.

Then I ask him to tag the link to me and this is what EXO or rather Kai biased are waiting for. Right???


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I don't know where Kai said it but I'm guessing it was in 'Sukira Radio' thingy since he was talking with Ryeowook.

I'm also guessing that Kai biased out there are happy hearing or rather reading that Kai have forgotten the kiss scene. So I'm hoping that if Kai forgot about it you guys should too.



I'm not the kind of person who would wants to burst your happiness bubble here but would Kai really forget that scene easily, I mean come on?

But since it did came from Kai's mouth that he already did then I'm sure it's true. 




By the way I wasn't gonna post this video but since Kai had spread happiness then let Baekhyun spread some smile on you faces as he attempts to do GWIYOMI...(awww My Baek is so cute doing it...this urge inside me that just wanna pinch his freakin cheeks)


(just click the link ok because I'm using my Ipad and I can't post the video or that box direct video thingy that I did before) urhggg so hard to explain uhmmm just enjoy *to much good news for one day my human body can't take it well better transform into a wolf later..hahaha kiddinh. :D


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